Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6663: : Kan Shan

Don’t look at the Qiuhe bird hitting me with a sword and landing, and the power to get up and flop is really not small, and the abandoned mother was sucked a lot by me before, and the strength is not as good as Qiuhe, and I was immediately pressed by this chase. Body!

The huge hooked bird peck suddenly fell towards the abandoned mother, so scared that the abandoned mother screamed!

At the moment of the moment, I instantly fell and kicked this Qiuhe's head away, but also smashed a deep hole into the ground, showing how amazing its destructive power was.

Qi Niang took the opportunity to escape, and after Qiuhe raised his head, he chased after me and started to attack. While fighting and attacking, I also paid attention to the surrounding situation. After all, the current situation is not optimistic. In the battle, many ghosts and beasts wandered around waiting for opportunities.

If the Shan Shan beast comes at this time, we really have no other way but to escape. After all, a Qiuhe makes Qi Niang so difficult to deal with.

Chi Chi! My attack quickly beat the violent Qiuhe to his whole body, and the ghost energy I took the opportunity to absorb made this Qiuhe gradually weakened.

Qi Niang saw my You Dou, Qiuhe, gaining the upper hand, of course, she followed to absorb her ghostly energy. She is actually not weak. After extracting a lot of ghostly energy, she has recovered from the time I first met her. Up.

And Zi Niang knows that while Qiuhe is in danger, other ghost beasts are certainly not stupid, and they will rush to grab food!

A few thunder beasts with electric lights on their bodies took the lead. They not only released strange thunder and lightning, but also uttered a terrifying roar. They bit off a large piece of Qiuhe's flesh in one bite, and this thunder beast was also quite powerful and was bitten by it. Everyone who arrived was electrocuted all over, and the Qiuhe was so violent that he was suddenly fainted by the electric when he was bitten, and even when Qi Niang touched Qiuhe's body, he was directly softened by the electric.

I secretly said that this abandoned mother is really unlucky, and that she has just gained a lot of benefits, and she has been looted.

But even more ferocious than the thunder beast is a huge poisonous insect. This kind of poisonous insect is as big as a truck, carrying venom all over its body, and it will come forward fiercely, not only the thunder beast flees like thunder, but even faints. The lost Qiuhe was directly crushed under him.

The Thunder Beast rushed over, biting and discharging, but the poisonous insect did not hide at all. Shengsheng occupied that position to extract ghost energy, and countless tentacles swelled out directly, rolling one of the Thunder beasts to the mouth. Forcibly devoured it.

Qi Niang and I couldn't help but stare at each other, and at this moment, the sky burst into flames, and the other dragon roared and sprayed the flames, burning the poisonous insects endlessly, and the venom splashed everywhere.

The evil beasts here have a natural racial advantage, but after all, they are also a collection of thoughts and ghosts. The thoughts of Qi Niang and I have also absorbed the power of this fairy mountain. They are naturally not weak. The most important thing is that we have all of them. There are no spells and Dao-based laws.

Faced with the melee of a group of monsters, Qi Niang finally stopped hiding. She seemed not very good at solo fights, but she was very good at group melees. When she wandered between these monsters, she stood up. After the strange formation, she only saw her fall far away, but her ghost energy continued to increase crazily. She directly took the ghost energy leaked by the melee ghosts and beasts to use for her own use. !

Seeing my gaze, Qi Niang said with a smile: "The great immortal family must not feel that the abandoning mother is dangerous, and the abandoning mother does not have the idea of ​​harming the great immortal family. Because only the injured exist, the abandoned mother can quickly absorb their power. It won't work for the uninjured Daxian family."

We all have thoughts forming, so ghost energy quickly became the key to our own shaping. The range spell of Abandoned Mother is comparable to spiritual law, and a group of ghosts and beasts just reacted, and the ghost energy in the body has been absorbed. , And Qi Niang grew rapidly, and soon from the strength of the two poles to the strength of the three poles, this was a tenfold leap.

In other words, my existence at two poles is only an addition here.

A group of fierce beasts weakened, and then this abandoned mother would be very dangerous for me. If she turns me into an army, how can she crush me with ten times the strength, so I am not idle at the moment, and use it immediately. The scope of the spirit-saving method, forcibly incorporated the surrounding ghost energy into his body.

Although my strength did not immediately rise to the three poles, it was still considered to have taken away part of Qi Niang's strength, so that she would not pull me too much.

A bunch of ghosts and beasts are in the mountain stream, and they are constantly rushing down. I secretly said that this abandoned mother is very useful. Of course, luck is also indispensable. As long as the ghosts and beasts continue to rush down, we will be able to get an endless supply. power.

Of course, the ghosts and beasts here are not fools, knowing that it is a hunting ground will not rush down, so when Qi Niang stabilizes the strength of the middle three poles, the ghost energy of this hunting ground has been exhausted.

According to how much I asked Boshan Incense Burner to absorb the power of the Blood Demon Heaven, I can be sure that the power here will add up to about eight poles, and because the Shanshan Beast is in the center of the formation, plus its own advantages, the idea of ​​it grows very fast. It should now have a strength of about four or five poles. Even with spell blessing, it is not something we can deal with now.

"The magic of the Great Immortal Family is similar to our six ways, and there are many different places. They are also good at fighting alone. If you cooperate with Qi Niang, you will be able to increase your strength very quickly, but I don’t know if the Great Immortal Family is better. Or what is your next plan?" Qi Niang asked.

I secretly said that if I upgrade with you, even if Na Ling Fa can't rob you, I still have to bleed these ghost beasts, which is not worthwhile.

So I thought about it, this has to be done in a different way, so I said: "If you wait for the rabbits and wait for these ghost beasts to deliver food, do you think you can improve faster than these Shan Shan beasts?"

"This... is naturally not enough. This Shanshan beast can not only eat but also drink. It is omnipotent, so it improves very quickly. As a layer of fierce beasts, they are not under our control. , We want to control them, unless our strength is raised to their level." Qi Niang said.

"But is there any way to control this regret mountain beast Saint Lin and Wu Jiao?" I asked curiously.

Qi Niang shook her head and said: "As far as I know, we must at least reach close strengths, but at the current speed of improving each other, we are likely to be pulled farther and farther by them. If the time is longer, the opportunities will be less. ."

"That won't work, if the Shanshan Beast is uncontrollable, and will go down to the sea of ​​reincarnation after eating and drinking, then the main thoughts that are sealed on other layers are useless?" I complained endlessly.

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