Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6137: : Adversity

"What about the communication? Is it possible to talk about flowers? If he continues to persevere, I will continue to kill him, I will not give him any chance to see the grandpa grandma." I grinned.

"Brother Tian, ​​we may not be able to stop him yet. You have to know that our sky has a cooling time, but he will return to the clone at the first thought, but it takes almost no time. Have you noticed just now? His clone appeared? Regularly, testing from far to near, and then calculating the time when I found him within the sky, maybe it is looking for the law of cooling time, so I believe that within two or three times, he may be able to come into contact with Grand Master Hao. God mirror." Zhao Qian is very smart, so it is not surprising to calculate this.

"He has no stars to use, and it seems very difficult for me to communicate with Grand Master and Grandma, I can't let him try?" I feel that since it is inevitable for him to communicate, I am a bit desperate to explore the possibility of this. .

"I don't think it is feasible. Although we found it early and solved it early, now there are only four of us left in the ancient immortal world. He can carry a big bag of Dao cores. He wants to come to find luck, so Hao Shen Jing is him. The only goal, we can't let him succeed." Zhao Qian, unlike me, is more stable.

"Well, do you just continue to kill like this?" I couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhao Qian nodded and said, "It can only be so. Has Brother Tian counted the number of Dao seeds he carried?"

"There are roughly a number, but now it's getting less and less. It can't be compared with before, but there are more and less." I said.

"So Jiutian is very cunning, we can't let him get close to the big formation, and we have to find as many ways to deal with it as possible," Zhao Qian said.

I nodded, and when Zhao Qian’s sky was close to the end of the cooling time again, and the appearance of Jiutian appeared, the expressions of both of us sank together, because this time Yi Jiutian has appeared in one of the big formations. The first layer!

This means that the next time it cools down, he may not be able to prevent him from contacting the Hao Shen Mirror connection point.

"This 妘九天 is really cunning." I took out the random door and immediately appeared in front of him, with a blow and smile, ready to ridicule me for the Jiutian killing, and a lot of tribulations gave me Shake it out and be wiped out instantly!

This time back to Zhao Qian’s side, the big stone in my heart was always hanging, and Zhao Qian said: "Yang Jiutian seems to know that we are above the main line, so we have not been here. We have to be careful. ."

"Well, try to wipe out the clones of the other eight major formations first," I said.

And soon when Zhao Qian and I were about to wait for the next appearance of the sky, the large array under her feet and I began to rumbling. The large array did not open one after another, but continued underground. A burst of rainbow-like luck came out, Zhao Qian and I looked at each other, and a clone of Yu Jiutian soon appeared in the forest not far from us.

Seeing Wu Jiutian appearing, I took a deep breath, and his expression was extremely proud: "Xia Yitian, you don't intend to let me see your grandparents, but your grandparents want to see the old man, tusk, Unexpected? I can see that this is not what you said."

My face was gloomy, and Zhao Qian said in a voice transmission: "Brother Tian, ​​I'm afraid I have to kill him..."

As a result, the rainbow cloud under Zhao Qian's and I soon became more and more intense, and a figure slowly rose up, finally turning into the shape of the grandmother grandmother: "You junior, are you still planning to disobey the old woman? He can't destroy him, so you decide how to use it?"

"Senior Dreamer calms down." Zhao Qian's expression stunned. The other party obviously stole Zhao Qian's voice transmission. You must know that Zhao Qian's cultivation has rushed to the realm, which means that the opponent's strength is much higher than Zhao Qian Above.

Meng Xuanru snorted, and immediately looked at me, and suddenly sneered: "What? So many years have passed, even you have preached? No wonder you don't wait to see the old woman, even a girl doll ran into the old woman not willing to do it Controlled?"

I said, "Grandma's mother-in-law would also like to ask. You have been under the mirror of Hao Shen for many years. Maybe you don’t know the current situation. Zhao Qian did this because the nine days ago was not here to tell you about the past, but a change. There are a large number of Dao Tribulation clones, and hundreds of Dao seeds are carried with you. As long as you have luck, you can take the opportunity to descend on other Dao Tribulations. Those who descend from the gods are all powers who prove to the Dao Heaven. Dao Ji is extremely powerful, and as the number increases, ten thousand years of luck will cause catastrophe."

Mengxuan laughed like a sneer, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly and said: "You kid is too wide. How to use the luck of the old body is a matter of the old body, and there is no need for you to point out the old woman and let him come over! "

I lowered my eyebrows, and Zhao Qian looked at me depressed, as if telling me not to let Yu Jiutian come over.

Meng Xuanru woke up at this time and released so much luck. In fact, it was convenient for Yu Jiutian. What does this mean? Yu Jiutian must have told him something, and that's why she encouraged her to do so.

"Grandpa grandma, I am afraid that the younger generation will not be as you wish, at least I will not let a person with dangerous items approach here." I said lightly.

"Dare you!" Meng Xuanru yelled loudly, and watching me slowly stretch out her hand, not only Meng Xuan was in a hurry, even Yu Jiutian suddenly rushed over. This intention is naturally simple!

I did not hesitate, the sword pointed towards Yu Jiutian, with a bang, the clone of Yu Jiutian was once again destroyed by one blow. Seeing this scene, Meng Xuanru was also shocked. I never expected that I would grow to such a degree. Zhao Qian took my hand and seemed to feel that she was offending Mengxuanru.

I didn't stop, with a big wave of my hand, the bag with a bunch of Dao seeds was unlocked in the air, spilling the Dao core inside, and with a wave of my hand, the stars rushed out in a blink of an eye, traveling hundreds of times. Cut all Daojiao nuclear into powder!

This scene made Mengxuan's face gloomy, and in an instant, the surrounding air luck continued to surge out!

"Do you think the old man doesn't know what Yan Jiutian wants to do? I let you listen to me, let him in, and the old man has his own way to solve him! Understand?" Meng Xuanru shouted, and then her luck turned towards me Pounce with Zhao Qian!

Of course I was not afraid of this air luck, but I immediately pulled Zhao Qian into the air, because I always felt that something was wrong, because I had seen Xia Ruize's refining **** seat queen, and I was able to sense this air luck and me. Think differently.

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