Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7134: : Merit

"Using the Peeping Stone to extract the Peeping Crystal Ore, the magic weapon used to forge is indeed extraordinary. Even as the main material, the refining device is strong and has a strong spiritual flow ability. As for the excellence of Shen Tianshi, it is no longer necessary. To repeat, it can be freely integrated into any material, and the strength is unsurpassed in Muxianzhou. Of course, weight is indeed a disadvantage. Even a slender-sized Shentian stone is enough to kill any metal weight in seconds. "The number of Shen Tianshi in my gold sac is already very large, and after the refining speed has increased, the peeping stone in this warehouse has been refined by me, and it is only time for me to complete refining. Problem.

Therefore, mastering and digging the mineral veins here is the most important thing at the moment, and based on the effect that the peeping stone can be effectively compatible with the magic energy, this thing cannot be used to make mining tools after all, but as an opening The drill bit used is no disadvantage, so I quickly made the drill bit for mining. As for the excavator, it is not a problem for me. With the drill bit embedded in Shentianshi, mining the peeping stone is completely no problem.

The excavator and storage bag made are carried together. The excavated peeping stones will enter the storage bag after screening, and the energy is naturally the anti-magic mucus of the luxury yacht. Otherwise, the driver’s safety cannot be guaranteed at all. Safety, the excavator will also be stopped due to corrosion.

After finishing the excavator, I simply informed the operation method. I immediately asked Nanyi and Nanjin to study and use it. If it is easy to use, it is necessary to build a few more. It's all over here, so it doesn't matter what problems will arise after digging, now it only cares about mining minerals.

Of course, there can’t be only one mining rig. Soon the second, third and even fourth mining rigs were manufactured in my gold bag. I gave them to Xianli and Lingzhao, Sana and the others, they separately mined these peeping stone veins at the fastest speed.

And here I concentrate on refining Shen Tianshi and processing Peeping Stone.

We stayed here for two days. After we almost ran out of Elimination Pills, we reluctantly left the Peeping Mountain Sect for the time being. However, there were many results, not only extending the veins for tens of meters. I also excavated an unknown number of cubic meters of ore veins, and filled all the storage bags that everyone brought, including myself, which also refined a lot of concentrates, and even the number of sunken stones is too much to count. .

And what excites me most is that when I searched for the secret realm of the back mountain of Jiuyi Mountain, I found the entrance to the secret place of Jiuyi Mountain. After the gate collapsed, most of the treasures inside have been corroded by demonic energy. Thousands of holes and holes, but a large bag of Shen Tianshi has been preserved. After re-purifying them with spiritual energy, this amount is more than what I refined. It can be seen that the evil sect was too anxious to flee back then. The secret hideout did not have time to open.

Of course, our luxury yachts did not visit other areas less, but most of the caves were completely corroded by the magic energy. Even if there were countless things in it, they could not be preserved in the corrosion of thousands of years. Down, in fact, including the Kyuyi Mountain itself, there are thousands of holes, if it is not supported by the Kyuyi Stone, I am afraid the mountain will collapse sooner or later.

In fact, my departure also calculated that Jiuyi Mountain is now a tree that is difficult to support. If you dig down either to the magic lava area of ​​the earth vein, or to make the Jiuyi Mountain collapse, it is inevitable for everyone to leave, plus that year. The mountain is basically excavated seven or eighty-eight. Excessive collection has led to the depletion of this mineral vein. Moreover, even if it is Peeping Stone, it is also a precious mineral. It is extracted into a concentrate that can be used for refining equipment, which actually occupies Peeping Stone ore. But about one-tenth.

As for Shen Tianshi, it may account for less than one ten thousandth, so the value between them has explained everything.

Even if this peeping stone is in Muxianzhou, it is the top ore. As for the Shentian stone, it should undoubtedly be the top gold and iron in the Eight Wastes. The realm itself, Shen Tianshi as the top of the gold and iron, indeed crushed all the gold and iron in the Eight Desolation World.

This time, I returned with a full load and made the whole disciples of Tianyi in Fenglan City cheer for joy, and during the period of Jiuyi Mountain, I also made many magic weapons commonly used by the Eight Desolates, although they are concentrates refined from the Kyuyi Stone Concentrate. , But it also belongs to the top geniuses. One of the upper elders of Tianyi, who uses the wartime management and collection mechanism to protect the sect, naturally there is no doubt.

Of course, seconding is definitely not the same as owning. I also took out a part of the peeping stone and placed it in the Zongmen office, opening up the system of exchanging merits for the magical soldiers.

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