Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6206: :attitude

"Really? You think these little insects can make me fall into the fog, and I can't find it in the four heavens?" I smiled, and then ordered the crane's beak to be parallel, and I did not sit in the original position. I came to the end of the beak at the fastest speed, that is, the position that did not cover the moonstone sand!

This position is of course the clearest view, so I can see the clearest environment at this time, and I can control the cranes from going around.

Soon the cranes ran madly, and when the thundernet was photographed, we were no longer in place, even out of the attack range. After all, under my guidance, it would not go the wrong way even with its eyes closed. After running wildly, I chose Qiuhu and Haoxi to move forward!

After all, Immortal King Wan Qi looked a little weird. I was afraid that there were big traps everywhere on his side, so I definitely couldn't walk towards him.

Seeing me walking like flying, Haoxi immediately ordered the giant mountain beast to turn towards me. The giant beast was pitch-dark and had huge double horns. It had eight legs capable of crawling. The earth shook as it moved, and the cliffs and mountains were in it. The collapse is truly earth-shattering and terrifying.

I even began to wonder whether the crane can be pulled out after this peck, after all, this guy is more than ten times bigger than the crane, this is a hill!

Fairy Haoxi looked at me with a smile, and said loudly: "The fairy has a long time no reunion, why are you so embarrassed? Don't get together again, you should have a long conversation."

"Hehe, I can't say that I'm embarrassed. The person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man. Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing before you and Qiuhu escaped? As for the long conversation... I'm not interested." I laughed, how could it be useful to me ? But it did make me quite depressed.

Hao Xi saw that I was unmoved, and continued: "Xianzun and go slowly, we don't want to treat you, we just want to discuss one thing with you, after all, the **** seat has been destroyed in the Nine Heavens. I have controlled the barbaric world of the entire Nine Heavens, but it is not completely in our hands. Under the gradual encroachment of the heavens, the longer we drag on, the lower the chance of winning will naturally be. How about the distribution of benefits?"

"Do you think I am this kind of person? Since you don't believe me, I will agree, but you want to bet that I will stay with a low probability, and don't open your mouth again, but it is unnecessary. Let's talk about Fengyue and I welcome it, but don't talk about national affairs. "I smiled, naturally taking the opportunity to rub some oil on my words.

Hao Xi smiled, and said: "Xianzun said and laughed, you are a gentleman, and Fengyue will not be discussed with me."

"I know, don't hurry up." I snorted, and Qiuhu didn't rush to chase me anymore at this time, because I chose the gap between her and Hao Xi, so she seemed to have responded, blocking the exit position. , And chased me again.

As for Xianjun Wan Qi, the speed from slow to fast is weird enough, indicating that he must be there. Now that I didn't choose his side, I naturally gave up and quickly surrounded him.

Of course, no matter how good the route I choose, it seems that there are all kinds of big formations around, so after accelerating the approach, I ordered the crane to take off immediately! Because only in the sky is it not easy to step into the trap!


The result was beyond my expectation. Suddenly, several lightning strikes in the air, and several of them directly hit the crane, making the crane fall from the sky with a snorting snoring, and there seems to be an inexplicable danger in this area. , So that the cranes don’t want to fly high! When I went to Wangxiang before, the crane didn't dare to fly. That's because this is a place where the folded space is all over the sky. No one wants to cut it into a pile of pieces by himself, so my choice is also very dangerous.

But at the risk, it seemed to be hit. The result was amazing. Looking at the distance, it turned out that several areas like hot air balloons rose up, and these things were connected to some strange chains. They are connected in series, and the reason why the lightning strikes just now is because the anger thunder generates electricity, which causes the organ to directly attack the target in the sky!

It seems that the sky is not working!

At this moment, the man dressed as a law enforcement hunter nearest to me rode on a dragon beast and pounced on me!

This is certainly a death-hunting behavior, but it is the most effective means to intercept the crane. I am now pecking at the crane, so it is impossible to attack him, and it is not realistic to even attack it, so I directly changed the course of travel!

As a result, I looked far away, and the traps in the distance were also exposed, which made me secretly say that I have stepped into the enemy's trap!

I underestimated Hao Xi, the woman had already figured out where I would go before she knew it, and used the method of responding to my actions.

But what about agencies?

I found the target, and immediately ran back to the position of the crane's head. As soon as I pulled the mechanism, the area around me was instantly caught in a strange searing heat, and immediately beside the crane's head, two beams of aurora blasted forward!


After a large area in front was illuminated, it suddenly turned into a molten pool. This is a thermal weapon made by Han Shanshan for the crane, which is the light energy cannon, but I did not expect that its heat can actually evaporate the earth, which should still be crane toxin The effect produced after dilution, after all, the earth is not directly carbonized, but burned.

But even so, the scope is quite huge, so no matter what kind of mechanism it was, all were destroyed by this blow, and what made me most happy was not the destruction of the mechanism, but this molten pool!

I quickly ordered the crane to rush over, and finally lowered the crane head directly and dived directly into the molten pool!

In the next moment, that group of pesky insects, as well as moonstone sand and other things attached to the head, were all burned. This completely solved the problem of gold powder covering the eyes. When the crane raised his head, he was overjoyed. It was so loud that I couldn't help covering my ears!

The low-frequency sound instantly stunned all the surrounding Zhengdaoxians, even directly exposing the prototype, which is equivalent to all the law enforcement hunters falling into a state of being unable to move!

At this moment, the crane also took the opportunity to run wildly, and I was relieved. It seems that the crane still needs to be discovered, and it has a lot of capabilities.

Of course, even the law enforcement hunters could not move, but the three of Haoxi, Qiuhu, and Wan Qi rushed towards me as if they were still collecting debts, and even the epic behemoths under them were unaffected and turned towards me. Pounce!

There was a delay in clearing the obstacles just now, and now it was inevitable to get closer to them, and at this moment, Hao Xi seemed to whisper to the mount a few times. The eight-legged mount understood what was happening and began to adjust her posture!

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