Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6143: : Annihilation

"That doesn't need you to help, and what's the matter of giving you luck? It's meat buns hitting dogs, and there is no return. If you give it to you, you will come back? I'm afraid that Meng Xuanru's will be given to you. It's enough! It's an empty glove white wolf, I want to be beautiful." Yuan Ci is also a poisonous tongue, and he doesn't give Xia Ruize any chance.

Xia Ruize smiled and didn't intend to turn back, but said: "Then this matter should be entangled for one day."

I took a deep breath, and immediately followed Meng Xuanru. Seeing me chasing her, Meng Xuanru waved her hand, and a Hao Shen Jing appeared in her hands: "Junior, do you really have nothing to do as an old man? The old man then used this treasure of proof to destroy you!"

I shook my head in my heart. Although this Hao Shen Mirror is powerful, it is not enough compared to her seven-pole Taoism, plus now I also have the power of the eight-pole, how could it be affected by her Hao Shen Mirror.

The mirror in Mengxuanru's hand was thrown out, and it suddenly turned around. Finally, a mirror space was formed, and a strong light began to shine. Wherever the strong light went, it continued to **** my luck, and the speed was still Fast outrageous!

"Hahaha! Do you know that the old man is so powerful? I'm afraid that you have not been able to deal with the old man and you are out of luck! But the old man can rely on it to improve strength. Even if you are eight poles, you have no luck. The treasure of the Dao, I see how you deal with me!" Meng Xuanru laughed.

Seeing that this treasure still has some abilities, I couldn’t help but admire it a lot, but how could I let it continue to succeed, the super road method blasted on the mirror, and the mirror turned from normal rotation to chaos soon. I turned it around and irradiated it everywhere, not only absorbed my energy, even Mengxuanru’s energy, but also couldn’t control it to feed Mengxuanru back. This made Mengxuanru’s original plan to play the tactics of negating each other's strengths completely. Up!

Actually, it’s not that I don’t have the ultimate treasure of Proving Dao, but that my treasure is the creation day itself, which is the body of Chaoszi. Find a substance similar to Chaoszi, but how can you kill the chicken with a sledgehammer?

I rushed to Meng Xuanru in an instant, and immediately grabbed her head with my hand!

Mengxuan immediately stretched out a Weapon of Creation Law in a hurry. This sword is colorful and looks like the law. She is good at swordsmanship. Of course, she must use swordsmanship to resist my invasion. !

The collision and swallowing between the morality and the air luck is probably executed at the sharpest point. Whoever has the more aggressive points will be able to break through the opponent’s defense and erode the opponent’s strength. After finally breaking through its defense, there is nothing left. The luck that swallows the other party is all over.

Of course, Qi Luck can be swallowed, but Taoism is not. Because it costs a lot to destroy its root causes, it is usually discarded and not allowed to become unconscious and unowned.

But there are also some special examples, such as similar root causes, such as the existence of close proximity. This kind of air transport system is the most profitable to swallow. It is the existence that can directly increase the strength of the Tao. Air transport is an upgrade point, but it is slow. It takes a long time to digest, and you can't make a fat man with one bite. Ru Yuanci is a typical example.

And if the Taoism is similar, and there is a root relationship, then the promotion is not a single point, but a direct promotion of one aspect. For example, Meng Xuanru cultivates Chuangdao Jue, and I also practiced Chuangdao Jue. This root cause is understood. , If they bite each other, the one who will benefit is the strong one.

Back then, Meng Xuanru taught me the art of creation, why didn't she want to devour me now? I didn't know about Sheng Daotian's environment where the weak and the strong. Now that I know it, when I think about it, how long has there been less malice in it?

Thinking of this, I didn't plan to show mercy anymore, the time law in my hand also condensed the time law sword weapon, with a bang, Meng Xuan flew back like a man with a sword!

Meng Xuanru was shocked and immediately planned to suppress me with swordsmanship, but my swordsmanship has gone through countless sword fights, and her swordsmanship cannot be suppressed. What's more, her swordsmanship is even worse than that of Yu Jiutian. Not as good as many!

Bang bang bang!

As the attack continued, Meng Xuanru of course used both the sword technique of Mie Dao Jue and the sword technique of Chuang Dao Jue. At one time, the colorful and splendid sword intent showed an extreme environment along with her luck. It is also the sword thread that stretches out infinitely, trying to force all my attacks to connect. This move seems to be as exquisite as a sword song, and it makes people look wonderful!

I have to say that the abilities of Yu Jiutian and Meng Xuanru's husband and wife are indeed outstanding, and even some of the immortal houses of the five poles and six levels are the first to come out, especially Meng Xuanru. Now her abilities are suitable for her. At the height of, they can create the Taoist Art of Creation, and they are proficient in the Art of Extinction. This is definitely considered a powerful person. It was also when they proved that the Dao was lacking in air and the world was transposed, otherwise with their ability, at least All are able to prove the Dao at the six poles, instead of relying on some small means to wait for the luck of these ten thousand years!

Of course, my law of time doesn't let her attack approach at all. Every time I approach my law of time, the attack will suddenly slow down, and my swordsmanship often comes instantly at this time! Divine Ability Annihilation kills her non-sword-type Mie Dao Jue, while Sword Art Mie is used to destroy the Chuang Dao Jue. Time and Space Annihilation blocks her intangible law, and Realm Annihilation directly kills her source!

If the octaji and the seven poles of the Daoist immortal cannot be suppressed, then I am not worthy of being the creation immortal. With the help of my Huake, it gives me more mobilized energy and energy, and my Daoji strength As it rises, the strength has stabilized the dream!

Meng Xuanru seems to know that she can't beat me, and will eventually wipe out Devour for me. She was also anxious. She retreated and begged: "Good disciple and grandson, just now it was the grandmother and grandmother who lost her mind. Grandpa grandma just woke up. Good apprentices, let’s not fight, okay? You can let Grandpa Grandpa do whatever you want, what do you think of Grandpa Grandma guarding this creation day? In the future you let Grandpa Grandpa go east, Grandpa Grandpa Never go west!"

I shook my head and said, "It's late."

Now I think of asking for mercy, but I have already let me see through her temperament. She is just playing a slow-down strategy. Once I let her go, she will not hesitate to find ways to prove to the Daotian when I look back. I want to stabilize my creation. Shitian, can’t stare at her all the time, besides, Jiuzhongtian still has a lot of things waiting for me to do. I don’t have time to take care of a Zen Dao immortal who is not in the Creation Heaven!

The trust she gave me was not as good as Xia Ruize. Xia Ruize used the whole gods to prove the Dao. If he offends Zheng Daotian, I don’t know how many immortals. I am in a situation where I will lose everything, and this is destined to him not to betray me.

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