Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6717: :sand

"Fortunately, there is not much dust here, otherwise we really have nowhere to go, we have to face these small worlds wherever we go, and the wind blows, I am afraid that it will be difficult to find its track." Senior Brother Hai said hastily.

Jianbeitang smiled gloomily and said, "I'm afraid it's a misunderstanding. When I didn't come back then, there was a lot of sand here, but I came here less once, and when I came more, the sand will be less. "

Senior Brother Hai's expression changed slightly, and he quickly asked, "You are so bad to her small world, then doesn't Ling Yi hate you? Why does he like you instead?"

"So you see, isn't the wind blowing? It can be seen that she loves and hates me, isn't it?" Jian Beitang finished speaking, and immediately shot out his sword and cut three swords. In an instant, seven or eight pieces of sand exploded in the sword gas. With multiple causes and effects, this kind of weird small world explosion has a strong impact, and even more sand hits our side. Obviously, the shock wave is part of the booster sand.

"Oh, Sword Girl, stop, if you go on like this, these small worlds will crash everywhere. This big array is unusual. It's a dusty array. You have to make a clear statement without touching it. !" After Senior Brother Hai finished speaking, he immediately drew out the Dao Sword and moved away these seemingly unknown small worlds. In fact, these small worlds are so subtle that they are invisible to the naked eye, so they are transferred by means of teleportation, but they cannot use power. Come and transfer them away.

My Secret Daohai brother was really good. After his transfer, the road ahead was cleared, including the wind. We walked in the brother's enchantment, so we won't be swallowed by the sand.

"Hey, I'm afraid this won't work, it's not just that the Xian Family would think that way. If this can break the formation, Ling Yi's formation will be broken long ago, and you will know if you walk for a while." Jian Beitang said suddenly.

"Oh? Is there something terrifying? Sword Girl, why not tell me in advance?" Senior Brother Hai was also very curious about the weirdness of this place, and could only follow the same steps.

Jian Beitang looked at me and said, "I don't know what the lord has found?"

"The small world has been attached to the surroundings under the transfer of my senior brother. If we detonate once, I am afraid that all three of us will be finished. So the best way is to destroy them one by one, so as to open up a path. Go to the end." I said.

Brother Hai was taken aback, and he didn't dare to move these motes anymore, because the situation in front of me was indeed the same as I said. These motes moved with the wind, and they were like bombs. Now even if Brother Hai opened up one Realm, but it does not prevent them from attaching to it, because wherever isolated, it means unnatural, and unnatural things must have weaknesses.

Jian Beitang nodded and said: "Yes, and the speed must be fast enough, otherwise the walking will be slow, and these small dust will still stick to your movement with you."

"A fast sword is better than anything." I smiled, and immediately opened a light curtain with my hand, and the light was formed quickly after the law disappeared. As soon as I pulled the brother, I rushed out three times in an instant. Four miles away, and Jianbeitang followed closely behind, watching this scene inevitably surprised: "One sword breaks ten thousand magic."

"Hey." I smiled, and then the second sword started again, and in an instant we moved forward for a while. According to this posture, I should be able to pass this dust world array soon.

But at this moment, Jian Beitang quickly said: "This small world of small dust is only the first level. After a while, there will be a realm to isolate these small dusts and give birth to the land of large and small worlds. She personally controls the place, and it depends on whether she wants us to go in. If she doesn't let it, I'm afraid we will have to go in, but it will pay a price to go in."

Soon, the crystal-clear crystal mountain world disappeared, replaced by a world similar to the dark universe, into which we flew into it, and even had an unrealistic sense of floating.

"Bad guy, you are here again, and you have brought two things that don't know anything." A soft girl's voice sounded. Although she had been prepared, her voice sounded like a four or five-year-old child. The immature childish voice.

"Ling Yi, let us in, I brought you an interesting fairy house, I have worshipped him as the lord, and later become his Daogui." Jian Beitang said.

The other party seemed to be silent for a while, and quickly said: "Oh? Did the Dao Hao not want you? You turned to him? As expected, he is a simple-minded guy with a milky mother."

"Hey, Ling Yimo has to say that. Dao Hai has only called me once for so many years, and she has been swallowed by her main thoughts. Now I have already voted for another wise man, so I brought the lord to sign you as well. There is also a place to go." Jian Beitang smiled.

Ling Yi’s laughter came and said, “Do you think I’m a foolish fellow like you? Who do you want to worship and do with me? Why should I vote for him with you, and come as soon as he’s called to him. Call it to go? What good is it for me?"

"Of course there are a lot of benefits. If you are nestled in this nihility, there is nothing to hinder you, but don't you feel bored? Let me go out for a walk, otherwise if you lose your breath from the outside world, you will eventually disappear, you Look at you, the dust outside hasn't been made up for many years, is it a bit exhausted?" Jian Beitang smiled.

Reincarnation ghosts also need to be breathable, otherwise they will eventually be annihilated in reincarnation, so don’t look at Ling Yi’s survival here, it’s actually a process of attrition.

"Are I exhausted? Why don't you try, a foolish fellow? I usually let you come in and out of here at will? Let you enter a small world as a sand, if they can find it in the world of thousands of sands You can bring you in." After Ling Yi said, suddenly Jianbei Hall disappeared out of thin air, and the environment and scenery where Brother Hai and I were in had changed drastically. We are now in a gray world.

And in front of this world, there are two pairs of chopsticks and a basin of sand.

"I will punish you to play in the sand. This pair of chopsticks is not small, but my house, you have to be careful not to damage it. As for the effect, it may be better to try it yourself, but it is not impossible to tell you the effect. The sand caught by one pair of chopsticks will disappear. It is used to remove the sand, while the other pair can pick out the sand. I need you to use this pair of chopsticks to find the foolish guy."

After listening to Lingyi's words, Senior Brother Hai snorted and said, "It's much more fun. We have to find someone from hundreds of millions of small sands. What can we do now? If the clip is wrong, the sword girl will be over."

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