Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7197: : Private possession

"This is very reasonable." The old man Kong Lian was actually very excited. He estimated that he really hid a lot of treasures waiting to be exchanged for merit. If all resources were exchanged for success, he would be greedy in the future. Resources can also be exchanged for merits, and once Earth Blood Body Refining Pill or something is on the shelves, he can exchange merits for the first time. This is far superior to others, so I see if I walk around in the garden without answering. He smiled awkwardly, and said, "Dao Master Xia, if this feat does not join the sky, is it useless? I don't know what this feat is like?"

"Of course the merits are in their own name. We will naturally have someone on the list. Everyone will pay for the merits of our day. One is to avoid the same sect, the second is to keep the sect safely, and the third is to arrange. Corresponding positions are shown as encouragement, and Si Lai will also arrange special living environment based on merits, so this merit is self-evident in our days." I said.

When the old man Kong Lian heard this, the smile on his face could not be restrained, and he swallowed. He pretended to be reserved and said, "Tianyiyi is really different from other sects. This is a disciple. For the sake of our merits, the patriarch likes it very much, but only if the patriarch likes it, it doesn’t work, we have to like the people of the Pingyishan tribe, so please wait a moment for the patriarch to go. Explain everything the Taoist has just said with the people, so that the hardworking and lazy have their due and encouragement."

"Go." I said everything I could say, and it's up to them to choose how to choose.

However, the treasures recorded in my merit book, apart from a lot of things made by Peeping Stone, there are also many treasures bought from Qianshan City, and even Tianyuan Baoyu can be exchanged. I will not allow them to peek at the Yishan Clan. Being able to refuse this Unicom's way of obtaining resources from the outside world, our Tianyi is also the best place to make money at the moment.

However, what they don't know is that Tianyi is different from other sects. Tianyi does not pay wages. Only when they work can they work harder. If they don't work, there is only one way to starve to death.

Soon, all the immortal families of the Guyishan Clan were all cheered and cheered by the old man, and they were all gearing up. After the book of merits was passed on, it had been touched a little apart. It can be seen that this group of the Guyishan Clan. The people of the people have been attracted by the resources inside, and they want to immediately go to Fenglan City to work. As for who is the Taoist master, they don't care about this.

Although the loyalty of the disciples is very important, these interests are more reliable than allowing them to maintain a network of interests. The ones who are truly loyal and inseparable are actually that part. That kind of centripetal force and cohesion are very strong.

When Kong Mu, who was disapproving, held the merit book, his expression also changed, and it was estimated that he had already turned his nose at my Tianyi sect from scorn to sincere yearning.

However, she didn't immediately look like the people of the tribe that it would be impossible not to join. Instead, she whispered a few words to Kong Lian, which made Kong Lian's expression solidify from joy.

Seeing the patriarch's seriousness, the tribesmen suddenly became quiet. They didn't know what was going on like a concubine, they just waited for the empty squeak.

Kong Lian slowly walked in front of me with Kongmu, and said: "Dao Master Xia, we do have the intention to join the Tianyi sect, but we still have to confirm one thing. The release of air force is a major premise. ."

"It turned out to be this matter, but it's simple. If you join, I have to show my sincerity, so let's let him go first." The heart that I had mentioned was immediately let go, and I took out the glass bottle. After that, he directly released the weak Kongli God Transformation Yuan Ying.

"Brother Kongli!" Kong Mo took over the startled Kongli, both delighted and sad.

All the tribesmen breathed a sigh of relief, this was the real excitement, and the old patriarch took advantage of the tribe’s cheering around the air force, pulled me aside and said in a low voice: "Dao Master Xia...if the patriarch is After joining the Tianyi sect, some privateers want to donate it to the value of...the merits, but it is not convenient for the people to know that the merits are kept secret? If you exchange too much, the patriarch It’s not easy to see my family..."

"Hehe, the merit value is of course confidential. As for the Dongfu and the position, if you want to be low-key, you can also not accept the sect reward." I secretly said that this old man is exactly the same as I thought. Clan, Peeping at the mountain sect was an evil way back then, and none of these guys were simple.

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