Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7158: : Show your face

Saying that there is no proof, of course, it is based on the establishment of a written word.

"Then I don't know how Yuelin you plan to fulfill this half-profit promise? You Yuelin Society, should you always have a land deed and business details?" I laughed, and then put this armband and Shen Tianshi small square. They were all thrown to him.

The old man glanced at the auction being held. Of course, he felt that it was not the time to discuss business, so he looked at his granddaughter, gritted his teeth and said, "From now on, Zhilin will follow you temporarily. It is a contact with our Yuelin Club. Channels, as for the business details, it’s easy to check. This Qianshan City has a total of 960 peaks. The tax revenue is recorded year by year. As long as half and one cent is yours, as for other land deeds, Mr. Rong will go back and get the paperwork before giving it. You, but our Yuelin Society only occupies seven or eight peaks. Except for this main peak's auction, the others are not worth a lot of money. It is also not difficult to calculate, but now the auction house is right now..."

"Hey, that's okay, then I'll go to the auction first, you granddaughter, follow me in the future, as long as she can fulfill the promise between us, I will naturally treat her well." I laughed.

"Yue Lin, do you dare to sell me?" Sister Zhilin's face darkened.

When Yuelin saw his granddaughter change face, he quickly said: "It's not selling, not selling, it's asking you to do a job. Didn't you say that it is boring to spend time around Qianshan City? This is your chance to leave Qianshan City! You should be thankful Grandpa gave you such a good opportunity! And if you follow Xia Daxian's house, then it will be cheap for the corners and corners from now on, which is hugely cheap for others, why do you think about your grandpa so much?"

"Do you think I'm the one you like to take advantage of?" Zhilin stared at the old man with his eyebrows, and the old man was a little panicked for a while, and said anxiously: "What do you look at grandpa doing this way? Grandpa is for your own good! Look at Xia Daxian’s house, how excellent? No matter this resource...no, no, you see, he can play around the two Xianlai Island and Feihuanggu, even grandpa and me, can’t help being caught He was exploded. Is this skill very powerful? This is the first time Grandpa has seen such a powerful junior, and he actually bought half of our Yuelin Society. What will happen to the future? Can't you think of it? Grandpa Now that I think about it, I’m scared, what if you can’t help but sell him the other half? So just put you to look at him first, so that something like this doesn’t happen, isn’t it?"

"But what do I think? He won't listen to me!" Zhilin glared at the old man.

"If you look pleasing to the eye, you will listen! It's not that grandpa said you, you are so big, how can you still not please men so? You know, although grandpa picked it up and took it with him since he was a child, he can't take it for a lifetime. You always have to leave your grandpa, even grandpa I will die in the hands of someone sooner or later, but Tiaolin, Weilin, and Clawlin who grew up with you can take over for your grandpa and give you ideas? Surely not, they are stupid and stupid. Stupid, it's weird if you don't lead you in the ditch. By then, your serious temper has no one who can give you an idea, what can you do?" The old man said earnestly.

"Yue Lin!" Zhilin was a little angry.

But the old man didn’t care about this, he turned his head and flew into the auction floor. It is estimated that he will directly connect with the exchange to give me power. Zhilin wanted to chase in, but he was afraid that I would run away. When he was about to enter, he flew back: "Xia Big...Would you like to follow me in?"

"Please." I chuckled.

Zhilin thought for a while, and said, "Xia University, just go in, I'm looking for grandpa's theory..."

"Okay, but in fact, it's not a bad thing for you to follow me, or you can bring your childhood sweethearts, taillins, claws, etc., too." I laughed.

"No, they are the cornerstones of the Yuelin Society, and it is enough to protect you and me. What do you want them to do?" Zhilin said in a puzzled manner.

Of course I know her careful thoughts, and at this time, not long after entering the auction house, the old man Yuelin showed his face from the door and told me with his lips and gestures that everything was done. He flew to other places in an instant, and it is estimated that he would not be able to catch up if he wanted to chase him.

"Yuelin! You!" Zhilin was so angry that she wanted to catch up, but she couldn't leave me even if I didn't go. I didn't plan to chase Yuelin, because I still count on my congenital fetal breath to advance to the Heavenly Dao Yuanying Well, so she returned to the venue with Miss Zhilin who looked unwilling.

And the moment I entered the arena, Jin Tao, Kong Mu, and Huang Ling, who were dejected and bored, all looked at me as if they were bloodied for an instant.

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