Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7132: : Covering the ground

Seeing that everyone didn't understand, I knew I couldn't go on, and it was useless to tell them.

"That is to say, only one day can my brother refine it so fast, right?" Nan Jin said quickly.

I smiled and nodded, and said, "It's almost what I mean, but now there is no need to refine so many Shentian Stones, because I have obtained a few Shentian Stones, and I also polished these peeping stones so finely, even To the extent that the gold sac can be smelted, then it has the ability to refine the Peeping Stone Key."

After finishing speaking, I immediately began to use a few Shen Tianshi dust to smash the peeping stone that had been smashed the most before, until the gold sac was able to smelt them together directly according to my own ideas.

In a short while, a complete circular key disk was formed.

A nearly transparent disc was taken out of the gold pouch. Everyone was relieved and their appetite was adjusted to the highest level. I was afraid that my key would not work. After all, this was the result of spending more than a dozen Elimination Pills. .


Click, click, click.

When the huge peeping stone gate slowly opened, it made a jam-like sound. After all, it hadn't been opened for thousands of years, so if you wake up from the eternal immutability, there will always be some movement.

Before opening the gate, of course, we emptied the path, and also drained the demon energy present, and replaced the demon energy in this area with the prepared aura, because no one knows what is behind the gate. It's not that there is something else besides Peeping Stone.


The gate finally stopped.

After the lights were lit, there really were many peeping stones inside, and the color was obviously different from the color of the peeping stones below. After all, they had not been baptized by demonic energy.

What surprised everyone was not the difference in color. It was already a mess, and there were traces of fighting. There were even some weapons, storage bags, and scraps of clothes lying there.

"What's going on here?" Lingzhao looked at the environment here in surprise.

"Did people already be stationed here when it was closed?" Of course Xian Li was also surprised.

I looked at the clothes here, and said, "It seems that the family has not been able to avoid the dispute in the desperate situation. Alas, it seems that he should still be the family member of the manager of the warehouse. He sent his family in, but he didn’t. I expected that I would never come back, causing the people inside to not be able to open the door, and finally there was a dispute inside, and none of them were spared from the fight."

Everyone suddenly realized that even if there were doubts, after looking for clues, they all came to the same conclusion. It used to be a refuge here, but it turned out to be a desperate situation. Although they don't know who is fighting with whom, this is no longer important.

After thousands of years, the storage bag has been ineffective, and the space has been closed, and as soon as it was picked up and injected with power, it turned into powder. There is nothing else in this warehouse except for a hill-sized peeping stone.

But it’s not without surprises. When I found a crystalline peeping stone for refining, there were several Shentian stones in it. This immediately made me, who had only a few of them, directly enhanced the gold sac to be able to refining in batches. The extent of the peeping stone also means that the peeping stone can be ground to an incomparable degree, and it also means that it can be formed into the magic weapon I want to combine, the magic weapon!

This is the assembly line for mass production of Peeping Stone God Soldiers!

According to the strength of this peeping stone, I am afraid that the entire immortal family in Mu Xianzhou will be suppressed by this material.

As I refine Shen Tianshi faster and faster, I found that the peeping stone in this peeping stone warehouse has a much higher content of peeping stone than any pile of peeping stone outside.

"This is a collection storehouse with a high concentration of peeping stones. General peeping stones will be sent to a warehouse in another place, or directly into the sales link, so this warehouse just puts peeping stones. In fact, it’s better than anything else. The value of the treasure trove is much higher." I looked at the gold sac that had already extracted thousands of Shen Tian Shi Xian Chen, and I was inevitably and very happy.

Although it is incomparable with Zen Daotian, being able to find the supreme material of a continent is undoubtedly mastering the lifeline of this continent, which means that there is a foundation for reaching the sky.

"Dao Master Xia, I feel... Mu Xianzhou is afraid of earth-shaking changes. According to your practice, if we only occupy this vein, we already have the power to subvert the entire Mu Xianzhou, and it is even better than the previous one. The sect of Gyeyi Mountain must be strong, because with your insight and ability, I am afraid that even after searching for Mu Xianzhou, it is impossible for another person to be against the sky." Sana looked at me and said sincerely. She might have treated me again. There are other careful thoughts, but at this moment, seeing Shen Tianshi being refined by me like a play, only awe is written in his eyes.

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