Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7196: :treasure

"Zongmen quests in exchange for merits... We have no similar prerequisites for the Jiuyishan Clan. Then dare to ask Dao Master Xia, if we are looking for the top mineral veins of Kuyishan, is it also such a sect mission? And merits can be exchanged? What happened?" Kong Lian finally showed hesitation in his eyes.

I smiled, took out the jade scroll and put it in Kong Lian's hands, and said, "Finding top mineral veins for my Tianyi sect. If you find it, it will be a merit, and it will be a great merit, and you will get a lot of merit points. Yes, there are specific things that can be exchanged here. As for the task of finding mineral veins, naturally the team can take it. You have to look at the distribution of merits. Of course, there are also some tasks that are completed by one person. There are some cases in the jade scroll."

"So much? There are breakthrough materials, classics, magic weapons, and Jiawei. Even the materials and production are so detailed that they can be exchanged for merit points. This is the first time that the clan leader has lived for so long. As a result, the governance of the sect is indeed much fairer. Hey, in recent years, we have actually adopted the system of arrangement according to ability and distribution according to work. It is very difficult for juniors who are not relatives to do things. If they can immediately adopt such a regular sect mission to do things, why worry that the sect will not thrive? But so many resources, every day is really there? Or there will be a certain amount of exchange. The buffer time?" Kong Lian was already attracted by my sect mission.

In fact, when you think about it, you will know that once a tribe is all relatives and sisters, it is no longer possible to want absolute fairness. Who doesn't want people close to them to get more resources?

But once everyone wants to get the benefits of family blessings, it will be difficult to manage this Jingyishan Clan. It is estimated that the old man Kong Lian already feels overwhelmed. Now join us to implement effective management. Maybe it was a breakthrough to change the increasingly heavy relationship network of the Kuyongshan tribe.

"We have no shortage of resources. What we lack is talents. So at this point, you can rest assured, the old patriarch. It is not difficult to see the magical soldiers you want. Even as long as you work hard, everyone has it. It is possible to get one, and even the Peeping Stone God Soldier feels that it is not enough. If you want to build Peeping Stone Armor, as long as the merit points are enough, the Zongmen will naturally build a pair, and with the resources that our Zongmen find The more you have, the more things you can exchange on this jade scroll. As the Taoist of Tianyi, the resources I obtained will never be hidden and put into the Zongmen warehouse. As long as you are willing to work hard, there is no absolute The things that can't be exchanged, including donated items, can be exchanged for merit in accordance with the value of our sect replacement." I explained the situation of Tianyi.

"Can you still donate things in exchange for merits? Is this really okay?" Kong Lian was completely suffocated, and quickly took out a treasure, and asked: "For example, this treasure, I don't know how many merits the Tianyi sect opened? "

I took the piece of jade that Kong Lian took out and said: "Our sect collects donated items and contributes to the merits of the store. It is like this piece of industry cloud jade. We basically understand the role and the inventory. Some, it’s not very cost-effective to exchange for merits. Of course, at least it will be equivalent to you taking the Thousand Mountain City in exchange for Mu Jing and then donating it back to My Heaven in exchange for the value of merits. Therefore, for such a piece, we will give 30 or 40 points. Meritorious."

"Hey, this is really powerful. What if the old man exchanges a bunch of resources for merit?" Kong Lian, an old man, is also quite alive. Maybe he has been ruling the Yishan Clan for so many years in private, or even his ancestors. Adding a piece of his resources is already a rare rich man, how could he not be greedy for his feats?

"Of course it is possible, and the value preservation rate of the meritorious deeds will change with the market price of Mujing. The specific exchange quantity depends on the situation at the time." I know the old man's intentions, and of course I also understand the needs of the disciples. Donate In fact, I just mentioned the point of exchange for meritorious service. This is of course the same goal that I can only achieve after I invested in Qianshan City and bought half of Qianshan City.

Use feats in exchange for treasures, transfer the treasures to Qianshan City for sale, change hands to earn a wave, but also exchange for more resources to return to Fenglan City, and the disciples can spend their feats in the sect, and so on. The prosperity of the sky is only a matter of time. As long as you continue to find some rare treasure-level resources, the disciples and the hardworking bees will continue to advance, and no one will stop.

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