Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7156: : Holding

"Hey, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back after going out with you." I laughed.

"Xia Daxian's family is joking. Yuelin dare not offend a guest of Qianshan City like you. Moreover, this child Zhilin is still performing the task of protecting you. If I attack you, she will not hesitate to take a knife and slash her grandfather. "Yue Lin smiled heartily.

I glanced at Zhilin next to her, she covered her mouth and smiled, and said, "Why am I such a person who disregards family love?"

Jintao, Huang Ling, and Kongmu on the side were all dumbfounded listening to our conversation, but they couldn’t say that they didn’t come. The rules of this auction were all set by Yuelin Society. It turns out that you can’t just come in and you can go out, but now that the boss Say yes, that's all right.

Soon I followed Yuelin to the outside of the venue, and the sound inside the auction hall was also cut off. Yuelin looked at me with a smile and said, "Xia Daxian, you are very good at being a human being, knowing that this time the Tongtian Pavilion and the Qitian Pavilion , And other treasure pavilions, and used the peeping stone to take away a lot of our wealth in Qianshan City, but this time, for the sake of Qianshan City, we deliberately raised the price to help us scrape Xianlai Island, Feihuanggu and Yin A lot of wealth from the Shikong family came to my Qianshan City. It’s a good balance. Our Qianshan City Yuelin Society is naturally grateful to you, but we can’t justly give you a certain degree of convenience. You should Do you know?"

"Tongtian Pavilion and Qitian Pavilion, these treasure pavilions usually make money in Qianshan City, do business, who doesn't want to make more money? Besides, I use the peeping stone to enter the market. It is also an opportunity for them to make money. Taking your wealth? It’s just a rebalancing and shuffling. Do you think my voyeurism is coming? It’s not a lot of effort? As for giving you Yuelin Society the opportunity to balance the city of Qianshan, it’s just taking advantage of the trend. , You don’t need to thank me, but just show something substantial to let me go on, don’t you? If it’s a boastful compliment, as long as you give enough money, I can tell you a day and a night, how about it?" Anti-chuckled.

"Xia Daxian's family is so funny." Zhilin couldn't help saying.

The old man also laughed and said for a while, "This is natural. Our Yuelin Society balances the forces of all parties. At present, in addition to providing protection for them, the most important method is this auction, so this time it is difficult to achieve The peeping stone magical soldiers and various treasures have attracted visitors from all over the world, and they want to take the opportunity to make up for the gap that has been opened during this time. If it can exceed the limit with the means of Xia Daxian's family, then it would be best, how? The old man gave Xia Daxian's family unlimited right to make a price. Can Xia Daxian's family do what they did just now and do the same thing for us in Yuelin Society?"

"The right to offer unlimited prices? Haha, you are ashamed to write me a bad check. I asked for a thousand Tianyuanbaoyu. Should I buy it or not, what is the use of letting me open it indefinitely? Besides, in the end, someone else bought it back. What good do I have?" I sneered.

"How about taking out the cost collected by the old man and sharing half of the profit with you?" The old man said with a smile.

"Half the profit? That's interesting, but I want one more thing." I smiled.

"Congenital fetal breath?" The old man asked curiously, and immediately looked at Zhilin. Miss Zhilin immediately nodded and said: "Yuelin, they knew that Xia Daxian's family wanted this congenital fetal breath, so they threatened Xia Daxian's family general Shen Tian. Shi Bai gave them a few handfuls. After being rejected, he became so angry that he began to hold back."

The old man suddenly realized: "Oh...that's the case, no wonder, this congenital fetus..."

"I want this congenital fetal breath and still use you to give it? You Yuelin Society underestimated me, so let's forget about it." I waved my hand with an expression that was too lazy to enter the auction house.

"Hold on, hold on... Xia Daxian's family, Yuelin looked down on you, so let's go, what are you going to do before you are willing to work together?" Yuelin hurriedly grabbed me.

I smiled and said, "I want to buy half of the control of your Qianshancheng Yuelin Club by way of investment, so as to provide a platform for me to ship to Muxianzhou in the future."


Not only the old man Yuelin was dumbfounded, but even Miss Zhilin's eyes were wide open and speechless. This is simply a lion's mouth.

"Does Xia Daxian's family know how much assets our Yuelin Society has?" Zhilin asked curiously.

"I don’t know, but I have a peeping stone, a Shentian stone, and maybe even a **** pill made from earth blood in the future. Do you think it’s better for the Yuelin Society to be a steward for me, or I’ll build a city of Qianshan by myself? Better?" I sneered coldly, this completely shocked both my grandfather and grandson.

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