Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6167: :hunter

We blatantly confronted the gods. The Hunter Bureau had already started to blacklist us, but the chamber resistance started when the gods reached the extreme west division. I called for the transfer of the extreme west forces, and I was also preparing to fight against the gods. When Chu Wei is rescued, he can prepare to liberate the barbaric world. At that time, the layout of the Celestial City should be in place.

The three of us flew along the signs on the map. Because we ignored most of the mountainous terrain, one day and one night later, when flying close to the surface, we could already see rows of canyons alternating horizontally and vertically under our feet!

This Thousand Cracked Gorge is indeed well-deserved. The sapphire plain is vast and boundless. Even if you find a place, you should be able to build a habitable place. However, at this moment, the Thousand Cracked Gorge has completely become the entire plain because of the huge rifts. In the deep trench of death where human beings are extinct, there is an abyss here that even the Wind Beast cannot cross.

"I've heard of this place before, but I didn't expect to see the terrible Thousand Rupture Gorge until I really saw it. It was a dead end to meet here by running through my legs. I really don't know how she... how is it now?" Lan Shi Yiyi's sadness, although he always quarreled with Chu Wei, in fact the two were not together, they were still concerned about each other, even more so now.

Qu Meng looked at the terrain all the way, pointing to some reasonable routes that she seemed very suitable for escape, and we flew over. After all, I am not good at tracking, unlike Qu Meng who shuttles through these complex terrains. .

The plain is actually unobstructed, but because the sapphire plain is too dry and there is no water source, the wind and sand will immediately be yellow sand rolling. The visibility is less than ten miles, and even flying high, you will see the yellow sand-like ocean below. The ground will never be seen again, and the entire Thousand Rift Gorge is extremely spectacular and extremely desperate.

Both the Hurricane Dragon and Oolong flew near the ground. The flying attitudes of these two beasts are different, and they don’t even have the grace of a dragon at all, because in fact they are not dragons at all, but can only be said to be able to fly. Nothing more than the fierce beast, it is also the name given by the hunter who worships the dragon for the prestige.

If it were me to name it, this hurricane dragon could only be called a flying beast, and Oolong had to be called a black bat to make sense.

"Boss! Found it, look there!" When I was thinking about it, Lan Shi suddenly seemed to have seen something, and hurriedly descended to a platform where the valley meets! After a while, it fell on the ground, and as the Oolong rushed forward, I also saw a corpse of the Wind Beast that had been weathered and dried!

The three of us jumped down together. The Beast Wind Beast was not stabbed to death by an arrow, but on its back. After being hit by several arrows in its four legs, it ran all the way, causing excessive bleeding and falling to the ground, even on the ground. There are several sharp barbed hunter arrows, this cruel scene can easily come to mind.

I know this Beast Beast. It is the young hero Beast Beast that I gave to Chu Wei. It is a fierce and loyal Beast Beast. I still remember that when I brought him under his command, I even fed it. Moonstone, let it spin around me with excitement, treating me as its true master, and after following Chu Wei, he has been performing his duty to protect Chu Wei until here.

But at the moment, he suffered several brutal sniper killings that deliberately failed to target the hunter, and fell to the ground in pain after constantly suffering injuries that could not be cured in time.

I came to this conclusion because after careful inspection, I found that there are more than a dozen separate arrows under its skin. These arrows are double-layered. Even if the feather arrows are pulled out, the arrows will remain in the flesh. If it gets deep, it will basically be hopeless to dig it out, even if it is an emergency blood drink, it will be difficult to maintain and rescue this violent beast.

The hunter who chased Chu Wei was cruel, and he took pleasure in sniping. Judging by the time when this young wind beast died, and the terrain and dry climate here, at least two or three days have passed, and I don’t know Chu Wei in the end. How's it going.

My face was so gloomy, Lan Shi saw my expression and could only say, "Boss, don't be so angry. Although this little girl Chuyu is sometimes reckless, he is very clever at critical moments, or we should find them separately. Okay, she must be fine, and without the Wind Beast, she shouldn't have escaped far."

"According to the other party's attack method, it seems that she has no plans to kill Miss Chu." Qu Meng said.

I nodded and said, "Well, looking at where the other party started, and the direction Chu Yu came along the road, it's likely that the other party is driving her somewhere."

Blue Stone jumped onto the Oolong and said, "I saw the armor on the Wind Beast, but I didn't remove it, but I didn't see a bag of blood drink, and there were no other Wind Beast footprints around. This should be one-on-one. She was sniped, and the blood drink and some of the spoils were not taken off. Chu Yan must still have a treasure on her body. This treasure is not too big, and the opponent did not kill her immediately. It is likely that this thing is fragile. Pin, the other party is forcing Chu Yan to hand over her things? Because she's afraid of damage?"

"You guessed it right. If this thing attacks Chu Wei, it may destroy it. Then it is reasonable for the other party not to shoot Chu Wei immediately." Qu Meng said.

"Then the place where she can run at this time is only under the canyon. It is very likely that she is now under the canyon." Lan Shi said as she pulled Oolong and jumped down the cliff, because there are a lot of secrets under the canyon. In the area, only riding a flying beast can have a clear view of the following.

I also rode the Wind Dragon, and under the guidance of Qu Meng, I flew along the cracked area of ​​the cracked gorge. Of course, I saw sporadic arrows on the way, but no blood stains were found. I could see that the other party was pushing Chuyu. Hand over things.

This crack is not small, the bottom is very spacious, and there are many places that can block the arrows. Chu Wei has eaten a lot of elixir during this time. Not only is he quick to move, but also has amazing endurance. Flying over the wall is not a problem, of course, if it is injured It's hard to say after that.

Because the cracks in the canyon are all present, the direction of our search is much simpler, and once we get down the canyon, it is not easy to come up. Therefore, to find Chuyu’s Wind Beast is equivalent to not far from her. Finding her should be Time issue.

However, with continuous exploration, I found that there is still a gap between imagination and reality. When this rift is about to end, there are more interlacing, making the search more difficult. Of course, if it weren’t the case, now we have found it. It should be Chu Yu's body!

And as we continued to fly under the canyon, the sun slanted westward, and a huge shadow suddenly appeared under the canyon from behind!

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