Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6151: : Favor

Seeing that I actually appeared in front of them, most of the immortal families who were stationed were still surprised. I don’t know how many days have passed. I think they are just to prove that I have been killed, but now they appear again. This means Everything I did before was wasted.

I looked at them calmly with my back on my back, but I held two Vientianes in my palms. Now the power I recovered is not enough to deal with them. Vientianes are my big weapon, and I will take advantage of them. Start to restore your own energy.

"I said there must be no death, as expected!"

"It's not easy to explain to the above, I'll just wipe out everything here!"

"Yes, even a stone must be crushed into powder!"

"Huh, are you stupid? We don't have much energy. We don't know how many years of crystals have formed here. If the energy is added up, we can't be completely destroyed!"

"Without energy, how can you walk in this barbaric world?"

"Isn't there some remaining spar..."

"What about the luck to maintain the context? You can't eat people on the spot, right?"

A few immortals whispered to each other, I also roughly understand why they did not carry out a sweep, if they sweep all the platforms here, instead of just relying on visual inspection, I am afraid that the mother worm would have been wiped out long ago, and there will be no trace of it. Life brings me back to life.

But they don’t have that much energy, and I’m relieved. At least this also limits their recovery. You must know that it is not just a matter of energy. The important existence of the Dao Immortal and the luck are different. Dao Jie is different from Borrowing Ghost Gu. The existence of a kind of energy stored in the Dao Seed is itself a finite body, and the Dao Tribulation Ghost Gu is a creature with a certain ability to regenerate sustainably. The Qi Luck, Dao Tribulation needs to be drawn from others, but the Dao Tribulation Ghost Gu does not need.

When they kept coming around, I ran towards the exit in an instant, and then all these immortal families chased me, I deliberately pulled a distance, so that they gradually disperse from the chase After the formation was changed to the first line, he threw out two Vientianes to kill!

In the next moment, these immortals either stopped in the sprint, or fled away, or simply inertially continued to chase me, but the result was no suspense and was given to my time rule, because it was two bursts and blocked it. The vast majority of areas, so the immortal families who are chasing either have their energy and luck disappeared completely on the spot, or they have aged to the point where the nucleus is shattered on the spot. This is the most suitable description for an inadvertent loss.

After killing this batch of immortal houses, I continued to wander around. By this time, I had recovered about 50% to 60%, and my strength gradually became stronger. If I didn’t surround a group of immortal houses, there would be no danger. When the lonely fairy family met me, it was undoubtedly a disaster-like existence.

I continued to wander looking for the immortal family here, and occasionally found fragments of the town bounding tripod here. If the town bounding tripod does not repair and activate the recovery space, the space cracks will always exist, and the fairy home here will also bring I didn't take the fragments of the town's tripod, so I simply left it in this space of ruins, and finally floated everywhere.

Han Shanshan descended from the immortal family who repaired this town’s world tripod, but the reason why it has not been repaired now, has now told me with facts that there are so many immortal families guarding, I am afraid that the repair work will not start at all, let alone know that they have I haven't found the crack in space. If I get lost at the beginning, the time will be longer.

After wandering for a while, an immortal family leaned towards me. Just as I was about to kill him with the condensed qi sword, this seemingly fifty or sixty-year-old immortal waved his hand and refused to fight. Look like: "Xianzun, wait! Xianzun wait! I'm the spy of the gods! I am also the widow of Chaos Tian! I was commissioned by Chief Xia to enter the southern gods seat, specifically to dock with the gods! These days I am also waiting for the opportunity. , Or look for a chance alone to find a way to save Xianzun's dilemma!"

"Leader Xia? Is there any evidence?" I stared at the old immortal with condensed eyebrows, and said in my heart that Xia Ruize was really pervasive, and he could still get into such a private place.

"There is evidence, of course!" Old Xian immediately took out a jade card, and then flew over with both hands in a gesture of offering it.

These jade cards all carry memory or some input information, but it is impossible to make something destructive, so I can take it with confidence, put it on my forehead and read the information inside. It’s the work Xia Ruize arranged for the old fairy, and there are some things that only I can understand. This information is indeed enough to identify him as a member of Xia Ruize’s camp, because the information in it is not read by others. Understand, only Xia Ruize and I know what it means.

I stretched out my hand and smashed the jade medallion and said, "Sun Jiong, if your leader asks you to come here, please help me if you have the opportunity? Do you know what happened above and help me?"

"Xia Xianzun, we don’t know anything about the above. The last time I received a secret order was a month ago. I hurried here. How do I know what will happen on it? Could something big happen? It is the gods who can obtain the trust of the Chaos Tianyi Immortal. The news is very limited, but I still know my task, which is to take Xia Xianzun to the upper home of the joint, so that the level of progress is so convenient that the Xianzun can Take over the penetration of our extremely western forces here." Sun Jiong said quickly.

"That is to say, from now on, I am the new leader of your infiltration forces in the Extreme West?" I asked, this Xia Ruize gift is really generous, and this move will hand over the control of the entire barbaric world. In my hands, this is enough strength to sit on an equal footing with the **** seat, at least at the grassroots level.

However, as long as Xia Ruize does not come down, the infiltration power of the gods here should be relatively stronger, but Xia Ruize is one side, and the forces of my own heaven will soon take over all of it. At that time, let alone Xia Ruize's infiltration power, it is the gods. The infiltrators are not worth it.

But from the decisiveness of this order, it can be seen that even if Xia Ruize is crazy, the order he gave is extremely cunning, even extremely far-sighted, but from another angle, he must have seen me at that time. After winning the Eastern Gods seat, the Southern God seat is indeed the time to harvest the fruit, so I immediately proved that the infiltration power left here would not be as good as simply making me cheaper. This favor sells very well.

"Yes, from now on, Legend of Xia will be our only leader." Sun Jiong saluted decisively.

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