Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6160: : Zhanchao

The Wind Dragon fell on the ruins. There are traces of destruction everywhere. Even the huge beast bones and the houses made of carapace have collapsed and shattered. It can be seen that they have experienced a fierce battle.

Sun Jiong hurriedly jumped down and checked everything that was left here. After a while, he found some secret code records. After comparing the secret words, he immediately said: "Xianzun, this time is terrible, I heard that Shangsancheng It has been completely occupied, and there are signs of attacking points in the various sub-forums. Now our extreme western forces have been squeezed to the fourth largest city. They have been fighting over there a few days ago. This sub-forum is ready to help. At that time, give some to the hunter of the gods! If this continues, our extreme western forces may really be unable to gain a foothold in the barbaric world!"

"Your leader has proven above, and the **** seat has been wiped out by him, which is equivalent to a situation of hostility between the two sides. Now Xia Ruize in the barbaric world can't control so much, naturally I want to take over, but since I'm here, We won’t just watch everyone being eaten by the gods, so, there should be hidden stakes in the seventh largest city, right? Let’s gather information to see where the blue stone caught. After saving people, we will go to the fourth largest city , If you can catch up with the decisive battle, it may turn things around, if not, you will have to resign, after all, so many days have passed." I proposed.

"Okay, listen to Immortal Venerable! I will enter the seventh largest city now, and please wait outside the city of Immortal Venerable, otherwise the seventh largest city has been taken over by the **** seat, and you are now wanted by the Hunter Bureau. Inconvenience..." Sun Jiong said.

I nodded and said, "Well, you go, I have to go to my aunt's small courtyard in the suburbs. You will find the news later, and we will meet there."

I talked to Sun Jiong about Xia Canglan. He happened to know some things about the seventh largest city, so he also provided me with a map. After referring to the surrounding terrain, I let Wind Dragon go immediately.

The small courtyard is located on the top of a towering sapphire mountain. The scenery here is fascinating, but I just landed with the Wind Dragon. The man with a sturdy appearance and long hair rushed out of the room aggressively. This guy was hurriedly putting it on The soldier's outfit, with an expression that he wanted to expel me, but when I saw the Wind Dragon, the whole person choked. The original fierce expression suddenly turned into a flattering appearance.

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Who are you? How do you live in Xia Legend's residence?"

"I... I am... I am Legend Xia's husband!" The big man slapped his chest and said without embarrassment.

"Are you Xia Legend's husband?" I couldn't help but chuckle, and then jumped off the Wind Dragon and entered this Chinese-style courtyard. The courtyard should be pretty elegant, but now it's randomly placed there. This big man has no aesthetics at all. He messed up his aunt’s design. You must know that it is not easy to make a house courtyard like this in this barbaric world. It takes a lot of effort to make similar materials. This is something made by hand. Carved out.

The big man does not know how to cherish, which shows that this is a typical dove occupying a magpie's nest.

The big man in his uniform couldn't take care of me at all. He watched me rush into the house and hurriedly shouted: "This legend! Why are you rushing to where I live! No one like you! This is my wife." Yard!"

The big man came after me, and I was too lazy to pay attention to him. I haven't confirmed the facts yet, but if I find evidence for me, I won't be polite to him.

After opening the door, it turned out that the house was already in a mess. It was not some small beast bones left over from eating, or a pile of firewood was simply placed on the barbecue in the bedroom, even the bed, and now the quilts that were woven by hand were dirty. This typical savage world living style makes me frown frequently.


The big man was still going to scold me for breaking into his territory, and I kicked him outside when I turned around.

The big man was painful and shocked, and his face was pale and shouted: "You broke into our couple's house and dare to do it! Don't say you are a legend! Believe it or not, I will go to the Hunting Bureau to sue you now!? I am the Hunting Bureau. Hero hunter!"

"The Hunter's Bureau? Haha, since it's the Hunter's Bureau, you should know whose home this is and who I am! What will happen if you occupy someone else's house privately!" I walked towards the big guy slowly, and he quickly sent the soldiers. The loaded spear was touched out.

"I don't know who you are! But this is my wife's house, why would I not know!? My wife Xia Chuanqi will not come back anymore, and this will be my resident in the future!" The big man was still stubborn and even planned to use a spear When he dealt with me, Biaofenglong roared in an instant, and he was so frightened that he immediately sat down on the ground, ready to roll aside.

The big sword in my hand pressed him to the ground in an instant, and he smiled: "I don't remember my aunt would like you for such a stupid stupid man. From now on, if you tell a lie, your head will disappear, my summer Killing you a hero hunter a day is as simple as killing a scavenger. You'd better think about it before you talk."

"You! You are! You are the hunting emperor Xia Yitian!? Impossible... You are the nephew of Legend Xia!?" The big man was shocked, but after a small opening in my big sword in his neck, he immediately begged for mercy "The Hunter King spare my life! I am the one who privately occupied Xia Chuanqi's courtyard! That's also because the senior of the Hunting Master Bureau told me that Xia Chuanqi will never come back! Isn't this my house just destroyed in the war? I was looking at no place to live. I remembered that there was a small courtyard here, so I just ran to borrow it for a few days, but I didn’t dare to say it was taken! Anyway, Legend of Xia is not coming back. Sooner or later, this place will be abandoned. Here, can you stop the beast from making a nest?"

"Huh, Hunter King? Don't wear high hats for me, and even if there are beasts as a nest, it is better than yours. Look at what you have made here, and don't look at your own virtues! "I snorted coldly, took a look at the surrounding environment, and said: "You tell me what important things my aunt left here, and what weird things are left behind, and you're the hunter The bureau said about her investigation, but if one sentence is false, be careful that I destroy you."

"Leave...all the things left behind are taken by the Hunter Bureau... By the way, I dug out some incomprehensible leather rolls under the floor two days ago, with a lot of dense strange characters on them... By the way, there are... and some strange scroll paintings..." the big man said hurriedly.

I was happy: "Where!? Get it!"

"I... I brought the barbecue, this thing is delicious..." The big man enjoyed it.

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