Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7195: : Merit

"The patriarch has won the prize. The Kuiyishan people live and work in the surrounding mountains. They still have the scale they are today after so many years. I am shocked. It can be seen that the Kyuyishan people are strict in self-discipline on weekdays and they have adapted to the survival of Muxianzhou. In this negotiation, I dare not say that you will absolutely compromise according to your wishes, but try to make concessions to ensure your way of survival. I don't know what the patriarch feels like?" I asked.

"Unexpectedly, Daozhu Xia had already expressed so much sincerity just when he saw us. This team leader thought Daozhu Xia should be a strong and self-interested personality. From now on, it seems that my granddaughter's opinion is biased. "The old patriarch smiled.

Kongmu kicked the small stone in front of him, and kicked the stone directly away. He murmured and didn't know what to say. He was very dissatisfied with what his grandfather said.

The old patriarch didn't seem to see it. He smiled and invited me over to talk. I brought Kongke to the old patriarch, who led the way and walked side by side with me on the mountain.

"The patriarch is willing to lead the Guyishan Clan to join me and stay in Fenglan City?" I asked with a smile.

"Xia Daozhu has the ability to dig out the treasures of my Guyishan tribe, but we still lack our members of the Guyishan tribe to join the Tianyi sect?" The old clan Chang Kong Lian asked tentatively. This old man can lead the Guyishan tribe. Clan nestled quietly in the mountain, showing that his ability is not small, and he also earned such a large family business, adding or not joining Tianyi is not so cost-effective for him.

Of course, this does not mean that there is no fatal temptation. For their clan, Gyeyi Quarry means reappearing glory, and now nesting here is just survival.

So I said: "The stage of Tianyi is not Muxianzhou, but Zhongyuanzhou, which is more distant. It must be a glimpse of the Yishan Clan who has withered here for three thousand years. It is not to keep a corner, just to breed offspring. Right? Once riding the wind, shouldn't you go straight to the sky?"

"Haha... What Dao Master Xia said is very interesting, once you take the wind and go straight to the clouds? But how can you be regarded as taking the wind, and how can you know that you won't fall down when you go to the clouds?" Kong Lian smiled.

"When the Guyi Stone Mine is well dug, we will have the conditions for everyone to have the Qiyi Stone Divine Weapon. There are already rare opponents in the same rank, and the rest is to find the blood of the Tianyuan Mountain Range to refine the secret medicine. At that time, I will be one of my disciples in Heaven. They all have the earth to refine their bodies. Enlightenment and emergence are not impossible, right?" I laughed.

Kong Lian took a sigh of cold air, then condensed his eyebrows and said, "After you finish digging the Peeping Stone Mine, you will go to the Tianyuan Mountain Range to dig for blood? Are you serious?"

"Then you can laugh? Is it possible that after digging out the ore in the Kyuyi Mountain, it is not possible to use it to build agricultural tools for farming?" I couldn't help joking.

When Kong Lian looked at me, his expression was only shocked, and he said for a long time: "It is said that the blood comes from Zhongyuanzhou, so the method of extraction is not something you and I can have. Does Xia Daozhu have a solution? "

"Naturally, there is, or what do you want to do with it? You peek at the Fenglan City where the Yishan Clan has merged into my Tianyi, and you will be a member of my Tianyi from now on. I can't guarantee that each of you will be able to obtain yourself. Everything you want, but I'm sure to give you the respect and fair competition qualifications that disciples of the Tianyi Mountain Clan should have." I laughed.

"Xia Daozhu's meaning is... we have the benefit of joining the Tianyi Mountain Clan as a whole, and there is no difference from the other disciples? If this is the case, wouldn't we have some disadvantages for the Jingyi Mountain Clan?" Kong Lian said to this. The conditions are very surprising.

"Why are you losing? I don't care how you get a glimpse of how the mountain clan's own property is distributed to the people. Whoever has much wealth is also your own personal property. Among our disciples in the sky, there is the same wealth. But the enemy of the country, and if you want to gain the benefits of the sect, you naturally have to count the merits of who contributes to the sect, and then you can exchange the benefits of the sect. It is like a peeping stone. You can Dig it out? If you could, you wouldn't have to stay here for three thousand years! And even if you were to dig it out, with your current ability, or refining a few rough peeping stone magic soldiers, it is still possible, but you want to refining it. I’m afraid it’s difficult to get a good product? You probably have seen the weapon that Kongmu bought back from the auction, right? I made it by myself, and I want to get this peeping stone magic weapon. Even the future earth blood body refining medicine will require merits in exchange for merits, and the only criterion for merits is to take over the tasks of our sect, how many are calculated based on the difficulty." I said flatly.

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