Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5646: : Detailed

Standing above Kunpeng and the many immortal families in the realm of enlightenment, they heard the sound of the earth cracking from a distance, and of course they felt unusually shocked in their hearts. At this time, the surrounding enlightenment weather has been constantly surging. Everywhere is the aura of the Dao rushing down, so that we can't move forward half a minute!

The rumbling sound reverberated throughout the world, and the changes in the veins of the earth were of course extremely terrifying. Earthquakes and turbulent auras were everywhere. If this was a piece of fertile soil, I am afraid that the landslides and landslides would cause various celestial phenomena to come.

It takes time for the huge Taiqing site to be broken into two pieces. After all, the earth is too vast. Even if the arrays are activated together, it will take time to ferment. It is too early for me to use multiple causality. For causal phagocytosis to work, of course it can't be used directly on the surface. It also requires strong energy sustenance. For example, the earth vein energy exposed after fracture is the best medium.

So we stood in the distance to observe the situation of the entire continent, and it was good for us to take effect at the best time.

As for the Immortal Family of the Taoist Realm behind me, they are holding their breath now. Their role is to make some attack aids where the multi-causal interaction cannot reach. After all, the power of the Taoist Realm is still very powerful, and they are also They are all powerful magic immortals, and there is no problem with detonating energy.

At that time, there will be a dozen or even dozens of places where my multi-causal interaction will be ignited. This is equivalent to a spark. Their task is to protect the spark from gradually burning and ensure that the abandoned land can be completely detonated. , Became the key to stop the shock wave and dissolve the interface, otherwise the immortals of Qingli Xiandi and Gourd Xiancheng would not be able to repair the boundary wall.

"City Lord Xia, the materials for patching up the sky have already begun to go to the locations of the cracks."

"City Master Xia, a certain family has already let several familiar immortals meet first, and will help you at that time. It is the Eastern Emperor's side. For the time being, I can't get in touch. Someone is worried."

"Brother Xia, there is no movement in the Immortal Land of the Eastern Emperor, maybe it is still in the Immortal Land of the Eastern Emperor."

The preparation process after everyone's separate actions continued to report to my ears, and I gradually breathed a sigh of relief in my heart. At least it is going well now. If only the East Emperor Xiandi has a problem, just send one or two Xiandi. Interception is enough. I only hope that the immortals of all parties will not make trouble. This crisis of salvation is to save themselves. I am not actually worried about the immortals of Jiuxiandi, but what worries me most is the situation on the side of God of Hua.

This guy has lost the Chaoszi and has been wandering around the place where the Three Evil Immortals are closed. Without that Chaoszi, he can't make the Gemini destroy the world, so I am afraid that he will have a moth at a critical moment.

But everything can't be so coincidental, at least there is no news from Xia Ruize and Li Poxiao, they are not moving, which means that there may be no danger in saving the world.

However, sometimes I really want to think about something. When the extinction is about to begin, things really come out, and an old fairy’s voice quickly reaches my ears: "Master...Master..."

"It's you?" My heart jumped. Upon hearing this voice, I recognized that it was my newly acquired old disciple Jiang Yushu.

"It's me, Master!" Jiang Yushu was overwhelmed with surprise. He probably didn't expect to be able to communicate with me during the Thousand Miles of Voice Transmission, so he hurriedly said: "The disciple thought he couldn't contact the Master, but he didn't expect to try it. pass……"

"If you have something to say quickly, didn't you let you break into Limoxian Land and be a spy? I haven't seen you for a long time, what's the progress?" I asked immediately.

"Master, this Limo Xianzun really can't get in there, but the disciple has not humiliated his mission, but has kept up with Daozi Limo! After all, Daozi Limo is new, and his power is not consolidated. This disciple is able to prove the realm of Taoism, hehe , And with your help, the reply was seven or eight, and immediately in front of the kid..." Jiang Yushu said quickly.

I interrupted his pretense and asked directly, "Li Mo Daozi Li Poxiao? What are you doing with him? Where are you now?"

"The disciple is with Li Daozi now..." Jiang Yushu said in a puzzled tone, and I pinched my eyebrows, unavoidably shocked, and said suddenly: "Since the sound transmission can be here, you mean Li Dawn is nearby?"

"Yes, after we came to Zuojin, we heard that the master had gone to the second half of the Taixianjie site, and the disciples saw Li Daozi and Donghuang approaching, and also reported the master..." Jiang Yushu said quickly .

"What? Why did Li Poxiao and Donghuang get together? Where did they go?" My heart is tight, what is the Donghuang doing? Meet Li Poxiao at this time?

"Xianzun Limo went to Calabash Fairy City, didn't they? They made two heads of thought. I saw the Donghuang here anyway, but I don’t know what they’re making. My disciple found it strange, so I first asked Master for advice. No?" Jiang Yushu said blankly.

"You continue to follow. If anything happens, report me immediately!" In my heart, I felt that something was going to happen. This sneaky Donghuang would never come to save the world, so I was afraid that he would cause some trouble. At that time, I will ignore the head and the tail.

"Master, rest assured, as long as this Li Daozi discusses with Donghuang what is not good for you, the disciple will report it in time!" Jiang Yushu said quickly.

"Well, be careful not to expose it." I thought Donghuang would take advantage of this opportunity to seize the sky and the gods heaven soldiers?

Thinking of this, I immediately transmitted the sound to Yun Shangxian, Liu Daoche, and Qing Li Mo to make them be careful about what the Eastern Emperor might do. Besides, I thought for a while and tried to transmit the sound to Xia Ruize. Li Poxiao and Donghuang mingled together, Xia Ruize would never do nothing, right?

"Oh, one day, why did you suddenly transmit your voice to your eldest brother? The eldest brother is here, here, Jie Jie..." Now Xia Ruize's yin and yang smile always makes me chuckle for no reason: "You really are here too! "

"One day, what are you talking about? How can your eldest brother not come to support you for such a big thing? This is not, to help you... elder brother also personally picked up the three masters, do you think the eldest brother is enough? Jie Jie... There is a big brother here, just do what you are going to do, and big brother will not let you down." Xia Ruize said this, my blood pressure rushed to my forehead, and my whole person was petrified. .

Meng Xuejun seemed to see my face suddenly changed, and he asked quickly: "One day, what's wrong? Is something important?"

"Hiss..." I took a deep breath. If what Xia Ruize said is true, then it is really going to happen!

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