Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5926: : Cluster

"Why didn't Dad say it earlier? Then we have a share in this hunting beast! How do you say this little brother is our own?!" The young man hurriedly shouted, also reminding the remaining hunters to make good prices and don't mess around. After all, they also scored the last one.

When the young man was about to stand on my side, the other party was of course unhappy. The middle-aged woman said in a cold voice, "Lao Sheng, according to you, how much jade is needed? You Sheng family, can't you be too greedy? Now it’s not that your Sheng family killed these seven horned beasts, but it’s just a suggestion, how much is it worth? We are also a team of hunters, and your Sheng family is involved in this foreign division of our jade, that’s too Excessive, right?"

"Sister Han, how do we think this way? It's just that it might be unfair to drive 120 jade, plus our Sheng family also suffers losses?" the middle-aged man said hurriedly.

"Okay, then give him one hundred and fifty jade, shouldn't that be enough? You can buy a few Beasts! The remaining swords and spears, we will accompany you one each, how about?" Gritted his teeth and said.

Upon hearing this, I figured it out, looked around and said, "Why not? The price of a hundred jade remains the same, but I want a beast of wind and a set of equipment you wear. After all, I don’t have this wind. It’s not easy to find my aunt for the beast and equipment."

When these hunters heard this, they hesitated or were eager to try.

"Of course it's used as fifty jade? So..."

"Old He, don't be greedy, there is still a long way from the big city here, if you don't have the wind beast and equipment, it's hard to say whether you can go back!"

"That is, unless someone trusts you to take you for a ride, you have to consider whether something will happen midway."

Everyone heard these words, and it was inevitable that there was a little more consideration on his face, but the young man from the Sheng family quickly said: "Brother, I am in the same figure as you, and my Beast Beast came out this time and bought it as a new one. I'll give you fifty jade, and that's it for me and my family. If this is the case, everyone will be okay, right?"

Given this, everyone has no problem. Of course, it is quite difficult for hunters to take out a hundred jade currency. Everyone put together a part of each other, including Shengjia also took out their own shares. , Which is equivalent to buying the corpses of seven horned beasts.

I weighed the one hundred jade in the bag. It was the size of a fingernail, and each piece was biyingying. I didn’t know what it was. However, looking at their treasured expressions, I put it away for the time being. After all, I can’t use it. Let's try to detect the mystery of it, so let's treat it as normal currency for the time being. After all, although the US dollar is valuable, isn't it a piece of paper?

The young man surnamed Sheng took off the hunter’s emblem on the armor, and then gave me the equipment. After watching me put it on, he taught me how to use the mechanism, and then removed the household items of the wind beast and let me try it. This pair of feet clasps the skill of the wind beast armor, not to mention, although the equipment on this body is quite heavy, it does not hinder the movement, and once the mechanism is fitted, it is stable and stable, this wind beast is chaotic like a giant ape I couldn't get rid of me even if I jumped, no wonder this hunter had to have a wind beast to deal with a large monster.

Using alien beasts to deal with alien beasts is the most reasonable way.

After the transaction was completed, these hunters began to take out some things to dismember the beast.

I don’t plan to make friends with them. After all, the hunter specializes in hunting fierce beasts. I still have important things to do, so I didn’t ask for the name. I only asked the approximate location of the big city. I went to find Xia Canglan with the fierce wind beast. Up.

I don't know where Xia Canglan went, so I can only run around in the wild, and I don't know how long it takes to run, and the starry night will come.

The night here is completely different from the daytime. It looks purple and gray, and there are colorful aurora in the sky. Even if there is no moonlight, it looks very clear, but in this area where the plains and mountains meet, I still haven’t reached the end, even It's like going around here.

And just when I was about to continue searching, the speed of the wind beast at my feet was getting slower and slower, and it didn’t take long for it to stop. Even if I continued to drive it, it remained unmoved. It seemed to be exhausted. Up.

I could only touch the mechanism under my feet and jumped down. The wind beast had already started to eat the raised crystal blocks on the ground. It seemed to be hungry and thirsty. I could only stop and wait for it to eat and rest. I can not rest, but this strange animal still needs to rest.

Moreover, no matter how fast I ran, I was not as fast as a wind beast, so I sat on the ground for a while with the intention of sharpening the knife and not cutting wood by mistake.

This wild beast is worthy of the standard equipment for hunters. After running for a short period of time, it only takes half an hour to rest to have a vigorous expression. I think this is a good deal, but I still underestimate the dark night in this place, before the night There were several weird shadows in the sky, but I didn't care about it, but at night, the shadows rushed down from the sky, and the huge claws grabbed me and the Wind Beast!

Of course I avoided it in an instant, even if it was a piercing sound, it was harsh to me. As for the Wind Beast itself, it was very alert, so it immediately jumped away from the attack.

Each of these flying beasts has five or six meters of wings, eight weird eyeballs, and no feathers all over the body. The wings are like the wing membrane of a bat, and the sense of power is extremely oppressive when inciting.

Seeing that the Wind Beast can easily avoid the attacks of these flying beasts, I immediately stepped on the mechanism with my two feet, and directly let the Wind Beast lead me to fly, and the seven or eight flying beasts rushed over, or circled and flew to me. Dive attack from the front and back, or diagonally from the left and right sides, all kinds of attacks come!

I was riding on the wind beast. The four-clawed beast was really agile, and could lean on the edge of the attack every time. I could take the opportunity to cut off the wings of these flying beasts with a sword. It was really convenient!

Even seeing me cut down two flying beasts, the Wind Beast did not continue to flee, but began to go around in circles to prepare me to kill the remaining flying beasts. This thing did have extremely high intelligence.

But this may be my wishful thinking. After playing for a few laps, I found out that the wind beast's eyes were glowing blue. It was not because of understanding me, but staring at the flying beast without wings on the ground, Harazi. It's all in the air. It can be seen that the four-clawed beast is just hungry. It seems that eating soil is nothing but a helpless act. It eats meat after all.

These flying beasts are not very intelligent and want to eat us, so even if they know they are invincible, the moths will rush to the fire, but the biological instinct is not without them. After leaving four disabled, the group just flew away.

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