Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6662: : Qiuhe

"At that time, the Supreme decided to reincarnate, and he set up a mechanism in this fairy mountain that once suppressed countless powerful and ferocious thoughts among the six ways. This fairy mountain has nine layers of demon sealing wheels, and there are nine layers of seals. They have their own strengths and weaknesses. Progressively, and as our nine confidants wake up from the seal, the fierce beasts here also file out. It is equivalent to our nine confidants guarding their level. Once the guardian of this level wakes up, this level will Unblocking, all the fierce thoughts on the first floor are naturally unrestricted, so now based on the fierce thoughts around me after I came out, in addition to waking up from my troubles, the city defender ghost on the second floor has also been unblocked. "Qi Niang said.

"What are you talking about? Unsealing one layer is equivalent to a layer guard's unlocking? Then so many fierce thoughts right now are only equivalent to unsealing two layers? If it is to unsealing nine layers, you can get it? Just like that brave Read... By the way, there is also a looming black dragon and various flying beasts! Is it just the first and second levels of fierce thoughts?" I was shocked.

"How is this? The first three floors are the closest to the top of the mountain, so the area is the smallest. Of course, the seals that can be written down are also the least. So our topmost layer is generally easy to get out of trouble. As for the further down, the more complicated the seal will be. We still need our help to solve the problem, otherwise the guardian who seals the layer will not be released. As for the brave-like ferocious thoughts and black dragons you mentioned, they are all the beasts of our level. Evil things, if we surrender them, we can gain the power to shake the immortal mountains, but Qi Niang now even you can't shake the big immortal house. I am afraid that there is nothing you can do about this holy lin, and without their help, we must shake the seal below. Is it easy?" Qi Niang said.

"Do you call this Pai Yao Shenglin? What about the black dragon? What would happen if you couldn't shake the seal below?" I asked. These two Shan Shan beasts are huge, and they indeed have the power to shake the mountain. Of course they can't. Say there is nothing, because grandma and I are still there?

"The fierce beast that you call the black dragon is called Wujiao. It can soar through the clouds and ride the fog, soaring heaven and earth. It proves the way for the demon race back then. It was swallowed by the supreme fortune and restrained in thought to suppress the fairy mountain. This is the second The regret mountain beast of the layer devil, and if the time drags on for longer, once the dragon of the camel mountain enters the six reincarnations, the guardian of the mountain in the fairy mountain cannot leave the seal, how can there be a way to live the supreme deity outside?" Mother asked back.

"Well, I will definitely help you relieve all the other guardians, and then enter the sea of ​​reincarnation as soon as possible." I immediately slapped my chest to promise.

"All the trouble? What's a joke? It's amazing to be able to open the sixth and seventh floors within a limited time, and looking at the current situation, and what happens to the little devil, Qi Niang can't be counted on." Mother said with a sad look.

"Is it so urgent?" I secretly said that this abandoned mother obviously doesn't believe in my ability.

"Look at the sea of ​​reincarnation below, is there a crowd of fierce surgings?" Qi Niang asked.

"Not bad."

"You can see that, then you should know that the longer we have to enter the sea of ​​reincarnation, the more dangerous the situation will be. In fact, it is best to go down the mountain with the help of the Shanshan Beast, because the sea of ​​reincarnation follows the sea of ​​Tuoshan. When the dragon sneaks into the six realms, more fierce beasts will appear, and there are even some myth-level existences hidden in the reincarnation. Do you know why the six realms are so special? What is different from the gods and buddhas of the heavens? The supreme has a more terrifying power. After all, goodness often ends in reason, but evil is endless. The gods and Buddhas will limit what they can and cannot do because of their own nature, so they tend to be alone in the way of heaven, or It’s a corner; but it’s different in the six reincarnations. Those who linger in the reincarnation hide in them. Although they can’t jump out of the six reincarnations, it doesn’t mean that they are not the king and hegemon in the six reincarnations. The longer the time is, the more dangerous we will be, and there is even the possibility of remaining six reincarnations forever." Qi Niang said.

"Six reincarnations forever..." I took a breath.

"Yes, you are also thinking of your soul consciousness, and you may stay in the six realms forever, but if you go through these six reincarnations, you can sneak back there. After all, if you don’t have a position in our six realms, it’s okay to go elsewhere, of course. , If you can leave here now, but Qi Niang hasn't said anything." Qi Niang said.

"That's grateful for your reminder, but I listened to it as if I had jumped into a pit. Even if I can get out, I obviously won't." I smiled bitterly.

"Then, I would like to thank the Xianjia for helping here," said Qiniang.

"This should be the case. After all, after going out, with your help, the Six Dao Supreme can gain the final control right? I have to help with this." I said.

"Then let's join the Guizi first. After all, I can't drive Shenglin. I wanted to get some thought power before trying to communicate and stabilize Shenglin."

"Then how can I help you? I am quite good at six spells." I laughed.

"Being good at six spells may not be of much use, otherwise..." Qi Niang raised her head and swept around, then pointed at a bird flying in the air, and said: "If you take this Qiuhu down, I will believe you. ."

"Why is this so difficult?" I smiled, and stretched out my hand to perform ghost control, and directly tore off the giant bird flying in the air, but to my surprise, this Qiuhe was caught by me. As soon as I controlled it, I screamed, and then fluttered my wings and swooped down at me. The momentum seemed to be extremely angry.

"Chuck..." Qi Niang couldn't help but giggled, and immediately stepped back and said: "This Qiuhe is good at fighting and fighting, and extremely violent. The spell you just used to control us is probably useless to it. Yes, because once it gets angry, it will fall into a state where it doesn't even remember what it is, and must put you to death, so we call it Qiuhe."

"So, no wonder ghost control was useful for it at first, but it lasted less than a moment." I smiled, and with a jump on my toes, I went straight into the sky in an instant!


The sword in my hand opened a **** hole on the Qiuhe who was flying down like a cannonball. The Qiuhe was frightened and angry, but it is impossible to change the position of the movement. It can only be directly different. Steady, hit the ground!

Seeing that I cut the Qiuhe bird directly with swordsmanship, Abandoned Mother couldn't help being surprised. I didn't expect that I would use brute force.

But she was not idle, and immediately sent several black lights to make up the knife, and the beat Qiuhe rushed towards her!

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