Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5958: : Meal

Until the ghost Gu Daojia swallowed enough power and turned into a human body, Chu Jiao couldn't help but rushed down and hugged her husband at once. Although the tears were long gone, but the pain The expression of being mixed with joy means that all her feelings are pinned on the other person.

Entering this space, you will be immediately corroded by the aura. Chu Jiao's strength is not strong, so the energy quickly dissipates, but even so, her situation is not comparable to that of her husband, and I don't need it at all. For her to spread the power to extend the veins that could support the Ghost Gu Daojiao, she simply let the mother worm eat her into her stomach.

After all, Chu Jiao’s husband experienced all this from beginning to end, so it’s not too weird. He just didn’t know what to do with me, so he hesitated, and said in embarrassment, “I don’t know how to thank me. , I just feel that the whole body is suddenly reborn, whether it is the physical strength or the surging in the blood, it is unimaginably powerful...How can we repay your kindness?"

"You don't have to repay me. It's all because you have a good wife. It is your wife. You have used enough chips to trade with me for everything you have now. As for what it is, she will explain it to you. Right now Your state is still very dangerous here, I'll send you out." I waved his hand and sent him out directly.

Chu Jiao's husband has grown to be a talented person. Although he was a little stiff and his own strength was far less than Chu Jiao, he could be regarded as an excellent man. Honestly, where do you find a good man?

And Chu Jiao quickly became the body of Ghost Gu Dao Tribulation, and finally became what she should have been, including that her broken arm also recovered. At this moment, she became even more powerful than before, and she was a ghost again. The Gu Dao Tribulation is definitely better than the equivalent Dao Tribulation. Of course, it is not up to the real level of the Dao Tribulation. At best, they are all born out of the female worms. They are only the children who can survive normally, even 100%. A normal Ghost Gu Dao calamity level can't be reached, but for the average hunter, it is too powerful, at least the defense ability is excellent, and it has broken through the ability of the hunter.

Because there is still the corpse of the Imperial Sky Armored Dragon outside to be processed, the hunters from all parties will gradually gather here, and it is difficult for me to continue staying here with Chu Jiao and his wife. After leaving the space, I asked all kinds of things about the ghost state. After that, I took them out of the cave, and I also used Blazing Dragon Slash to seal the cave again. From the outside, it looked no different from the other areas that had collapsed.

While the hunters had just arrived, they were all studying the body of the Yutian Jialong. Chu Jiao tried her new body. She wore a heroic uniform and waved the weapon in her hand. It came and went like wind, of course. Be tougher in your prime.

His husband Jing Ning by his side also applauded, and even raised a weapon to give Chu Jiao a trick. The couple seemed to have returned to the meeting when they met, or the meeting of the gods and relatives, Chu Wei looked at This scene, of course, was overwhelmingly overjoyed, crying violently. From the original distrust, to the admiration, to the gratitude to me at every stage, this child is a sincere temper and a simple mentality.

Blue Stone commanded the hunters or reported the letter, peeling off the important materials first, and couldn't help but look at us. Of course, he was extremely moved.

Of course, I am very happy that Chu Jiao has restored her legendary strength. I even think that the Blazing Dragon armor should belong to her to give full play to her abilities, so I don't plan to think about any profit matters anymore. This equipment originally belongs to her. And after this period of use, I couldn't use the ability of this armor at all, and even the mechanism covered with swords didn't even trigger.

After wearing it on my body, I felt that this soldier's uniform was ruined, so I quickly loaded and unloaded the soldier and wanted to return it to Chu Jiao.

Lan Shi was shocked and quickly stopped, including Chu Jiao also refused: "You saved our husband and wife, if we even return this uniform, how can you let us tolerate it? Legend Xia must not be like this..."

"It's okay, after I have certified the legend, can't I get a set of Qing Mo Lin armor, this suit is not suitable for me anyway, and only the legendary hunter is qualified to wear it, plus you are good at using it, and If you are a legendary hunter, you are naturally the one. Besides, if you accept this uniform, you can better fulfill the agreement with me, right?" I laughed. This uniform is powerful, but the adult beauty is happy. .

Besides, she has the duty of guarding the big city. When the season of fierce beasts is coming, many creatures are bound to die. A legendary hunter must give full play to her ability as a legendary hunter, not to mention giving roses to others, and the fragrance of the hand.

Chu Jiao was so touched that she quickly thanked Jing Ning and Chu Yan and his father and daughter were so excited that they didn't know what to say, but these father and daughter were not outsiders like Chu Jiao. They spoke straightforwardly, except for some words of gratitude. Know how to repay.

"You are generous, that's a legendary armor! It's a blazing dragon armor! And you saved her family, and..." Lan Shi looked at me with a reproachful look, and felt a bit of a loss in her heart.

"Okay, you don't have to feel at a disadvantage. After this, they will also become protectors of the big city. Compared with the living people in the city, what is a set of uniforms? Which is more important, don't you understand? Or do you expect me to leave at any time, looking for outsiders who went to my aunt?" I couldn't help but smile.

Lan Shi suddenly looked at me seriously, shook my hand, and said, "Brother Xia, you really want to go? I... I don't want you to go. Can you stay here? I'll follow. is you……"

With an embarrassment on my face, I threw away the big man's hand and said, "I am always an outsider, and I still have to leave. If you are really good for me, don't count on me."

"No! I don't expect you to count on whom? No matter how stupid I am, I know that you are too good to be a goddess this day. Just now, Chu Chuanqi hugged her husband and followed you into the hole. It only took a while, and it was complete. When you come out, do you really think I’m stupid? I don’t care, brother, I’m a bit nervous, but I can’t deal with it honestly. If I recognize you, I won’t leave. I don’t care where you go. I will specify to follow you later!" Lan Shi gritted his teeth and said.

"You a man, what do you do with me? If you are a woman, I can still be beautiful and delicious along the way! Besides, you are a hunter who will not want to be a **** hunter? All of you are waiting for you to feed!" I looked disgusted. Looking at him, it was actually for his own good. Following me, the danger factor exploded. The strength of Blue Stone was not enough to die.

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