Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5669: :spirit

"One day! At this time you are still helping the conspirator for your children's affair? The three girls are innocent, but how can the immortal family in the Land of the Nine Immortals sacrifice?" Li Poxiao glared at me, and then moved towards with his sword. The Donghuang who has condensed its shape.

"Li Poxiao! Don't come here!" I gritted my teeth and stopped in front of him with my sword.

Seeing this scene, the Donghuang laughed out of the enchantment: "Hehe...City Master Xia is really passionate. These three women are indeed beautiful and worthy of the identity of City Master Xia. They must also like Xia very much. City Lord, right? If City Lord Xia and the three girls can get married, the emperor would actually be very happy, but unfortunately, they are destined to be the emperor in this life... Don’t say whether you are qualified, even if you can really give The land of the emperor’s nine immortals can make the emperor become the overlord of the sky, but the emperor has no way to return the three girls to the lord of Xia..."

"One day! Did you hear that!? This guy is a lunatic! When will he wait if he is immortal now!" Li Poxiao did not hesitate anymore, and stepped on the ground with his toes, like a Li Xuan arrow, coming towards the Emperor!

"No!" I condensed my eyebrows and blocked Li Poxiao's offensive with a sword, but my aging body was unable to block Li Poxiao's heyday. After all, there was no way for the nine sons to come. At this moment, we are using our most primitive power!

Boom! I pushed back for a few steps, and Li Poxiao immediately blasted the small sky sword at me!

I didn’t hesitate anymore, the sword’s position lined up, the sword realm was pushed and moved, the Huajian was released in search of a gap, and Li Poxiao’s small sky sword was pushed back. He was also a little angry at this time, and said angrily: "Three The girl can't be saved! Your stopping me will only make things worse!"

"What do you know?! Do you think I did nothing?!" My face was ugly to the extreme. Seeing the three girls blurry, I was also helpless, but I was also waiting for a miracle. Visible hope comes!

It worked for the three girls to rewrite the context! So I definitely can't let Li Poxiao destroy the bodies of the three girls now!

"Variety!" Li Poxiao snorted angrily, and immediately performed the thirteenth form of the sword of punishment, and the sword shadow rushed over the sky instantly!

"The sky Wuji!" I was not to be outdone, and the ninth style of the nine-style magical move was released. In an instant, a bright light directed at him and moved away, absorbing and involving all the sword light. Dao Caihong's light brushed Li Poxiao's body. He can't use Immortal Transformation now, so his face is inevitably gloomy. After all, even if I use Immortal Transformation, it can't stop my last move!

The two of us fought a number of moves, and the East Emperor's body gradually formed. Seeing us fighting swords here, he immediately clapped his hands: "It is so wonderful, the emperor has to feel that the strong under the sky is like a forest. , The two are powerful, our land of the nine immortals is even invincible, swordsmanship can be described as the emperor has only seen the land of the nine immortals for many years, but do you know? You are like this, where is the emperor’s face? As embarrassed as this year, you all appeared on the stage one by one, Mieshixian, Huashenjun, and you, haha... Really thought that you have eaten the emperor? Do you all look down on the emperor? And promised to the emperor. Domination? Really ridiculous..."

"Shut up! If they die, I will kill you thousands of times!" I inevitably scolded savagely.

"Xia! One! God! Don't you let me go!?" After Li Poxiao avoided my last move, he immediately raised his eyebrows to speed up the attack rhythm, the small sky sword in his hand was constantly changing, and his eyes burst into golden shots. Strong light, this is a different sword spiritization in peacetime, and after completing the sword spiritization, his power is equal to the state of complete explosion, which is the forced activation bonus of the twelve chapters of the sky sword. The attack mode also means that he doesn't plan to entangle with me anymore!

"I've already said it, let you wait!" I watched Li Poxiao fully armored with the sword spirit, and I knew it would be impossible if I couldn't exert my full strength in my current state, so I couldn't control my body as it was about to light up. After all the oil is dry, all the 18 veins are activated, and the power immediately follows the top, and the good fortune on the belt also continuously transmits energy into the veins, making my strength soar!

"Are you crazy? Wait longer! I'm afraid of losing more people! Don't forget, besides the three girls in front of you! There is another important person beside you! You don't look at what you are now!" Li Poxiao Angrily, he estimated that he was also afraid that a sword would blow down, forcing my vitality to exhaust quickly, so even if the sword became spirited, he did not immediately attack.

"Haha... That's right. Although the emperor is not afraid of your attacks, it still takes some time. You can fight as much as you like and pass the time for the emperor. Then the emperor will condense into a body and use treasures. To save you from detachment, so as to avoid your pain." Donghuang sneered.

When Li Poxiao confronted me, Jun Taihua and Jun Mengxue were anxious, and immediately rushed forward, seeming to want to attack the Eastern Emperor, but they were stopped by Qing Liyu. Qing Liyu was already very nervous at the moment. I didn't know that he could not stop him as a Faxian, because he was afraid that he had already screamed. Now that her sister is in critical condition, he is obviously extremely worried.

I shook my head, Taihua Jun could only constrict his eyebrows and stop talking.

"One day, it's time to make a decision now..." Meng Xue Jun looked sympathetic.

My heart will inevitably sink. What Meng Xuejun said is right. Actually, I also know that the situation of the three girls is lackluster. I just hold on to my little hope of changing their veins. If things continue to drag on , It will only make the situation more ugly.

"Xia...Big Brother..."

And just as my heart turned a thousand times, Qing Li Mo's voice suddenly came.

"Girl Qingli!" I hurriedly turned my head to look at Qing Li Mo. At this moment, her expression was painful, her face was extremely pale, her veins seemed to have taken her time, her skin was as transparent as jade.

"Moer...what should I do...Moer...so painful..." Qing Li Mo's voice trembled and weak, as if she had drained her strength.

My heart felt like a huge boulder, and I couldn't breathe for a while, but I hurriedly said: "Cut off the absorbed veins and protect them! I will surely bring you back to life! Can you do it!? "

Donghuang stood in the middle of the three women, his expression also gloomy, as if he did not understand why Qing Li Mo could reflect at this time: "It seems that this is the moment that City Lord Xia is waiting for? The emperor underestimated you. ."

"Big Brother Xia..." At this time, Liu Daoche also seemed to have seized a glimmer of life, making me immediately energized.

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