Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5957: : Huaren

Rage has stimulated the potential of the Beast Wind Beast, and also exposed its weakness in dealing with the legendary behemoth. No matter how much its physical strength is saved, no matter how I speed up the killing, at most it can only support the time to kill a legendary behemoth. , So I want to run rampant in this barbaric world in the future, I must have a legendary mount!

Lan Shi jumped down from the Master Wind Beast, holding his tired Wind Beast in distress, comforted a few words, and fed some delicious food.

"I didn't expect that one day, I could see a hunter who did not set up any traps, and killed a huge legendary beast alone in an encounter. The size of this imperial dragon is already epic. Come on..." Chu Jiao's face was full of shock and amazement.

In fact, Lan Shi was also frightened. He didn't kill a female beast before me. Now he sees the male beast, and he looks like Chu Jiao: "Don't all the legendary beasts kill like this? Chu Chuanqi, you did it back then. Qing Mo Lin, is it different from the current one?"

Chu Jiao immediately shook her head and said, "How can it be the same? Not to mention that Qing Mo Lin is just a lower-level legend, that is, the blazing fire dragon is about the same size as Qing Mo Lin, and they are all lower-level beasts, the size of half a fleshy wing. Nothing, they don’t even have one-tenth of their size. Although the smaller the size, the fewer the weak points, and the action or agility, but it is as big as the imperial dragon, even if the lower abdomen is all weak, it is not easy to kill. Just now you should I saw it, the valley was swept by the gusty wind, and the roars roared to the sky. In this situation, even I was so shocked that I could not speak, but Legend of Xia was able to perform freely. This is no longer what ordinary legendary hunters can do. And didn't you see it? He was unscathed! Killed a legendary beast unscathed!"

Lan Shi said this, staring at me in a daze, and then said the word "epic" in horror!

"Haha, epic... This may be the occasion. Legend Xia deserves the title of epic, but now, we have to wait for the Hunter Bureau to personally verify it, and with our strength, we must unload the materials of this legendary beast. , I am afraid it is not easy, so let Lan Yan let all the hunters come and see this epic scene." Chu Jiao shook her head and smiled, as if she had decided something.

"Put Lanyan? Isn't it about to be exposed here?" Lan Shi looked at Chu Jiao in surprise.

"Such a big movement will surely arouse the curiosity of the surrounding hunters. Rather than waiting for them to come over, it is better to let everyone come in clusters with the smoke, and you can also strike the iron while it is hot and unload all these materials completely. Let the material exert its due strength. You must know that such a legendary beast can definitely make an excellent armor. As for the exposure, you can always find a way to cover the past." Chu Jiao said lightly.

Lan Shi nodded and said, "In that case, let me do this. It's Ling Fujun..."

Seeing that the man in Chu Jiao’s arms turned like this, and turned the blue rainstorm into blue-purple, he was so strange that even Chu Wei’s expression at the moment was so complicated that he didn’t know whether it was fear or sadness, her father. She is very unfamiliar with the situation, because her mother kept her from seeing her for the best impression, but now it is undoubtedly shocking her nerves.

"Well, taking advantage of the time when the hunters are here when the smoke is released, I should also treat Ling Fujun, so as not to let everyone see him like this, and cause unnecessary doubt and trouble." I proposed.

At this time, the bottom of the mountain was completely destroyed by the Yutian Jialong, including the caves on the mountainside. However, there should be a way into the ground under the ruins of boulders, so you should not ride the giant animal like the wind beast. You can still squeeze into the ground.

After digging up the rocks, Chu Jiao and I found a path that can be used by people to enter the ground. The cave is full of rocks and piles of hills, but fortunately there are still cracks in space. There is endless greed. The space, let alone falling a few stones, even swallowing a mountain is a drop in the ocean.

After instructing Chu Jiao for the next action, I jumped out of the space without hesitation and released the mother worm.

The state of the female worm is not bad. Although the aura of this place is unusual, the ghost gu has its own defensive instinct. It will not easily believe in a certain aura. Besides, I can communicate with it with my mind, so it is just a little nervous. Then it returned to normal.

Seeing this weird and huge female worm, Chu Jiao also sent people down with an attitude of completely trusting me.

In this space, my mana can reach the level of the realm of proof, so in an instant a turbulent force was placed on Chu Jiao’s husband, a layer of light shielded him, and the energy was easily overloaded to him. On the body, in the continuation of his life, his original veins were strengthened and extended. As for the infected areas, I chose to give up, just order the mother worm to swallow them one by one.

After retaining the other party’s thinking and spirit, I force him to extend the appropriate context. This is like adapting the body to grafting. After all, for an existence that does not have much strong cultivation base, I can’t expect him to be able to control something similar to Daojiao. A living body must change its human form, and its cultivation must at least reach the level of demonization.

However, through this contact, I found that even though the hunter here does not have a complex vein like that of a human being, he has a strong energy foundation. This is like a person who does not practice, and his body is full of factors suitable for cultivation, and even his body. After the adaptation of sexual energy, the hunter himself has a strength that mortals and even ordinary immortals can't reach.

This is also the reason for being infected by corrosion, but not immediately dying. You must know that the immortal family who touched this kind of aura and did not have enough cultivation level turned into a huge crystal in an instant, rather than the crystallization of this half-hearted child.

After passively spreading the veins for him, the mother worm gradually swallowed his whole body into the abdomen. After a while, a ghost gu dao catastrophe was born, squirming in front of me. Tentacle, I took out a bunch of immortal crystals, and the ghost gu immediately swallowed them greedily. This is the energy itself, and the husband of Chu Jiao, who has been immortalized by me, already has the ability to transform power. There is no problem with this kind of fairy crystal.

Seeing that the Dao Jie swallowing crystal block full of crown tentacles grew bigger, Chu Jiao was also stunned. Of course, as the Dao Jie began to possess more energy, he could gradually change his arms, even after the face shape. , She was finally relieved, which of course was not far from the human form.

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