Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5645: :Split

Calabash Fairy City.

There are many elite immortal families in the city, and the immortal families gathered here. Although it is still quiet at the moment, there is obviously a sense of depression and crisis imminent. Everyone can't sit still, but there is no wedding reception. The joy that is about to be there.

The lights are still the same, but the irony is that there is no such atmosphere in the entire fairy city, because there is still one day before the wedding day. Most of the people who come are pawns, and the immortals of the great immortals are only Qing Li Yu following us. came back.

Qing Liyu originally had a stern face, but when he saw the scene before him, he turned his eyebrows down: "I have heard that Calabash Fairy City has been quite successful these days, but I still underestimated it. I think I won't lose to anyone. Xianzong in Xiandi."

"Qing Li Xianzun praised." I smiled, and we have made up on the road. Although Qing Li Yu still has a lot of opinions on me, he at least knows that the marriage is fake, but it is actually to attract the immortals. It is true that the empress who comes to save the world is true, and she doesn't aim at me so much.

And at this time, Sun Keer, Taihua Jun, Meng Xue Jun and other immortal families were here to greet us. They all saw my brows stretched out one by one, but from the wrinkles traces, we can see that the past few days have been suffering. .

The marriage matter came from Liudao. I didn’t notify them directly, but if they could make it like this, they believed in me. Of course, Qing Weixin and Liu Lisha and other girls obviously had some Can't accept it, looking at me and Yun Shangxian behind them in a daze.

It seems that they have also noticed that they are receiving other kinds of attention. Qing Li Mo and Liu Daoche are obviously a little uncomfortable. After all, the protagonists of this marriage are them, even if they know it is fake, it can be somewhat embarrassing.

Yun Shangxian is very generous. She is quite lofty in terms of her identity. She is used to seeing scenes, so her smiling expression is generous and decent.

Along the way, I have handed the first half of the basic training methods to Yun Shangxian, Qing Li Mo, and Liu Dao Che. They also used the fastest speed to master and learn. Of course, they must immediately apply what they have learned, even if they can It can be used in a day or two.

"That's it, what is Big Brother Xia going to do?" Sun Ke'er explained the whole process of monitoring the Taiqing ruins, worrying in her heart.

"Now the shock wave has caused the continent to shift from its original position, and even blown away by the shock wave. Even we are a little hard to protect ourselves. I am afraid it is time to blow up the second half, temporarily let the energy control the impact, and remove it first. What do you think of the power of the impact?" I asked.

When I entered the Calabash City, I had already seen the situation of the Taiqing ruins with my own eyes. The entire continent was offset by about seventy or eighty degrees. The original tilt has long disappeared. Now it has become a horizontal. If it is not resolved quickly, it will be very It might instead blow the shock wave back to Zen Daotian.

Even if you can't save yourself at that time, the extinction will still come.

"Brother Xia thinks the same as me. If it wasn't for Brother Xia no longer, would I have let the immortals activate the mechanism and crack the interface of the Taiqing site." Sun Keer nodded.

"Well, if it breaks into two halves, I will personally deal with the remaining half of the Taiqing ruins to block the road, but I am afraid that it will be resigned to the fate." I smiled bitterly, and then looked at Qingli. The elites of Xiandi, after all speaking about the control of Jie Li, in addition to the dungeon immortals led by Sun Keer, there are also the elites of Qingli Xiandi who are good at blocking interface cracks, and they must count on their help.

At this time, in addition to our fairy family in Calabash City, I saw Qingli Xianzun with the Qingli elite standing on my side. Of course, the other fairyland elites stopped hiding and tucked, and they said hello to themselves. Identity, one must participate in the salvation of the world.

"Qingli Immortal Venerable, our Celestial Immortal Venerable will come. It's just a long journey, but it's already half way."

"Yes, yes, we know the wind Buddha is also about to arrive, and just returned to the Dao."

Qing Liyu snorted and said, "Not to mention that the marriage is only one day, and the world is about to be extinct now, but the immortals of you are still waiting and watching. It's a bit too much. Quickly let you immortals lead the elite. , Otherwise, as soon as the World Exterminator opens, if we don’t finish playing here, how many days can you live longer than us?"

"That's that, Qingli Immortal Venerable, don't worry, Immortal Venerable only led the large army, so we have to follow the large army's itinerary. Let's come first, let’s see what we have ordered, and then we will send back to each of the immortals. Yes."

"Yes, as Wu Daoyou said, we Xianzun Limo and Daozi already know the current situation."

A group of immortals immediately became conscientious and began to transmit their voices incessantly. Qing Li Yu hugged his hands and watched this scene proudly, but he stood on my side, which saved me a lot of effort.

"The situation is extremely urgent at the moment. I am afraid that the coordination and scheduling of the immortals in the nine places will be troubled by Qingli Immortal Venerable. Below, he will control the immortal family of Gourd Xiancheng and jointly deal with the Taixian ruins. I don’t know Qingli. How about Xianzun?" I suggested.

"Since City Lord Xia has set a plan to save the world, he must go all out." Qing Li Xianzun nodded.

"In addition, I also want to second the elites of Xianzun, after I have destroyed half of the interface and will rush down to our land of the Nine Immortals, after the shock wave temporarily intercepts, plug and repair the loopholes in the interface, I wonder?" Asked.

After looking at his sister, Qing Li Xianzun nodded again: "So, they will all obey you at that time, and even use a certain place, even if they are as straightforward as they are now."

"Thank you." I can't help but be grateful. This time has reached a critical juncture. I didn't expect this shock wave to break my seven-day conjecture so quickly. This marriage must also be stale, and saving the world is the top priority.

"Master, what should we do if we are too subtle?" Taiwei Miaolan has been in an inconspicuous position, but she is already the Xianzun of the too subtle fairyland. There are many elites, and she even stands behind her. The vice-lord Ji Reunion and Xian Qing had also waited a long time ago. After all, the realm of Taoism is cherished, and the critical moment has a big effect.

So I said: "Miaolan, you are the elite, follow the dispatch of Qingli Xianzun. Friends Ji and Dao Xian, as well as all the Dao friends who have enlightened the Taoist realm, will follow me to the rift in the plane."

A group of immortal families all responded, and then they began to divide their troops into several routes, and each went busy.

Sun Keer began to let the immortal people of the underground city immediately transmit a sound message to the immortal family who was in the underground formation of the Taiqing site, and was ready to activate the split interface of the great formation.

A mighty salvation movement officially kicked off.

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