Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6165: : Delivery

The owner was cut off his head, and the strange beast was dizzy on the spot. This was of course an excellent opportunity. Blue Stone yelled and quickly unlocked the mechanism under his feet and jumped over: "Boss! This legendary oolong comes from the younger brother. Take it down!"

Biaofenglong saw the head of the law enforcement hunter fall, his huge mouth closed instantly and swallowed the head directly, and the fellow Blue Stone immediately lay down on Biaofenglong's back!

But at this moment, Lan Shi was stunned, because at this time the law enforcement hunter suddenly rushed out many tentacles from his neck, rushing towards Lan Shi and me in an instant!

"Oh my god! What the **** is this! The alien beast?!" Blue Stone was taken aback and hurried to escape. I couldn't help but smile. The big sword shot immediately, and a sword pierced the core of Dao. Hearing a crackle, Dao Nucle should be shattered on the spot, and a burst of smoke gushed out. This calamity is considered to be finished, and the soldier's outfit simply fell to the ground, but at the same time, it was called a legend by Lan Shi Oolong's flying beast woke up, ready to immediately escape from the back of the wind dragon!

I didn't give it a chance at all, and kicked it to the ground with one kick, but the ghost is still very powerful, and it hangs upside down on the body of the wind dragon while struggling paradoxically, and then it is ready to escape with a flap of wings!

The Blue Stone reacted, rushed forward, and hugged its bat wings directly!

But this legendary oolong is still very powerful. Although it is wearing legendary beast armor, it is light armor, which makes it extremely flexible, slipping directly without leaving hands to break away from the blue stone and fly into the sky!

The blue stone thumped to the ground and jumped up anxiously: "Boss! This is a legendary Oolong! What should I do! I must catch it!"

"Don't worry, I won't let it run. You let Qu Meng clean up the remaining hunters, and you ride on the Wind Beast and follow me!" I thought about it, and immediately inserted the mechanism on my feet into the back of Wind Dragon. Then let the Wind Dragon soar into the sky, chasing the legendary Oolong!

Not to mention, because this legendary Oolong is small, he doesn’t have a hunter to ride, his speed is ridiculously fast, and he can’t catch up with the Wind Dragon. It only took me two blinks to pull me away. Now, let the blue stone chasing below scream, for fear that I could not catch up with this legendary oolong beast.

"Boss, you have a lot of magical powers, but you must not let go of this legendary Oolong Beast! This is a top-notch mount..." Blue Stone rushed on the trail, but the Wind Beast was not as fast as ours. Can only lag far behind.

Qu Meng also appeared in our sight. Seeing this scene, he immediately raised the sniper cannon and said: "You can't let Oolong go, I will kill it!"

"No! No! No! No! Qu Meili! You must not, I can count on this oolong alive!" Lan Shi hurriedly cried, Qu Meng can only put down the sniper cannon, looking contemptuously. Hold him.

Only then did I remember that there were long-range weapons on the Biaofenglong, and immediately aimed two machine guns at the body of this legendary Oolong, and several shots came directly!

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Not to mention, this legendary Oolong immediately avoided the gunshot as soon as he heard it, and flew towards another flight path as if he had eyes behind his back. This immediately increased my shooting pressure, and there were several bullets. They have passed the vicinity of it, and there is a certain distance from the hit!

I can only calculate the flight path of the oolong, and then fire it after the advance amount is correct. There are more than a dozen bullets down, and some of them finally directly hit the tail and waist of the oolong! Under severe pain, the oolong flopped for a few times, and immediately began to glide and fall towards the ground!

The blue stone monster screamed and rushed towards the landing point. This legendary oolong cannot be said to be small, at least it is much larger than the blue stone. It is not much worse than the sturdy man, but the beast’s teeth and claws It's an attack weapon. At first glance, it is a brutal animal that can cooperate with the owner to kill, so it can get the evaluation of the legendary mount.

Blue Stone took the lead to jump off the Beast Wind Beast, and immediately picked up the oolong after rushing over, looking at the wound of the oolong, couldn't help crying: "Wow! Boss, you are too cruel, right? You take the oolong. Kill it!"

"Okay, dig out the bullet and feed it with this! It's fate to be able to save it. If you can't save it, let's forget it. Just turn around and continue riding the Biaofeng Beast." I threw the first aid blood drink to it, and Biaofeng Long became angry. It was not too small, he poked his head out in an instant, ready to swallow the little legendary flying beast that was still alive and kicking on its back just now!

Of course I knew its careful thinking, pulled the reins, and then lost an elixir, which made it happily let go of this legendary oolong.

Blue Stone survived the catastrophe and regained his vitality, and he should be lucky. With his sweating efforts, he finally saved this legendary oolong to life. Of course, in order to prevent the opponent from fleeing. , An iron chain buckled each other, and Blue Stone was also trying to tame it.

However, this flying beast is legendary after all. It is not only very capable of tossing, but also extremely cruel. The blue stone ran around, going up to the sky, hitting the ground, and occasionally attacking and biting. Suppressed, this passive situation continued until Blue Stone's nose and face were swollen and did not improve at all.

I rode on the wind dragon and chased after the excitement, making the blue stone very temperamental.

I didn’t take out a bottle of elixir and threw it at the blue stone, which was dragging the chain and holding on to the same tired flying beast: "Try this, if it doesn’t work, just kill it. Right."

"Boss, why don't you take it out earlier!" Lan Shi burst into tears, and suddenly poured out an elixir and shook it in front of Oolong's eyes.

The long-tailed bat beast originally planned to refuse, but when it smelled the scent of the elixir, it immediately stopped. After hesitating for a while, after all, it twisted its body and opened its blood bowl and mouth towards the blue stone. Bite his hand!

Lan Shi and Oolong jumped up and down for a while, but they did not fight. They were used to each other's actions. Lan Shi let go of the elixir, and let the Oolong drag him until it swallowed the elixir into their abdomen!

Not long after, this Oolong was not only full of energy, but also started looking at the elixir bottle in Blue Stone's hand with great vigor. He was planning to find a second elixir.

Lan Shi took advantage of this opportunity for a while, and after spending two more elixir, he finally got his wish and sat on the back of the oolong.

Oolong is a small ferocious dragon. If it is used as a blue stone mount, it is indeed the most suitable, because the weapon used by the blue stone attack is mainly a straight line spear, unlike a sword that will rest on the wings of a flying beast. So the law enforcement hunter is simply a customized delivery for him!

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