Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6716: : Mote

"Oh? There are such good things? The ghosts you recommend must have its special features, but you can tell me." I am very happy. Now it is the time to use ghosts to summon the three ghosts and summon the Sword North Hall. In fact, it is the same, but the gap in aptitude is ridiculously large. Although the three ghosts have a miraculous effect, they need to consume three times the mana, which will be a big trouble for me in the future.

And once Liu Daotian is settled, this matter will be put on the agenda, so the matter of Guidao summoning Daogui directly to friends for help is of course the key to victory.

"The first one is called Lingyi. He is not weak in strength. He is very good at the six tricks of formations. If there is her formation in wartime, I can increase my strength greatly. If I encounter the enemy formations, she will dismantle the formations and make the journey smoothly." Jian Beitang said.

"What did she commit, to be reincarnated forever?" I asked.

"Hey, it's just a small matter. The lord accepts a Daogui, do you have to ask what you have committed? Even if I kill someone in Jian Beitang, the lord doesn't ask for details?" Jian Beitang said gloomily.

I knew right away that it was definitely not a trivial matter. This name sounds pleasing, but it may not be pleasing in temper. Most of the demon kings who are not reincarnated by eternal reincarnation, such as Jian Beitang, are also the same?

"Alright, I happen to be missing a ghost. If you have her help, you will definitely increase your strength, so let's visit her first. What does the second one have to say?" I asked.

"If this one can't recruit, I don't want to talk about the second one, and I will ask the lord to stop." Jian Beitang said.

I secretly said that this guy is quite arrogant, he doesn't listen to me in everything, but this is also of course, Jian Beitang is different from other Dao ghosts.

"Then go and see Lingyi first. The name sounds cute, but is it a woman?" I curiously asked.

"Yes, it is a woman, she is also one of my few friends, but the journey is not far, please come with me." Jian Beitang motioned me to leave with her.

I thought for a while and looked at Senior Brother Hai: "Senior Brother Hai, do you also come with me? You are better than me in the study of formations, and you have more confidence in me."

"Alright! Then go to Lingyi for a while. I think there must be a wit battle. I will give you a reference." Senior Brother Hai geared his hands. He is actually quite interested in the place of reincarnation. The ghost road underworld is also the help of Senior Brother Hai, and the Yin Yang Family also has an in-depth study of the six reincarnations.

"Can you find foreign aid?" I looked at Jianbeitang.

"Naturally, it is possible." Jianbeitang didn't have any problems, so we soon said goodbye to our grandmother and senior brother Yan, and started flying towards the Six Paths of Reincarnation area.

Because the shoulders Yuelong is already in reincarnation, it’s easy to get in and out of the reincarnation, but if you don’t pay attention to the time to catch the last train, you will definitely fall into reincarnation forever, so this time I went to find the Daogui to sign Risky behavior.

Before long, we have already penetrated somewhere in the gloomy mountainside. There is no sky in this cycle, and there are not so many ghosts like the other six underworlds. Those who stay in these six cycles are full of sins. And the one we were going to meet was even more exaggerated. We were flying all the way without a trace of a ghost.

There are many mountains here, but they are bare, and they look like they are charred. Looking at the earth, there is not even a drop of water, which is more terrifying than the fairy mountains that have been burned by Liudaoye.

Brother Hai also saw through this point and reminded: "One day, there is no grass in this area for thousands of miles. Looking at this earth is burned by the sky, let alone any ghosts, but the devil dare not live here for a long time. Should this place be? Will it be the big formation? If so, this makes Yi really terrifying."

"Hey, you are right." Jian Beitang admitted this, and immediately said: "Ling Yi doesn't like things that are alive and kicking, so this is her forbidden place. If anyone breaks in, they will become her. Sniper."

Senior Brother Hai took a breath and asked, "Don't like living creatures?"

"I don't like dead objects. To put it right, she doesn't like them even if they are dead, so she can't help but erase anything that moves. She has an extremely obsessive habit of cleanliness." Jian Beitang smiled.

"Since she doesn't like any movement, why did you become good friends with her?" I asked.

"Because she can't kill me, so if you don't like it, you have to like it." Jian Beitang said proudly.

"Interesting, but wouldn't it be difficult to sign a contract with her?" I suddenly felt a headache.

"The lord can even persuade me. How difficult is it to persuade Lingyi? If it is not easy, do you know how powerful it is?" Jian Beitang asked in return.

I secretly said that this stumped me, and as we went deeper, the ground here became brighter and cleaner. This time even a violent gust of wind began to blow, and even swept up, blowing the already clean ground spotlessly!

Senior Brother Hai took a deep breath and said, "How powerful is this obsessive-compulsive disorder? I'm afraid this girl is really over-hygienic."

When we entered a deeper area, the smooth and clean ground turned into crystals. It can be seen that I am afraid it was not burned into diamonds or other crystals. It can be seen that when we were away, we really didn’t understand what kind of flames had been burned here. !

"Hey, the fairy family is fortunate that this place is clean, there is not even a single sand, because we have entered the big formation at this moment, but any sand will be a small world, if we are caught in it , The sky is burning, our small world will definitely accept the destruction of the world, do you say that such a big formation is terrifying?" Jian Beitang said, instantly the red long sword shot, sneered a black floating in the air ahead The point is divided into two, and a terrifying sunspot reincarnation annihilation just happened before our eyes!

This is like the multi-causal reincarnation that I am best at. After this mote was hit by a sword, the annihilation of reincarnation occurred. This refreshed our point of view!

Senior Brother Hai said in horror: "Could it be that these floating particles are all a small world?"

"Hey, yes, they are all small worlds that have undergone countless vicissitudes of life. This is Lingyi's domain. If we accidentally touch a piece of dust, we may enter it unknowingly, without knowing it, and finally annihilating. In external reincarnation, I also have obsessive-compulsive disorder, so I don't touch half a drop of smoke, otherwise, when I first entered this battle, I felt that there was no future." Jian Beitang chuckled.

I looked at the small world of dust that occasionally fluttered in this bald crystal block world, and the secret path of this world of sand was really realized here. This woman named Lingyi was definitely an extraordinary ghost.

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