Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6166: : Ling Diao

The blue stone flew around on the body of the oolong. Don’t look at this bat-like dragon beast. Although it is small, its power is much greater than expected. The sapphire stone can be crushed into powder by pinching its claws. , Let alone a mortal body, no wonder it can hook on the giant beast without falling off, and its attack power is amazing, and its biting ability is very dangerous. It is a terrifying dragon beast for close combat. It is simply a blue stone with it. It is a step up.

After Qu Meng killed a few hunters, the other hunters left their cages and ran far away. We were scattered and fleeing. We were too few to catch up with them one by one. There is no need to kill after catching up, but it came from the order of the Hunter Bureau.

I ignored the Blue Stone training the beast there, and quickly merged with Qu Meng, and asked about the situation during this period.

"I wanted to find Aunt Xia, and I was waiting for Blue Stone's news, but before the news came, Blue Stone was targeted by the Hunter Bureau. We were both wanted by the Hunter Bureau, so we have been on the way. Even killing people, the supplies are almost out of reach, and the sniper cannon bullets you gave me almost burned out, but you can rest assured that I did not waste a single shot. This hot weapon is very powerful and stronger than all weapons." Qu Meng Tell me, she was riding on the Beast Wind Beast, and her bow and arrows were fought so many times. Otherwise, she wouldn't use a sniper cannon, but this is where the deterrence lies.

I nodded and said, "Of course I believe you. By the way, Chu Jiao is going to challenge the lord of another city. Do you know where she is going?"

"I don't know." Qu Meng immediately shook her head. It seems that she is not good at gathering intelligence. All her energy has been spent on tracking. However, it is quite good to be able to drive a team to run around. The hunter is afraid that this effect will not be brought.

I looked at the cage and suggested: "Then let us release these hunters. Maybe they will have news of Chuyu. I have now taken over the extreme western forces. Although the remnants are defeated, the forces should be reduced. The damage is limited."

Qu Meng nodded and went to open the cage, and Lan Shi quickly joined in to help. His oolong played a big role at this time. For the cage, it was torn apart by three times, which is more powerful than the Dragon There are more, so small size also has small benefits, and the strength is more concentrated!

After saving these hunters in the extreme west, I certainly did not give them first aid blood. Most of the hunters were grateful, and heard that I was the Lord of the Sky City and came to take over them personally. All of them immediately took the last doubts. Everything was cleared, and I knew everything quickly, and I couldn't say enough, and I could gather a lot of information.

Even among the prisoners, there is the altar master of the seventh city branch altar. This unlucky altar owner was returned to the prisoner after the branch altar was pulled up. He was being taken to the three cities to ask for crimes, and he was able to escape one. Jie can be said to be extremely excited, he knows the most information, so he provided a lot of information, even Chu Wei has some news.

"I don't know where Chu Chuanqi is now, but I do know a piece of news. If the information you gathered for me is not wrong, it is very likely that Chu Chuanqi has stolen some important treasures by guards, because it alarmed the Hunter Bureau. , And because of the increased difficulty of the task, I reported it to the law enforcement officer of the Law Enforcement Bureau. According to the news I received, the gods had already sent law enforcement hunters to hunt and kill Chu Legend, but... this news has been several days. I don’t know if it’s too late, I’m afraid Chu Chuanqi..." The other party shook his head and sighed.

"But there is news to know where they chased? Or where did Chu Yan go again?" Lan Shi hurriedly asked.

"I don’t have information about the treasure that I transported, and I don’t even know the delivery route. But if it is sent to the Upper Three Cities, and it is stolen by Chu Chu legendary guards, then based on the survey data I have obtained, I can predict some routes. If you don’t mind whether the information is correct, I think it’s very likely that they will chase into the Thousand Rift Gorge area; because that place was still a big plain some years ago, and later for unknown reasons, it split into a canyon of Thousands of Paths. These canyons are large or small, the deep ones are as deep as a thousand feet, and the shallow ones are also several tens of feet deep. If the riding beasts are not strong enough, they may get stuck in the criss-crossed fractured canyons without going too far. Of course, Some hunters will dive deep into the rift valley, but as you know, these rift valleys are full of fierce beasts inhabiting points, which is very dangerous." The sub-altar master began to draw a detailed map. This map is in the fifth place. The big city and the sixth largest city are around, and there is still a long distance between them.

"Very good, then we'll go to Thousand Cracks Gorge." Lan Shi said, patting his chest. Now that he has an oolong, he has a desire to show his abilities. This fierce beast is not without shortcomings, it is not good. Mounting accessories, such as machine guns, can mount miniature ones at most, and there are not many bullets.

"This is one less flying beast..." I looked at Qu Meng, but she didn't have a flying beast. This is indeed less help for us who are going to Thousand Split Gorge.

"Yes, if it's a flying beast, going to Thousand Cracking Gorge is the best. The Wind Beast is definitely not a good mount over there. I heard that when I was escorted in a cage, I vaguely heard them talk about spirits. Regarding the carving hunter, since they have sent a spirit carving hunter, then Chu Chu legendary may not be able to survive in Qianli Gorge." The altar master said with a worried expression.

I raised my eyebrows and asked, "What is a spirit carving? Who is the spirit carving hunter?"

"Because it is a big bird and beast, this thing has huge wings, and the spirit hunter is a law enforcement hunter under the jurisdiction of the marshal, and it is also very powerful. I heard that the enemy pursued by it has absolutely no survival. He is a downright brutal opponent. We had brothers in his hands before. He is very good at using long-range weapons. With the help of spirit carvings, he can snipe hunters from far away." The altar master continued.

"It shouldn't be too late. Let's go to Chuyu now." I exchanged important information about the area with the altar master, and then arranged for him to return to the Eleven Major Cities with important prisoners to wait for the arrangements from the city lord. Now many days have passed. Now, Tiancheng should begin to penetrate here, and this time the number will not be too small.

Those who can be escorted to the three cities are basically not the altar masters of the cities, but also have a good face. Of course, you need a know-how to govern the eleven cities. With them, you can also plan to make up for the deficiencies of the eleven cities.

After I negotiated the route with Lan Shi and Chu Wei, I quickly flew towards the fifth largest city. As for Qu Meng’s flying beast with the queen’s bow, he also rode the altar back to the Eleventh City. Everyone wanted to rush to save people. Being able to fly and not being able to fly were two different things. If Qu Meng was riding a flying beast, this blue stone would have been rescued long ago.

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