Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5927: : Yulong

Jumping down from the wind beast, I cut off the head of the flying beast that was still struggling on the ground with a single sword. However, to my surprise, the wind beast did not come for eating meat, but kept licking and licking it to me. The severed neck of the flying beast greedily swallowed its blue blood, but did not intend to eat a bite of meat.

Seeing this scene, I inevitably fell into contemplation. Not to mention running over this section of the road, I also discovered the characteristics of this area, that is, there is no water source that humans cannot lack! Even if you see a river-like existence, it is just a hot river like blue magma. Although this thing is close to not hot, it may not be able to be imported, because it exudes a strong smell of Qiongtian, I There is no doubt that if you drink it, you must die, so these rivers are no different.

This soil can be eaten, but water cannot be drunk. This is indeed a very strange place.

What should ordinary people do to solve the problem of drinking water? Perhaps the answer lies in the blue blood of these murderers. I took a look at the two large kettles still hung on the Biaofeng Beast. These were not taken by the young man from the Sheng family. It is probably inconvenient for me to be alone. , And they all need water or something at a glance.

However, now I saw the behavior of the Beast Wind Beast, but I didn’t think so. After opening the kettle that was still about half a half old, I really smelled a trace of blood, and poured some to the ground. As expected, it was the blood of some kind of beast. , And it is no different from the blood of these flying beasts and horned beasts.

It seems that there is no such thing as a source of water in this world. Perhaps the people here have survived by drinking blood.

To prove this, I hesitated and gave myself a sip. In this world of barren trees and vegetation, this sip of blood is actually more refreshing than a breath of fresh air. Now I understand this. Habits of local life!

Drinking blood like jelly makes people feel very comfortable all over, just like taking a sip of carbonated drink in the desert, and the fairy air entangles the body. It is really uncomfortable, and there is even the urge to drink a few more mouthfuls, but I am not greedy. Instead, he tasted the blood of these flying beasts, but the taste was obviously much bitter.

It seemed that the blood looked the same, but it was obviously not the case. Of course, I couldn't help shaking the kettle without giving up the research. There seemed to be something clanging in it. It seemed the same as I guessed, this kettle. Riga added something.

I quickly filtered the blood of the kettle to another empty kettle, so that the leftovers could be poured out of the kettle with foreign objects. I don't know, it really is a green jade! It's the kind of jasper for nails I received before! It’s just that this jade is obviously only one-fourth the size, and it’s mixed with the blood of the beasts, which may have some kind of chemical effect; so the reason why this thing can become currency is to neutralize the bitterness in the blood and make these beasts. The blood is sweet and fragrant!

In order to prove this, I immediately killed another severely wounded flying beast, filled the gourd with blood, and threw in a brand new jade.

Unsurprisingly, the blood added with Jasper quickly produced a lot of bubbles like carbonated drinks. In the mouth, it was as refreshing as sweet soda.

A jade can be sweetened to a pot of blood, which is very cost-effective. After drinking the blood, it makes me feel a lot more energetic. This should be regarded as a physical supplement, even if I am a ghost body. , So I quickly filled a pot. Of course, I didn’t miss a jade to the Beast Beast. It’s a pity that this guy doesn’t love me at all. It seems that it doesn’t need this jade, that is, human beings are eager for the taste. .

The fresh world is always fascinating, but when I decided to look for my aunt in the direction of Dacheng, I don’t know how far away, Lan Yan soared into the sky, there is no doubt that the hunter over there has encountered it. Some kind of terrible beast's attack, now it is either asking for help or fleeing.

Xia Canglan has lived here for many years, maybe there is also Lanyan? Thinking about this in my heart, I immediately slapped Fengfeng Beast and hurriedly rushed towards it.

It is precisely the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Xia Canglan is not in the smoke, but a few familiar faces, struggling in the battle, the middle-aged person of the Sheng family is still there, but his face is full of anxiety, and it turns out Of the nine hunters, only four or five are still fighting a fierce beast that is larger than the horned beast, and the rest have no idea where they have gone!

This fierce beast has huge chamfered horns, and the rainbow in its eyes flashes. Except for a pair of fleshy wings, like a fan, the hurricane hits frequently. The remaining leather armor is full of small spikes. The body is not only slender, but also has a tail. With a bunch of blades! Just by looking at it, you know it's hard to deal with!

Sure enough, where it swept its tail like a hammer, it was uniformly uniform as if the land had been plowed, and the weight of a hill meant that its attack was sweeping towards a large area.

In addition to the pangolins that look like flying, a few hunters can't fight back at all, and it is extremely difficult to escape!

It stands to reason that Lanyan can block the line of sight of the beast, so that everyone can disperse, but it has no effect on this beast. The wide range of attacks and the ability to fly makes it the overlord of the sky, and the hunter has only one way to destroy it.

"Ah! Brother Xia!?" The middle-aged man exclaimed.

"Help! Help! Brother, help us! This is Yutian Jialong!"

The shouting aroused blood, the imperial dragon roared immediately, and then stood up. It was lying on the ground just thinking it was big enough, but when it stood up, it was almost higher than the mountain, plus that The double fleshy wings instigated the strong wind, which is simply a storm generator, which is not something normal humans can deal with, and these hunters should be beaten to nothing!

I took a deep breath, and I was about to urge the Biaofeng Beast under my feet to save people. However, the Biaofeng Beast lost his temper and ran away in fright. It was obviously scared!

Seeing that my Beast Wind Beast did not listen to orders, the middle-aged Sheng family hurriedly shouted: "It is scared! Poke the red scales behind its neck! Make it angry!"

"Nishin?" I couldn't help being curious. I looked at the scales on the back of the wind beast's neck. As expected, there was a small piece of different color. I immediately slammed at the scale with my sword. Although I didn't hurt it very well, it also let The eyes of the Wind Beast changed color, and he immediately turned his head and pounced on the Yutian Jialong!

This wind beast was hit by Ni-Lan, and he really dared to be angry at the Yutianjialong. It turned out to be a good partner of the hunter. I quickly controlled it to rush towards the Yutianjialong. After a long time of control and learning, I was able to control it. It controlled it as it wanted, rushing from left to right, and it avoided the sweeping attacks of Yutian Jialong several times!

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