Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6138: : Exchange for profit

This air luck is not pure, or it is just like the Chaos Heaven where I and Li Guxian went before. It is very possible that Meng Xuanru has refined the thousands of years of air luck in this ancient fairy world! Zhao Qian also noticed this, and stared her eyebrows and said: "Brother Tian, ​​this is not ordinary air luck... I have observed the Qi clouds of Chuangshitian and Zhengdaotian. This is a bit like a condensed Qiyun for Shengdao!"

"Well, I also found out that, like Xia Ruize's god-seat heaven, he used the god-seat as a treasure of the Dao to carry out the perjury. Only when the Dao Ji is activated, he will carry out the real sermon. Conspiringly, the grandmother and grandmother plunged her head into the Hao Shen Mirror back then, just intending to train her ten thousand years of luck into her own Dao Qi Luck, which is equivalent to...No, she is now a witness in the Nine Heavens! "I took a deep breath.

Zhao Qian nodded and said: "Yes, the only difference is that if she is a preacher, she will inevitably be affected by the support of the boundary wall, and cannot support her immense power. Chuangshitian will inevitably pull her up, so Now her Taoism is still within the acceptable range of the boundary wall! So Brother Tian’s name as a perjuryer is indeed accurate!"

"Haha... this has only been a few decades, have you juniors grown to this level? You already know what the old woman thinks, but what is the meaning of the creation of the heaven outside the heaven? "" Grand Master's mother-in-law asked coldly.

"Brother Tian has already opened up the heavens and the earth, and he has become the second heaven-opener since the ancient immortal opened the heavens, thus proving the eight-pole creation heaven beyond the nine-layer heaven! Those who go up from the nine-layer heaven will be under his control! He is the Creation Immortal Venerable, and the immortal family below the eight poles will call him Immortal Venerable!" Zhao Qian said loudly.

"What?!" Grandma's mother-in-law was stunned, and at this time the avatar of Yu Jiutian appeared in our sight again, although there is still a long distance, but I am ready to kill him again.

"Even if the predecessors of Meng are taking the ten thousand years of luck as their own and want to prove the Dao, they will inevitably enter the creation heaven. At that time, they must be under the management of Tiange! No matter what immortal, it is inevitable!" Qian knew that I could not deceive my ancestor and destroy my ancestors, and also knew that I was inconvenient to say these things, so she now reminded her sincerely to prevent the ancestor and mother-in-law from making excessive profits, not only missed herself, but also offended me, which made it hard for everyone result.

Grandma's mother-in-law changed very quickly, she immediately calmed down, and asked, "So, did she get such a great opportunity to open the sky? The old woman thought that she could dominate a party with the luck of the ancient immortal world for more than 10,000 years. , It turns out that there are days outside today, no matter if you are a good disciple and grandson of mine, from now on, the old lady will not have to be afraid of being bullied by others!"

Zhao Qian breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that I was still twisting her eyebrows, she stabbed me with her elbow and motioned me to pay attention to Jiutian. I nodded and looked at Jiutian, preparing to kill Jiutian with Taoism once again.

Grandpa Grandpa saw that I was going to kill Yu Jiutian's clone again, and quickly stopped and said: "Xia Xiaozi, no, but let him come here, the old body has its own arrangements!"

"Why?" I asked, condensing my eyebrows. At this time, it is not a small problem to allow this woman to enter here for nine days. Of course, it is possible that the old grandmother is planning to preach.

"Why? Why do you ask the old man, don't you know better? In short, you don't need you here anymore. What should you do? This interface, except for the two of you, has no fairy house, right?" Meng Xuanru He glanced around with a sneer, and the sky was really clear, and no one could be seen.

Zhao Qian saw the worry on my face, and knew that she could not offend Grandma Grandpa, so she said: "My God, I am just a burden here, or I will go first. You can call me if you have anything to do. It doesn’t work for me to stay here now. Why not do something else.”

I know that Zhao Qian will definitely not rest assured here. She leaves just to make other preparations better. Staying here can only let others stare, so she wants to leave and let me stay here to monitor.

"Alright, then you go first." I took out the random scroll, Zhao Qian mentioned a coordinate, I opened it and let her go there.

Seeing that I didn't plan to leave, Meng Xuanru said faintly: "Xia Xiaozi, if you don't plan to leave, something unsatisfactory will happen soon, but don't blame the old man for not reminding you to leave."

"Grandma's grandma laughed. No matter what happened, it was the problem that I kept. I won't say anything at that time." I said calmly. It seems that Meng Xuanru has not been able to change her. I always feel that I’m just this way. After all, it’s too far away for her to open up the world. Back then, she and Yu Jiutian were just three or four poles. Such strength of Taoism is nothing to me. I don't believe she can deal with me now.

Yu Jiutian looked at me from a distance, his face inevitably showed fear, from the original high expression to the present look, this Yu Jiutian has experienced too much, step by step to let me get rid of arrogance, now he knows What is the Baji Chuangshi Xianzun? Even if the level gap between me and him is flattened, it is the result of killing him in seconds, let alone we are not in the same position.

"Haha, what are you still doing in a daze? Wu Jiutian, don't you want to lend me some luck? Just borrow it. For the sake of our husband and wife, are you afraid that I won't lend you a loan?" Meng Xuan Ru beckoned and said.

"You make your good disciple not move. After I have borrowed my luck, you can go to prove the truth. Then I will naturally return the trace of Bare's luck to you according to the agreement, and I will never break my word." He lowered his eyebrows, but still looked at me carefully.

I secretly said that there was a transaction between them, otherwise the old grandma would not be able to lend him luck, but this transaction must not be done at the expense of my interests, so I couldn't help saying: "Old grandma, Although I also want to take back the luck of Grandpa Grandpa, the problem is that I shouldn't do it like this. I will always avenge Grandpa Grandpa. When that happens, I will swallow up the ancestors for nine days, the stripped Grandpa Grandpa. Qiyun is not difficult, but if you lend him the luck to rebirth hundreds of Daoist immortals, here is the core of the heavenly city. I have to fight against these Daoist immortals. If one or two of them are leaked out, I’m afraid they will be overwhelmed. Is grandma willing to see this scene too?"

"Xia Xiaozi, don't tell me these great principles. Will the old lady not know this? If you say to do so, just do it, what are you talking about? Besides, what do you think the Daotian is? It is the same as your little creation heaven. Is it comparable?" Meng Xuanru waved her sleeve and stopped me from continuing. She also looked at Yu Jiutian and motioned for him to come over immediately.

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