Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7131: : Dust Gold

Unexpectedly, the gold sac was not able to refine this peeping stone, which means that the rank is much higher than that of the gold sac. Of course, if I would be stumped by this material, I would not be a creation immortal, I looked forward to it. For the pile of peeping stone materials, I picked a pile of shattered materials and put them into the gold sac. After taking the second Elimination Pill, the gold sac began to work again.

The reason for choosing these powders is very simple. If the large materials cannot be refined, the small materials should be melted first.

However, unexpectedly, the grade of this gold capsule is far from the opponent of Peeping Stone. Even the small powder-level Peeping Stone cannot be refined. It can be seen that the Golden Capsule is no longer competent for this smelting job. Up.

After I remembered the method of refining Shen Tianshi in this sect, I simply changed the usage of the gold sac. Instead, the powder was collided and crushed. The gold sac was like a space controller. The piles of powder hit each other!

Sure enough, if these peeping stones are used to attack and smelt them with other materials, it is tickling it, and it is completely useless, but if they attack each other, they can immediately trigger sparks that collide, which means that high heat has brought it. The violent wear and tear seems to have to be polished with each other with these peeping stones.

The higher the crushing density, the higher the probability of finding Shentian Stone. Of course, its purity and content are the basis for the probability of Shentian Stone.

The shattered Peeping Stone may not not have the Shentian Stone, but what makes me shocked is that the amount of this extraction is simply pitiful, because the hardness of the Peeping Stone is already quite terrifying, and this Shentian Stone is used as its The existence of the crystalline nucleus level supports its terrifying hardness, and its content is even rarer to the extreme.

From the beginning, I polished and crushed the peeping stone with the weight of a few tens of dollars. After polishing nearly ten catties, I still didn’t get the scattered sunken sky stones until I started to hit a bigger peeping stone with this ten catties of powder. When the stone was polished several tens of kilograms, there was still no sign of Shen Tianshi.

After all, every piece of fine dust has weight. Even if it is a few hundred catties of powder, I can feel the material difference between them. After all, it is said that Shen Tianshi is a thousand times stronger than this peeping stone The weight of a Shentianshi dust is equal to a thousand times the weight of Peeping Stone dust.

Of course, no matter how heavy it is, it is also dust. If it is enlarged to a block, it will definitely be difficult to distinguish.

However, after I refined more than 130 catties of peeping stones, I finally obtained two Shentian stones of about 1% of the sand from one of the more than 10 catties of peeping stones. I'm so happy.

But my happiness didn’t last long, and Mei Yao couldn’t help muttering from the side: “One day, brother, we don’t have so many magic pill. You used more than ten pills at once. This Shentianshi is too difficult to refine. Some...If we continue to consume like this, we may go back until the third Shentianshi Dust appears, and we expect to wait until Xiao Tun wakes up in a month or so before we can come again."

With an embarrassment on my face, I said, "I got angry for a while. This gambler's mentality is really bad, but with these two Shen Tianshi, the problem will be much easier to solve next."

"Oh? Why is it solved with two?" Xian Li looked at the gold sac in my hand in surprise. This gold sac is transparent. When everyone sees me refining, they keep their eyes intent, so they can’t avoid being the same. With a gambler's psychology.

"You are optimistic about the role of these two fine dusts." After I finished speaking, the two Shentian Stones in the gold sac were turned again. The next moment, a dozen kilograms of Shentian Stone banged, as if in place. The explosion was normal, and it was directly bombarded by the two Shentianshi Fiber Chens, and it was extremely shattered. When the two Shentianshi Fiber Chens stopped, I found the third one!

Everyone took a deep breath, admiring my hand in their hearts, and hurriedly asked about the principle.

"I have practiced a special refining technique, so I know the entry point of each ore very well. Once it hits its core, no matter how strong the substance is, it will be cracked, and the burst area will be born again. The new core, such a bombardment, can shatter thousands of powders, so it actually seems to be bombed once, but in fact my Shen Tianshi fiber dust has hit these cores many times, after all, the gold sac itself has also been modified by me. After running the rune, as long as my thinking calculation can keep up, what it can do will only be faster, and it depends on the speed. It is nothing more than a matter of material. The gap between Shen Tianshi and Jingyishi leads to its practice. The gap in the speed of transformation..." I did not continue, because everyone present was ignorant.

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