Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5668: : Baye

Monarch Mengxue and Monarch Taihua were also very anxious. After the law was sealed, they didn't know what to do. All the immortal families did not dare to block the road here, they could only rush down the mountain all the way, only the immortal of the Taoist realm. The family is still thinking of ways.

But in a world suppressed by laws, it is difficult to make any effective response. There are still many Faxians here, and no one knows where the enemies are. The helpers on the Eastern Emperor's side are all confused, and they actually helped. Donghuang's, the truth that his master told them now made it difficult for them to tell what to do.

Even if they were helpful, Mengxue Jun and Taihua Jun, even Liuli Sha, Qing Weixin and the others were beaten back, but Yun Shangxian, Qing Li Mo, and Liu Daoche all fell to the ground and struggled, showing pain. Emoji, they don't know how to solve it.

Li Poxiao and I rushed all the way to the top of the mountain. Originally, the Eastern Emperor who rushed up to the top of the mountain by swordsmanship, but now the Eastern Emperor is gone, because he himself is the underground picture itself! So Li Poxiao and I rushed all the way, trying to cut through the ground map all the way!

But this picture is not affected by our attack at all, destroying the continued regeneration, and constantly extracting the veins of Yun Shangxian and others. This inevitably makes me feel extremely impatient, using the super road method extremely anxiously, but it is not cool. The super road method, even if it runs according to the original casting trajectory, it is difficult to complete the reconstruction of the law. This is the product of the formation of the body law.

Seeing Yun Shangxian knelt on the ground with an axe in his hand, and the veins on his body gradually blurred, I hurriedly looked at Monarch Mengxue and said, "Grab the three treasures in their hands!!"

Monarch Mengxue repulsed the stubborn supporters of the Eastern Emperor, and rushed to grab the axe in Yun Shangxian's hand at the moment, but instantly bounced out with a shock wave. Monarch Mengxue fell from the sky and said, "No. , I can't control this treasure! Come on!"

Jun Taihua also hurriedly grabbed the sky in Qing Li Mo's hand, but the result was still the same: "Oh, I have also taken away the old veins. How can this be done?"

Monarch Mengxue and Monarch Taihua both have their bodies hidden in the Daoji space, so they are now the deities, and even they can't help them. No one can take away these three treasures.

I looked at Li Poxiao. By this time we had reached the top of the mountain in a blink of an eye, but at this moment, the effect of the law of blockade has greatly increased, even if it is close, it makes people feel like they are under pressure.

"Girl Yun!" I hurriedly called, but Yun Shangxian was already in a state of unconsciousness. The knuckles and songs in her hand were not under her control at all, but just when I wanted to do something, Yun Shangxian The corner of his mouth suddenly sneered: “City Lord Xia, don’t bother anymore. You can’t solve the emperor’s plan for so many years. For many years, Yun Shangxian’s veins have mostly been cultivated to achieve me. In other words, he Since half of it belongs to my network, so now the emperor wants to get it back, do you think she can refuse?"

"Donghuang, have something to say! What do you want? I will help you fulfill your wish, as long as the lives of the three of them are left!?" I hurriedly said. At this moment, Li Poxiao and I have been cleaned up outside. Donghuang’s minions, but now standing on the periphery of the mountain, there are only three women in front of them.

"Haha...this emperor's wish?" Donghuang's voice came from Yun Shangxian's mouth. This voice was already somewhat ghosted. It was Yun Shangxian's voice and his own voice, and Yun Shangxian It was already a little blurry, and the appearance of Donghuang gradually separated and reorganized from Yun Shangxian's body, as if it was divided into two.

The veins that formed the Donghuang were not only Yun Shangxian himself. The veins in the bodies of Qing Li Mo and Liu Daoche also extended from the underground formation to the feet of the Donghuang, gradually becoming part of his body veins.

Li Poxiao and I looked at each other and didn’t know what to do for a while, because even though we two experienced countless things, we had never seen such a way of achieving one person by combining three people, and Donghuang’s appearance became even more true. Unusually handsome, under the eyes of the dragon eyebrows, the skin is white and snowy with sheep fat, and those eyes even have the unique characteristics of the three women. This kind of Donghuang is more perfect than the original Donghuang.

Now I believe that Yun Shangxian’s veins have always been the hands and feet of the Eastern Emperor. After so many rebirths, he has completely improved Yun Shangxian’s veins and even matches his own veins, or It is his own veins that have been continuously cultivating to the extent that it is integrated with Yunshangxian's innate veins!

That's why he is more handsome than the Eastern Emperor of that generation!

Qing Li Mo and Liu Daoche’s cultivation techniques and their own unique innate nine sub-channels have also stolen the Eastern Emperor’s pattern of Zhaoyun Shangxian. As for the treasures, they used cultivation as an opportunity to start. This picture is used to carry out a series of conspiracy.

Therefore, everything I saw before me is step by step, and there is no summary of missing links at all!

The Eastern Emperor cultivated his veins into the state of linking and starting the scrolls, and Qing Li Mo and Liu Daoche also cultivated such veins, so relying on this picture, they will eventually reach the trinity of the veins because of the protection and re-merging. Status, which is the complete blueprint that complements Donghuang's design!

As for Yun Shangxian’s vein itself after years of rebirth in the stone city, it is tantamount to cultivating its own vein for the Eastern Emperor. In this way, with this picture, the Eastern Emperor will complete the true transformation and reach the true Three Ways. One.

The three ways of innate way, underground way, and reincarnation will give him a power that no one has ever had before.

"The emperor wants the land of the nine immortals to obey the emperor's orders! The emperor wants to wash away the shame of the year!" The Dong emperor uttered a low cry, and bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes.

Li Poxiao lowered his eyebrows, and then said: "One day, I don't care about such ambitious people. The three girls can't be exchanged for their lives. I'm afraid to make a decision."

"No!" I refused Li Poxiao's proposal without any hesitation. He suggested that I couldn't do it, and end the lives of Yun Shangxian, Qing Li Mo, and Liu Daoche unless I was crazy!

"Tsk, then quickly find a solution! Is it possible to wait until the Eastern Emperor completes the integration of the context, merges the three treasures, and fights back with an axe?" Li Poxiao stood on the edge of the mountain and was ready to attack, giving me this To refuse altogether, you can only grit your teeth and wait.

"Emperor! I will help you complete your hegemony! Or whatever! As long as you can save their lives!" I immediately confessed, as long as I can save three women at this time, I can't care much.

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