Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6159: : No leader

"Isn't the result still retreating step by step? Okay, let's not talk about the Dacheng matter, it is important to save people first." I said and looked at the Biaofeng Beast, and threw an elixir to it, so happy that it was happy No, it’s probably not eaten for a long time. In fact, I feed it at this time to prepare it for a long flight.

Sun Jiong was rubbing his hands and didn’t know how to keep up. I looked at him and said, “Your wind beast should have been ridden by those gods hunters last night, right? Come with me. It's still very fast, and we should be able to catch up across the mountains and mountains in no time."

"Hey, okay! I'm waiting for Xianzun to say that. This Dragon Wind Dragon is really big. I heard about it before, but I didn't expect to see it for the first time. This is about to catch up with the epic anger of Fairy Qihu. Now." Sun Jiong said cheerfully.

"Fairy Qiuhu? Epic Thunder? What is it?" I secretly said that Sun Jiong's news is well-informed, and he actually knows Qiuhu, which means that he knows this level of things.

"Fairy Qiuhu is a law enforcement hunter officer of the **** seat. Don't look at this simple name, and can be called a law enforcement hunter. There are no more than ten **** seats, but she is the only law enforcement officer! All law enforcement hunters are specialized hunters. Killed the legendary hunter, and the law enforcement officer is the strong one among the strong. She is also the first existence in recent years that can be called an epic hunter! Of course, the Immortal Venerable is also very powerful, definitely better than this. Qiuhu is much more powerful, but now the Hunter Game is different from the past and is restricted by the **** seat. Otherwise, your previous record is already an epic hunter..." Sun Jiong said.

"Qiuhu is an epic hunter?" I was taken aback. This was the only one, which represented her strength.

"Yes, Fairy Qiuhu became an epic hunter by virtue of her strength. This is not because of how many ferocious beasts she killed, but because she has hunted enough legendary hunters! That strength is a top-notch existence. ! When I first came, I heard about Xia Xianzun’s reputation here, and I also contacted some colleagues in the Hunting Bureau, and I also learned that Xia Xianzun, you want to be serious about legendary epics, and in the end, why didn’t you tell me why? Let Xianzun get your epic title?" Sun Jiong asked me back.

I smiled coldly and guessed: "Could it be related to this Qiuhu?"

"That's not it? At that time, the Hunter Bureau had planned to arrange an epic title for Xia Xianzun in accordance with the rules and regulations. After all, for hunting epic-level beasts, the credit was enough for Hunter Qingshi to leave his name, but later it was Qihu's sentence No!" Sun Jiong said depressed for me.

Of course I don’t care about the epic identity, but this indirectly also shows that Qiuhu really has some abilities: "Is it? Just one sentence? Why is she?"

"I dare not say..."

"After all, I won't blame you."

Sun Jiong hesitated and said, "She said that there is no need to give you an epic status. She will take the Dao core in your body and go to the Hunter's Bureau to receive the reward. How can an alien beast get the epic title? So the Hunter's Bureau Those who dared not speak anymore, they also announced that you are an alien beast, and dispatched hunting troops."

"Didn't you hear these news with your own ears?" I laughed. It sounds legendary, but in fact it won't be so legendary.

"This... this is certainly not. I also made it together. Hey, please don't blame the old man for having a lot of mouth." Sun Jiong suddenly spread his hands.

"It's okay, I actually already know about Fairy Qiuhu chasing me down, and I know the reason, but what do they do if they grab the blue stone? This blue stone is just an ordinary legendary hunter. It has no effect on the overall situation of the **** seat, right?" I couldn't help but curiously asked. I knew my influence and strength when chasing me, but why did I catch the blue stone?

Sun Jiong thought for a while, and said, "I don't know this, but I know that this time their hunting team came to chase down the powerful hot armor you brought, and most of them came from the guy called Blue Stone. It’s copied, maybe it’s because of his hot armor? Or is it used to threaten Xianzun? In short, if the old man took this kid, of course, he would use it for a while!"

I snorted coldly, making Sun Jiong hurriedly waved his hand: "Xianzun calms down his anger, the old man is on Xianzun's side!"

I calmed down my expression and said, "I'm not targeting you. Forget it, let's go to the eleven major cities to inform and then you will lead the way to save people."

"Yes, yes, the old man knows that Xianzun is going to save people, so he has already found a route, so don't worry about Xianzun." Sun Jiong said hurriedly.

After explaining that Chu Jiao and Jing Ning had received me from the elite descendants of Tiancheng, I also took Sun Jiong non-stop to the northwest. The dragon flew soaring along the way. Although the height of the flight was limited, the speed was extremely fast. After eating the elixir, it hardly needs much rest time. After a few days of flying and stopping, we came to the seventh largest city that was originally used by Bluestone to investigate, and we heard that there is also a small sub-forum by Xia Ruize here. Collect some necessary information here, and let Wind Dragon come to rest for a long time. After all, toss Wind Dragon so much, this guy is almost exhausted.

Because Sun Jiong had not revealed that he was a spy of the gods, he put on a mask and took me to the branch.

This sub-altar is located in the outer suburbs of the seventh largest city, so you can see the towering walls of the seventh largest city from a distance. Compared with the ordinary cities of the eleven largest cities and the twelfth largest city of Gaoshan City, this seventh largest city is even more magnificent. Many, there are huge tall towers everywhere. Of course, these tall towers are not buildings aimed at fierce beasts such as beast hunting towers or beast-blocking walls.

This is a super city with nine refining bureaus. It can be seen how magnificent the city is. Even in the outer suburbs, there are some residences of hunters everywhere. It can be seen that the area around the seventh largest city wants to find a beast. It's hard to make trouble.

"Xianzun has been wandering between the eleventh largest city and the twelfth largest city these days. This should be the first time this seventh largest city has come?" Seeing me with a look of surprise, Sun Jiong couldn't help but open up the conversation while leading the way.

"Fortunately, it is indeed not small in relative terms, but for Tiancheng, it is just a small city with a small interface." I smiled.

"Of course, but the barbaric world is no better than the Nine Heavens..." As he was introducing, suddenly Sun Jiong's eyes were half-squinted, and he looked at a ruin in the distance, and suddenly said: "No, we are here. The low score altars of the seven major cities... seem to be pulled out for the gods? This... this can't...

I looked at the ruins, which had been destroyed for several days. This is not something that happened only in these two days. It seems that the gods have begun to eradicate Xia Ruize's power here.

This is the most common thing in the situation where the dragons have no leader.

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