Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6152: : Howler

"Well, very good. How many immortal families have infiltrated the gods here? Do you know the details of their presence here? Is there any contact code, or something else that can be identified?" I asked.

After hearing this, Sun Jiong smiled bitterly: "Hehe, Xia Xianzun laughed. We have infiltrated the **** seat here. At least we have checked it several times. As for knowing their details, knowing more is not good. We are all connected online. Of course there are secret codes, but they are of no use except for me... I also received the task assigned by the online and entered here. In fact, although I have met with fellow Daoists here, I am not familiar with them. Let them arrange for a while..."

"Lao Sun! What are you doing here?"

As we were talking, the two breaths went from far to near, and greeted them from far away, and Sun Jiong hurriedly spoke to me and said, "Xia Xianzun, no, my team leader and teammates are here! You! I haven’t recovered yet. Here are some cracked areas that I have drawn this month that are suitable for hiding without testing treasures, as well as exit locations. Just now you accidentally ran to our treasure area, so the alarms are all It's sounded. Now you fly to one of the treasure-less positions, and soon we will not be able to find you. If you go out and we can't find you if you want to come, everyone will definitely go out even if they pay If I stay here, I will find a reason to go out. We will meet in the nearest 11 major cities in three days."

I nodded, and received a jade card thrown by the other party. After reading the information on it, I turned around and flew to one of the areas where there was no detective treasure. It is not easy to detect the breath of the enemy, which also prompted them to install an alarm.

There are only two immortals and I am unwilling to do it. Vientiane kills and leaves a few useful places. After all, there are many tripods in Qiongtianjie Town. If you encounter a large number of enemies, this big killer is undoubtedly a killer.

After a long journey, I didn’t meet any other gods and immortals. This Sun Jiong seemed to be reliable. I found a place in the ruins and smoke that was difficult to sense, and meditated directly inside. He restored the mana he lacked, and released the mother worm by the way, and now he has to recover it for a while. After all, it may have to go through a long and barbarous world journey later, and the mother worm is a little emboldened and easy to survive.

Under the action of a large number of spar pills, I recovered very quickly. After a short period of time, I recovered seven or eighty-eight. I don’t plan to stay in the town boundary for a long time, at least before the opponent’s reinforcements arrive. Going out, so I took out the black dragon armor that was originally in the storage bag and put it on the equipment. By the way, there were a pile of pills, weapons, spar, etc., all carried in the duffel bag, which was then provided by Sun Jiong. One of several weakly guarded exits was chosen, and he flew towards there.

At that time, after hunting the angry black dragon, in addition to strengthening the armor of Qu Meng, Chuwei, and Lan Shi, they also made the angry black dragon fire sword, the angry black dragon gun, and the angry black dragon sniper gun. , As for my own armor, of course, it's an exquisite black dragon sword with angry eyes. This sword is also a hot armor. It has the strength of a cold armor and the blasting ability that a hot armor has.

I was familiar with the black dragon sword in my hand again along the way. It didn’t take long for a crack different from this space to appear in front of me. Of course, the mechanism was triggered when I got closer, and the breath of the three immortals immediately greeted me. come.

Seeing these two men and a woman rushing over, I waved the big sword in my hand and rushed towards them.

The other party may think that the three of them can easily besie me, but the next moment they saw the difference in strength, my big sword activated the mechanism at the moment of impact, and there was a roar, the sound of this big sword changing mechanism The bottom continued to expand, and the position of the sword grid to the sword body quickly expanded into a large circle, and a golden round bead about the size of a human head appeared in the sword body!

This is the light of the angry eye, a golden liquid extracted from the eyes of the angry black dragon. After several refining and complicated processes, it condensed into a paste-like substance, and finally crystallized into the current ball of law at high temperature. , The sphere itself is not very hard, so it is hidden under the package of the sword body, it will only be exposed when the sword is activated, and the sword body is opened at this moment, just as the angry black dragon opened its golden eyes, the next moment , Covering a fan-shaped area in front of a burst of light, this is the absolute Qiongtian law bombarding the field! It is also the unique Qiongtian law attribute of the Black Dragon, which is like the glaring of the black dragon's eyes, so all three people in front of me were calmed down in an instant, even after I rushed out of the crack, they still did not react!

However, when I went out, I didn't expect that a golden light came into my eyes in the next moment! Of course, this is not the glaring light of the angry black dragon, but the direct sunlight hitting my eyes!

But this should be the crack area that Chu Jiao and his wife dug out to the underground cave!

I opened my eyes and found that the reason why the sun could shine directly in front of my eyes was because the location I was in had been completely excavated, and the ground seemed to have been split into a canyon, but I didn’t know the environment, I don’t know what happened. What a lot of work.

As I rushed out of the crack, the hunter's whistle sounded immediately in the outer area, which was an alarm calling for other hunters!

Soon, one by one hunters appeared outside!

"Out! Out! It's the alien beast! The alien beast has come out!"

"It's an alien beast surnamed Xia! He has finally come out, and he has stayed in this weird place for so long. Who would believe if it is not an alien beast!"

"Quick! Pull the roar beast over, hurry up! Don't let this alien beast escape!"

Looking at the hunters wearing the Eleven City logo, some of them are still familiar faces, and I look confused. Can these hunters treat me as a stranger? One by one, those who are full of confidence, don’t even know me?

"What alien beast? I am the legend of Xia Tianxia!" I said loudly, although I am not afraid of these hunters full of bows and arrows, and I am not afraid of hunting, but this misunderstanding can't really sit down, or else Will you be able to walk here in the future?

"Legend of Xia! Don't pretend it anymore! You are an alien beast, and the hunters in our Eleven and Twelve cities believe you so much, you actually lied to us!"

"Yes! We are still fighting side by side with you. Thinking of it now, it's terrible!"

"Those missing hunters must be eaten for you! Xia Yitian, you are disappointing us too much!"

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