Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6664: : Enemy

"Then don't worry too much. The Shan Shan beast, like our thoughts, uses the power of Xianshan reincarnation to shake the power of all parties. Therefore, it is destined to be affected by the supreme mind lock, as long as our strength is raised to a certain level. At this level, you can open the large formations at all levels, extract the mind locks from it, and use it to control the Shan Shan beast, but this process is destined to be very dangerous, because once the Mind Lock is activated, it will affect the **** of the Shan Shan beast. Nian, and the Shan Shan beast will definitely find its way and destroy us to obtain the Nian lock." Qi Niang explained.

"That's why you said that you want to get the power close to these Shan Shan beasts." I said Shen Ning.

"It's not just that, it's best to join forces with the devil, first control a Shan Shan beast, and then gradually advance. This is also the reason why the Supreme let us work together to strengthen the bond between us, and the most terrible thing is that I and Guizi is not a good friend, so let's honestly improve your own strength." Qi Niang smiled bitterly.

"Then what do you think of this Shan Shan beast now? If it is me, can you stop the Shan Shan beast and let you go?" I asked.

"Naturally, I have counted you and my strength. According to the current situation, I am afraid it is not enough." Qi Niang said.

"What about one more?" At this time, Senior Brother Yan quickly walked out of the rugged rocks in the mountain. He seemed to find that our situation had joined me in advance. The closer to the sea of ​​reincarnation, the more obvious Dangerous, now it's not just that Senior Brother Yan is around, but Senior Brother Hai should be sneaking around to catch ghosts and absorb power.

I couldn't help but smile and said, "Yes, with the addition of Brother Yan, I am afraid it will be enough. We will now influence the mind lock to seal the Shan Shan Beast, otherwise the strength between Shan Shan Beast and us will grow stronger. "

Si Niang took a look at Senior Brother Yan, but didn't improve her confidence, because Senior Brother Yan's strength was not as good as me and her: "This...maybe not enough."

"Senior Brother Hai, are you still hiding in the mountains?" Senior Brother Yan looked at the strange rock group not far away.

The stone moved quickly, and Senior Brother Hai revealed his figure with a grin. He turned into a stone with magic techniques, and hides here, so let alone the ghost beast did not find him, even me and the abandoned mother did not Attention, I don’t know when he approached us.

"Senior Brother Yan has good eyesight, and I can actually see my concealment technique. That's right, I don't lose my teaching, hehe." Senior Brother Hai ridiculed. The two people have been tactical to each other, and the relationship between generations is chaotic.

Qi Niang inevitably has the same high regard for Senior Brother Hai’s way of playing, but still feels unreliable: "The four of us are barely okay, and I don’t know how strong the two are?"

"Why don't the little lady give it a try?" Senior Brother Yan slowly drew out a black rapier, Senior Brother Yan's superior swordsmanship is not a good thing.

Qi Niang grinned, and quickly hung down her sleeves. This sleeve has a different dimension. Soon several of the cloth strips became rigid and connected like swords: "Qi Niang has not encountered the sword fairy in a long time. Now, how about trying?"

I took a look at this set of fan swords, and thought that this Qi Niang was probably an extremely powerful swordsman and alien. She hadn't forced her to fight in close hands before, but now she is about to feast on her eyes.

"Hehe, the little lady is actually a sword fairy, that old man is not welcome." Senior Brother Yan raised his sword and walked towards Qi Niang, but Qi Niang waved the sword in his hand, and then instantly his body rotated like a rifled bullet. Wu Jian forced to Brother Yan!


The spinning fan sword was as fast as a mess, and the twisted sword shadow made a whistling sound, but the brother Yan was tight like a spring, but he seemed to be knowledgeable and did not feel pressure at all!


The two sides fought instantly, the sword light was like a burning shadow of a shooting star, and the surrounding light and dark intertwined continuously, which was extremely mottled and chaotic.

The two play fast, and the figure is like a piece of paper flying down, constantly moving in the mountainside!


Qi Niang’s swordsmanship is as fast as a shooting star. Don’t even look at that sword made of cloth strips. Once solidified and formed, the sharpness is very terrifying. It can easily penetrate the rocks here, and it is strong and not inferior to Senior Yan’s rapier. It was easy to break the stone when it was the backbone stone. If it was hit on Senior Brother Yan, one can imagine!

The most powerful thing is that this thing can be hard or soft. If it weren't for Brother Yan to take out the sword and close the sword, it would be astonishing, and I was afraid that it would take away the sword in his hand with a touch, and then there would be no need to hit it!

But even though it was the swordsmanship of Senior Brother Yan, it was extremely difficult to face this Qi Niang's weird fan sword routine, and it was almost suppressed.

"Senior Brother Yan, you can't let this little girl anymore. Although you are weaker in other aspects, I think you can accept your achievements in swordsmanship, but if you don't even have the advantages of swordsmanship, brother, I can I look down on you." Senior Brother Hai said with a smile on the side. In fact, looking at his expression, I immediately knew that he was duplicity.

"Shut up." Senior Brother Yan sipped, his swordsmanship is natural, he is a natural swordsman, and also a talented swordsman. If he loses, it proves that the strength of this Qi Niang is beyond imagination.

"Hehe, Qi Niang walks between the world and the earth, encounters countless swordsmen, and has defeated many sword immortals. Among the six ways, she is invincible." Qi Niang quickly approached, and her two sleeves danced wildly. Like two tornadoes, tearing the surrounding air apart, the rocks are cut smoothly wherever they pass, which is simply not good.

And this kind of swordsmanship can be described as a foul.

Chi Chi!

Brother Yan was forced to retreat again and again. By this time, there was not much opportunity to resist, so he could only whisper in the end: "Fine, the old man admits defeat."

This time it’s not just Brother Hai, even I’m dumbfounded. The swordsmanship performed by this Zi Niang is indeed something we have never encountered before. No wonder she can become a female officer next to Liu Dao Supreme, and she is in the first level of the fairy mountain. uniqueness.

"Accepted." Qi Niang backed away, and her two wide sleeves returned to the shape of the cloth strips that were hanging down. When she stood there, not only the dress became quiet, but also her expression became quiet. The state of a weak woman.

"From just now, you have hidden your strength, not just pretending to be an ordinary ghost, but also pretending to be weak." I couldn't help but say.

"Daxian, Qi Niang is so weak in front of so many ghosts, besides the six fierce ways, how could Qi Niang survive if it weren't like this?" Qi Niang said with aggrieved face, I feel pity for this charming appearance. , If it wasn't for the swordsmanship just shown, who could believe that her swordsmanship is powerful?

This woman performed a terrific play of being foolish and clumsy.

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