Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7157: : Armband

"You really have Shen Tianshi?" Yuelin stared at me with his eyebrows. Although he had long suspected that I had this thing, he was more straightforward and credible than anything.

As soon as I stretched out my hand, a square Shentianshi of about ten centimeters appeared in my hand. These were merged with the Shentianshi's fine dust limit, so let alone Jintao and the others just mentioned a handful, it is a hundred handfuls. This solid square cannot be condensed.

When he threw it towards the old man, the old man's hand sank instantly, and the floor under his feet cracked with a bang.

The weight of Shen Tianshi is extraordinary, such a piece is almost equal to the weight of a small planet.

Panting, Yuelin's face changed drastically: "Why do you have this thing? How did it come from? It's all Shen Tianshi, there is no peeping stone mixed in it?"

"Of course, just one piece is enough to refine a set of Shentianshi divine soldiers, but is this weight really suitable for combat? It's better to spread them out and mix them into the peeping stone divine weapons. "I chuckled, then stretched out my hand to get this thing back.

"Wait, let the old man think again..." The old man took a step back quickly. He was already very concerned about Shen Tianshi. He couldn't put it down and played with it. Of course, using great magic power would not make this thing overwhelmed. Of course, Yue. Lin's feet plunged directly into the floor.

Of course, Zhilin was also interested in this Shen Tianshi. Before the old man started to play with it, he immediately went out with a knife, but with a bang, the knife in his hand hit the edge of the square and hit it in two.

"It really is Shen Tianshi!" Zhilin finally showed a horrified expression.

"Hehe, even a small amount of powder is enough for you to refine a super magic weapon. Such a big piece, you Qianshan City can't even add to it enough, how about it, is this interesting enough?" Sneered.

"It's not enough to add heads... Indeed, our Yuelin Society actually has Shen Tianshi, but only the size of seven pieces of dust. This is the limit we can collect, and it can be regarded as one of the supreme non-sale products of our Yuelin Society. It seems like such a big piece, how much dust is composed of, it is really unknowable, but you have practiced a piece, this is simply a violent thing, if it is in the dusty state, I am afraid it is really valuable..." Although Yuelin didn't want to Acknowledged, but based on the price that Jingyi Stone sold before, and the rare degree of Shen Tianshi, Qianshan City is indeed an addition.

But Yuelin also felt that it was a pity to train Shen Tianshi into such a square.

I chuckled, then touched my wrist, lightly scratched my fingers in the void, and said, "It's gone."

A rustle sounded quickly from the Shentianshi cube in Yuelin's hand, and then with a bang, the Shentianshi immediately turned into tens of thousands of dust, and then all the locusts flew towards me like a gust of wind. The meeting formed a storm of Shen Tianshi in my hands!

"This... how is this possible!?" Yuelin and Zhilin were shocked at the same time.

"Why is it impossible? Refining all these dust into treasures and turning them into what you want as you like?" I laughed, and these Shen Tianshi quickly penetrated into my body. Perfectly attached to a set of Shentianshi armor, this armor is attached to the body, and its thickness is balanced, which can block the bombardment of any gods.

"This is already a set of Shen Tianshi baby...My God." Yuelin was surprised and pity that it would be good if it were his, but it was not his.

I didn’t mean anything to be a pity. I just said: "If you are willing to sell me half of Qianshan City, I can give you a set of Shen Tianshi treasures that are about one-tenth the weight of the set in front of you, which will be my treasure in the future. , Will also be given priority to sell here, I don’t know Yuelin, what do you think?"

Yuelin's eyes were so shocked that they stretched from the line to a circle: "A set of Shen Tianshi treasures that can be controlled?"

"Yes, these Shentianshi powder was indeed mixed with other gold and iron to make artifacts thousands of years ago, but this is all wrong usage. The real use of this object is to gather a certain amount to make Shentianshi treasures. In the first place, as long as anyone has this treasure, anyone can control the Shentianshi dust under the treasure. When the time comes, either attack or defense will be whatever they want." I finished speaking lightly, and took it out of my sleeve. The small square Shen Tian Shi, and the armband that controls the Shen Tian Shi.

Yuelin looked at me in a Shentianshi armor, and finally understood why I was not afraid of Yuelin Society, and I still held the Shentianshi cube that might become his treasure in my hand. He licked his lips and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! The deal! Our Yuelin Club already has half of your interest."

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