Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6144: : Creditor

I quickly split Mengxuanru’s Taoism with Nine Swordsmen. The main law of Nine Swordsmen is the law of time. I cut a certain time and frequency. When I mobilize my luck, various priorities will occur. I want to If you mobilize part of your Qi Luck, you will find that this part of the Qi Luck does not arrive so quickly. If you want to launch a part of the Qi Luck attack, you find that the attack cannot arrive as scheduled. This in itself will make Meng Xuanru all kinds of troubles. It is inevitable that there will be irritability and anger.

Mengxuan was yelling frantically, both yelling and venting her emotions, but I didn't have a trace of irritability. I followed my own rhythm and gradually controlled her luck. My moral integrity was also shot!

Dao Tong Mie wants to destroy the seven poles of Meng Xuan Ru. It was originally difficult to do, because her air circulation is very large, and now the condensed points are isolated by me, and her air circulation is sea. I don’t know how much the area of ​​the lower realm is. After all, it’s the luck of the ancient immortal realm for thousands of years. If it’s converted, it’s much bigger. It’s not enough to cover such a large area with my way of destroying an attack. Disconnect her in the way of time nodes, and it will be difficult to avoid her if she is in my way.

Just like I imagined, after being unable to cause effective harm to me, and having difficulty adjusting the amount of power, her veins began to be highly concentrated in one point, and this point represented the individual image, that is, the point of vein concentration!

I shot it in an instant, and hit the Dao Tong Annihilation directly on Meng Xuanru’s forehead. It was so clear and unimaginably complex that the lines of the Dao Tong were all lit up. In an instant, her highly concentrated body showed light, and this part of the orthodoxy was completely wiped out for me!

Chuangshitian and Shengdaotian are the same. Each enlightenment occupies a large area, spread out by the Taoist vein to control this area, and the meeting between the enlightenment is similar to the connection of the spiritual world. In the eyes of Jiuzhongtian, the two witnesses are struggling with each other, which is nothing more than the collision of two slightly strong air luck. In fact, it is different from what we see. Right now we belong to two highly concentrated spiritual bodies fighting. And the powerful side invades the other side and cannibalize the other side. This is the root cause fight.

After being annihilated by the Taoism, Mengxuanru no longer has a soul and no sense of self. The remaining pieces of Qi Luck separated by time have become a masterless existence. The blood and veins of the enlightenment are fleshy, and what I destroy is the brain area of ​​Meng Xuanru isolated by me, so her body and blood are preserved.

Of course, I can’t let a seven-pole air luck body stay here, waiting for vultures like Xia Ruize to eat her, so my morality air luck quickly overwhelmed this piece of dreams. Covered in it, as an eight-pole existence, it’s not a problem to swallow a seven-pole Proving Dao Immortal. I don’t need to dismantle and nibble, because I have also practiced Chuangdao Jue. I have a certain degree of the Chuangdao law. Affinity.

Affinity means that you can avoid the devouring point by point. It is natural to comprehensively cannibalize and reclaim yourself, and the utilization rate is also the highest.

Although swallowing these ten thousand years of luck will not allow me to reach the ninth pole, or even the upper level of the eight pole, it can be regarded as a lot stronger. You must know that the conditions for the ninth pole are very harsh. Even if the strongest swallows it, it may not be able to become a nine-pole existence, after all, this needs to be reasonable.

At that time, the Kaitian Ancient Immortal was the existence of the Nine Extremes, separating everything in the world, including the other Eight Extremes Proving Dao Immortal, countless other laws proving Dao Immortals, and if you want to become a Nine Extreme Existence, you have to derive these in turn. Only by eating back the existence of Nine Extremes can it reach the Nine Extremes. This difficulty is as high as hundreds of times before reaching the sky, so in theory, the Nine Extremes are equivalent to not existing.

Even if countless years have passed, everyone has extended to the heaven of the Dao, but not everyone obediently lets you eat it. Once the two types of the Dao collide with each other, everyone must fight to death and life. Who is willing to be someone else's full stomach?

"Hehe, congratulations, my little friend has become stronger again."

Just as I was eroding Mengxuanru's remaining air fortune, a voice appeared behind me, and I slowly turned my head back, wearing a purple robe, and the childlike Yuqing old man was already standing there.

"It turned out to be the senior, but it has been gone for decades, but where to get rich and forget the junior?" I said politely.

Yuqing squeezed the end of his beard, and said with a smile: "Little friends are talking and laughing, we old men don’t have little friends, this Creation Immortal Venerable should take it easy, the beacon smoke is everywhere, it can be described as burning eyebrows, this is not a junior. If we want to escape to the little friend, we old men are thinking of creating a new place? The cannibalization on this place is a thousand times more dangerous than yours..."

"Oh, but did you encounter meat that is not chewy? Isn't it okay if you all eat together?" I laughed.

"The distant water can't save the nearby fire. Everyone has their own scheming and burdens. How can they come or leave? I want the little friend to go, can the little friend come immediately? Besides, the other party is clamoring If we want us to pay him everything back, we little elders are scared." Yu Qing laughed haha.

"Then this is planning to find me as a rescuer? Did the senior forget what happened to my creation day? Is it possible to take Jiuzhongtian to help you?" I chuckled, it would be okay to help a little, but the other party I'm afraid the momentum is not small.

"Haha... It's just that I suddenly freed up some hands recently, so I have to take time to remind the younger friends to make more preparations, or else we young people are all busy with their own affairs, aren't they?" Yuqing smiled Tao.

"What do you mean by clamoring for you to pay back the money? Do you owe him money? It's okay if you owe it. Is it possible that I can't help you?" I said with a confused look.

"That person has a little connection with you, he has a little connection with us, hehe, it's too far to talk about it in detail, the old man just simply talk about it?" Yu Qing suggested.

"Then simply put it, it doesn't feel like it has much to do with me anyway..." I took off the responsibilities as much as possible, and this is not a charity organization, but I was required to work at critical moments.

"How can it be okay? The old man Chaozizi gave it to you. This is a chance. Although everyone didn't expect you to make such a big battle, you can't help but help us young people. Right? And according to what the other party meant, he is a creditor, and we are all in debt." Yu Qing said with a smile.

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