Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7202: :high tide

"Eh? Dao Master Xia is looking for another way to understand them, but for us, these are not important. They are huge in number, spreading from Tianyuan Mountain to Muxianzhou. We are bound to encounter Zhongyuanzhou Mountain. Once they encounter them, they often give up their lives and forget their deaths when fighting, and they are extremely crazy, and the hideous image is often abandoned by my major immortals, and in order to consolidate the interests of the Tianyuan Mountain Range, it can be said that blood feuds with us are not shared. Nowadays, The addition of Celestial City has made this mountainous area beacon of fire, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to live in peace in the future." Kong Lian shook his head, then remembered something, and said: "The elder of Ben has already heard from the elder of Sana that we are looking for earth blood. I’m afraid it’s hard not to encounter the demons along the way, alas...but for the blood of the earth, we all understand it.”

"It's impossible not to go to the Tianyuan Mountain Range. If it is to live in Muxianzhou, it is not in the interests of our heavens. I am determined to get the blood of the earth. As for the heavens, will it really become an obstacle to our progress?" I smiled bitterly.

"This is inevitable. Since ancient times, the Demon Dao and our immortals have been dead enemies. Every step forward is a sea of ​​blood and corpses. In the past few years, the countless sects of Mu Xianzhou have also accumulated countless hatreds for the demons. They We won’t let us go, and we also have interests that cannot be given up. But Xia Daoxing is a big man. I think there should be a solution. I won’t go into too much. Now that we are old and old, we just hope to be able to Dig enough Peeping Stone Mines to contribute to Fenglan City, and build the Zhentian Formation, so that if you go to the territory of the Demon Race, it may be a smooth journey." Kong Lian is an old treacherous cunning and intends to invest once and benefit for life.

I smiled and watched the old man Kong Lian leave. At the same time, I started to convene a leadership-level discussion, conveying the situation of Tiancheng and the situation of the demons, and also studied how to find the peeping eyes faster. The hidden mineral veins of the mountain, after all, the Zhentian Formation is not built, it is very dangerous to go to the Demon Territory, and our overall cultivation level has improved a lot, but there is still a huge gap with the top sect.

I don’t know if I was wrong, or the old man Kong Lian figured it out, or felt very uneasy about my going to the Demon’s territory. He actually asked to take over the mission of the second hidden mineral vein exploration team and took the initiative to take the lead. People go to the back mountain of Gyeyi Mountain.

The expedition team is mainly composed of half of the tried-and-tested disciples of the Guyishan Clan and Tianyi. While supervising each other, they also better polish the relationship with each other, so I am not worried that there will be any problems with them, but there are Leading the team by Kong Lian will obviously increase the probability a lot, so I agreed without hesitation.

However, Kong Lian’s cunning and cunning, of course, stayed with me in advance. If he encounters an accident, his feats will be inherited by his immediate family members. If he does not have the direct family, he will be handed over to the collateral family. It can be seen that the old man’s family concept is deeply ingrained, and it is also for the sake of him. The type of mountain people hesitate to sacrifice, but if it weren't for this, he wouldn't be worthy of being the patriarch of the Guyishan clan.

One day after the second exploratory team set off, there was still no news from the first exploratory team, but news from outside came first.

"Tao Master! It's not good, the major sects! The major sects gathered to see the surroundings of Yishan Mountain, and several Changxians hired by our intelligence point were arrested! I don't know if any intelligence was revealed by the joint trial. Nowadays, there are well-known immortal houses of various major sects everywhere, and they are all stuck outside for thousands of miles. Even if we are familiar with the road, we can’t stop them from casting a net and searching like this! Hiding elsewhere, just like me who have a magic pill can escape in!" Kong Ke is the captain of Tianyi's current patrol team in the outer area. At this moment, the fire is raging, showing that the situation outside is tense.

"They actually actually came. I thought that they had been thrown away to make them retreat. It seems that the impact of the peeping stone gods is not small. I don't know which sect is coming?" I Asked curiously, this Guyishan Clan knew everything, and they didn't understand which sect came.

Otherwise, how could the old man Kong Lian guess our identity from Yunmozhou from Fenglan City?

"Wufeng City, Yuanchu Mansion, Lumen Island, Yunshawu, Qilong Temple, Zhanleizhai, Ziruxuan, Guanjidian, Wanshengyan, these top sects each have their own immortals, and the other sub-sects are even more important. There are so many flying insects, they will definitely not be able to peep at the stone and never return! What can we do? We can’t hide in the sea of ​​devilish energy in this mountain, and you should also I noticed it, the tides started alternately, and the magical energy was rising!" Kong Ke reminded.

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