Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6153: : Bi Lu

"The Hunter Bureau has identified you as an alien beast. Let us stay here for half a month. Is there anything else you want to say? Today we will send you to see the Mother God!"

Send me to see the mother goddess. These are some prayers commonly used by hunters. I am not surprised. After all, some hunters hunt fierce beasts. Before giving a fatal blow, they will pretend to pray. After all, it is the matriarchal clan that the mother **** is the home of all living things.

I was depressed for a while, and said loudly, "What are you going crazy? Didn't City Lord Chu stop you? The Hunter Bureau of the Eleven City eats food? You don't even know if I am an alien beast?"

Behind me, I quickly ran out of the three immortal homes who had just guarded the goal. Although I was shocked when I saw this posture, it was obviously a warning sign. Now their purpose of destroying me is more important than exposing themselves. There are too many, so I immediately waved a weapon to attack me.

"Several legends of the fourth largest city! We have brought the roar beast, do you want to roar this summer day now? Please indicate!"

"Yes, the roar beast is most effective against alien beasts! How about letting this summer day show its true shape now?!"

The hunter above asked loudly.

"Slow... wait! Don't go to the roar beast! We can win Xia Tian! Since he is an alien beast, we can fight him!" One of the immortals was so scared that he wanted to use the roar beast. He hurriedly stopped, it seemed that this guy was the alien beast.

"Captain, if you go down first, we will keep it here, so it's safer to get on the roar beast..."

"Yes, if there is a roar beast, we will solve Xia Yitian a lot easier..."

The captain nodded instead. It seems that the arrangement of the immortal houses of these gods is still very exquisite. The captain is held by Xingdaoxian, and the team members should be Chaos Tianyixian, but how can I let this alien beast captain go on again? So the Black Dragon machine gun that he took out, immediately aimed at the opponent and fired a few shots, forcing the alien beast to jump away quickly, without a chance to go down.

"Hey, you're an alien beast, right? You want to hide it so soon and want to escape? Let's be baptized by the roar beast together." I sneered, and I knew what the roar beast meant. It is probably this kind of beast that can make some low-frequency sharp sounds, because I have experienced many battles and have experienced too many attacks on Daojie, so I know that Daojie itself is afraid of low-frequency sharp sounds. If the sound is loud enough, Daojie will fall into a state of daze, even if the voice is loud to a certain extent, it may still be in short shape for an instant.

And even though I am a tentacle monster like Dao Jie, my essence is different. I am a ghost gu. I don’t have a Dao core. I won’t get into trouble even hearing a special sound. How could this beast be useful to me?

The captain saw me seriously, and was frightened, and hurriedly returned to the crack. At this time, another team emerged from the crack. There were so many people that seemed to be able to surround me, but because of the appearance of the roar beast. , These guys are planning to hide again, but there is no doubt that the black dragon machine gun, the hot weapon given to me, was swept back.

"What are you doing in a daze? Let the roar beast roar!" I shouted.

The hunters above were stunned, and all of them were a little at a loss. After all, I, who was most likely to be an alien beast, yelled so loudly. Those who kept saying that I was an alien beast had no time to escape. Who saw this scene? They all looked weird.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Quickly spur the roar beast! I see who is the alien beast! The Hunter Bureau has picked the title of Xia Epic, and I have long felt weird for the legendary title!" The voice of the dragon was in the crowd. It is said that he is now a legendary hunter and a hunter officer of the Hunter Bureau.

These hunters who supported me all followed to help, and soon, the low-frequency explosion sound soon came from the top of the canyon, and the position of the crack at the moment was like the origin of a trumpet, and the roaring beasts instantly The sound seemed to erupt from here after being concentrated, and all the six hunters who came up and I shook in an instant!

It seems that the hunters are very clever. This terrain was dug out for the roar of the roar beast. Now the sound has expanded to this level. If it is a Dao catastrophe, I am afraid that it will not be shaken out!

Sure enough, the two captains of the six immortals soon let out a weird scream in agony. This was Daoji's unique crazy voice!

I plugged my ears with my fingers, and my face was light and breezy. These low-frequency crackling sounds have no effect on living beings, but they are fatal to these Dao species, because low-frequency energy will cause the energy in the inner core to violently oscillate and tremble, although it cannot In essence, Daojiao hit hard, but it can make them unable to maintain their original form.

This roaring beast is a weird four-clawed beast with a head as big as a melon and a body like a flat snake. It was kept in a huge long cage by the hunters, dragged by the wind beast, and it kept crying after suffering. , At this moment, in order not to hurt the ears, everyone has already bet on both themselves and the ears of the Wind Beast, otherwise they will have to feel better.

It’s okay for the four Primordial Chaos Immortals. They are the immortal family of Primal Chaos, so they are Taoist bodies, but the two Proving Taoxians are in trouble. They are all Taoist species. Under the attack of low-frequency sounds, they quickly start to speak Screaming to the end, dancing and dancing, and then to the various distortions of the body, it can be said that the ugliness is exposed, and in a short while, it becomes two Daoji full of tentacles!

And the four Primordial Chaos Heavenly Immortals saw that I didn't show my true shape. Their expressions were wonderful. They originally thought that I would die together with their captain when I was going to die. But now that the enemy is dead, they can't accept it.

"Impossible! Why didn't you show up!"

"You...If you are not an alien beast, we have been searching below for half a month, where are you hiding!?"

I laughed loudly and said: "The sky and the earth are big here, where can I hide? Besides, I am a heavenly descendant, let alone hiding for half a month, even if I sleep in it for a few years, it will not be a problem! Humans and beasts are mixed together in a mess, what do they want!? Has the Hunter Bureau infiltrated the alien beasts? He actually came up with such a bad idea!"

These Chaos Tianyi Immortals didn’t know how to answer. One of them seemed to feel faceless, standing in full view, and fled directly into the crack. I reacted and immediately aimed at the remaining three rounds with my machine gun. After shooting, the Black Dragon bullets simply sifted them!

As for the two Taoist immortals are now full of tentacles, I have rich experience in dealing with them. The black dragon sword in my hand swept over with a single sword, and the two Dao species instantly split into two halves, and the air luck inside was vented.

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