Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6207: : Flyer

As I let the cranes fly forward, I stared at what Hao Xi wanted to do. As a result, the eight-legged mount made a sound like an old cow. After the moo, its back and body like a mountain, suddenly A strange creature about the size of a human head quickly flew up, and then began to fly towards me and the crane!

My face changed drastically. When I saw these ferocious giant insects, my heart was already cold. These things do not look kind, they are definitely of the level of mountain and river ants. As the saying goes, more ants kill elephants, and more crabs bite. The number of dead crocodiles, so many, is simply crazy, and it almost made me see the scene like a mountain river ant attacking the city again!

And seeing them start to pounce on the cranes, the cranes have quickened their pace.

These flying insects are very fast, they are definitely above the mountain beasts, and they seem to obey Haoxi's orders very much. She keeps commanding them from behind, and soon these flying insects spread all over the surrounding area, forming a formation, and moving towards I am chasing and intercepting!

I really didn’t expect that Haoxi would have such a terrifying epic mountain beast in just a short time after coming down. This mountain beast also came with an endless number of terrifying flying insects. Even if it was surrounded by cranes, I was afraid to give it all. Eat into a skeleton!

No wonder the alpine beast is so big, these flying insects live by gnawing on the Qiongtian energy excreted from the pores of the alpine beast!

Now I definitely can’t look back. I let the cranes speed up the flight, but at this time, Emperor Wan Qi also caught up. The fierce beast under the seat should also be able to fly. Like the angry thunder, it has grown and has wings, but This area can't fly high. Because of the folding space cracks, it runs at the same speed as the mountain beast, but if it can take off, this guy is definitely not comparable to the crude mountain beast.

And the most important thing is the strange air wave on it, which seems to be loaded with some kind of hot weapon!

Sure enough, after this weird creature made another gesture, all the eight barrels behind it were aimed at me!

"It seems that you don't plan to let me go today?" I sighed, secretly saying that these guys are all supernatural powers, but my crane is not a vegetarian. It also has Qiongtian ability and has not used it. Now, it is it. Time to show your ability!

After receiving the message that I wanted to use the trick, the crane stopped anxiously, facing the bee colony and the two super giant beasts about to pounce, and the eight gun barrels about to be ejected, it was not afraid, and even sent a king over the world. Ordinary cranes, of course, if the enemy can be frightened off by just a call, then it is not a trick!

Suddenly I felt the surrounding air temperature rise suddenly, and the beautiful feathers of the crane began to tremble. Just when I felt it was about to be too hot to sit still, a huge wind and waves blew. This is because the crane started to stir up. With his own huge wings, bursts of hot wind began to turn into hurricanes, these hurricanes blew the swarms of bees, no matter what the formation, they began to disrupt!


Eight giant cannons began to erupt, spraying out a series of flames, and a series of small chains sprang out from the flames. These chains rushed straight from the position of several kilometers, without fear of the influence of the hurricane!

However, it is just a hurricane, and it will definitely not be the ultimate trick of the crane. Even if I face the next three epic beasts, I am still patiently waiting for the ultimate ability of the crane to erupt!

Sure enough, the result of waiting did not come too late. The next moment, there was a loud bang, and the air seemed to be compressed. Then the hurricane suddenly burned, and the heat wave seemed to swallow everything and instantly carbonized the earth. , The earth quickly turned from sapphire stone sand to a clear and translucent glass color, and quickly began to become more transparent, and the insects in the front line fell to the ground one by one. These insects began to carbonize. Crystallized and eventually fell to the ground and shattered into dust!

And Hao Xi, who was the first to see this scene, immediately gave the order loudly. Not only she, but even Qiuhu and Wanqixianjun turned around at this time, because not only the insects have crystallized, but even the eight chains can no longer be used. Half a minute forward, because this is not just a simple flame. The strange colored flame seems to be mixed with Qiongtian's power. It not only decomposes the energy in the opponent's body, but also completely burns the opponent into carbon crystals in an instant!

All three of them avoided this area. Of course, after losing a bee colony, the remaining bee colony was also ordered to return. For fear of stepping in the footsteps of the predecessors, they lost 30% of the loss and stopped the loss in time. Up!

I was pleasantly surprised by the power of this carbonized flame, and I thought that this was the real surprise. I didn't expect this crane to be so powerful!

This is simply the scope spell of Qiongtian World!

But I just came back a few more times in my heart, so that these enemies will be destroyed under this weird flame, but then, my body sank suddenly, this is because the whole head of the crane dropped directly, even a little bit Can't help this energy consumption!

Seeing it panting heavily and feeling sick, I hurriedly took out its favorite good fortune pill and threw it to it. As a result, it just got a little more energetic. It was me now. I was in a hurry, so I could only take out a few more boxes and threw it to it, which made it seem as if it was still yang, and started to flee to the depths under my order.

This Qiongtian ability is indeed very strange, and it lasts for a very long time, just like Qiongtian spells, it also emptied the energy of this crane at once, and it was full of surprises.

After getting rid of Hao Xi and the others, I felt thoughtful in my heart, and understood a lot more about Qiongtian’s abilities. Of course, I felt that there should be more secrets in it. Qiongtian’s law should be a world of its own. And this crane is no longer just a mortal fetus, or a higher alien in a certain sense in the Qiongtian world.

For example, from legendary beasts to epic-level beasts, their abilities have been qualitatively improved, and there is even a difference similar to mortals and immortals. People can use wisdom and power, but they reach the level of immortals. , That is the law, and the epic fierce beast is more like using the'fa', so this is definitely a direction worth studying.

Whatever the extreme strength, it is possible to produce a certain unique mutation. This is not only unique to the nine heavens. It seems that the Qiongtian world is the same, but its difficulty and use conditions are more complicated.

And just as I thought about it, suddenly there was a flower in front of my eyes, and a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the smog not far ahead!

A flying trapeze?

I immediately rubbed my eyes, but found that the figure in front of me did exist!

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