Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7203: : Diamond Dragon

Of course I know what the high tide will bring. It is like the sea. The beach where you can sunbathe your belly will be submerged by the sea, and we are in the magic sea. Once the tide turns over, the pattern of the magic sea will change. It turns out that we The concentration of places where they can stay is beginning to rise, and Fenglan City can't stand the consumption no matter how much energy it is.

Although the Zhentian Formation has the ability to control and shield the devilish energy, now that the formation of the Zhentian Formation has long been unable to treat people, I am afraid that the remaining time is only enough to mine the ore for a period of time, and then there is still some time to escape. Go out, otherwise once you fall into a sea of ​​devilish energy, Fenglan City will fall sooner or later.

If it is ruined because of insatiable greed, then I am afraid that it will become the first laughing stock of the world, so there are a lot of calculations.

Kong Ke was anxious with the ants on the hot pot because he couldn't take care of these things. Of course, I became the one who solved the problem.

Several leaders listened to the report, inevitably frowning, and I was thinking of a strategy that would have the best of both worlds in my heart.

Whichever is more important, I can’t control the situation outside. With so many sects hanging around outside, it is only a matter of time before conflicts arise. Going out together will only give them a target. It was not a good time, so the idea of ​​going out was directly rejected by me.

As for the proposal to refine the Heavenly Sword Stone immediately, or even replace it with other ore to complete the Heavenly Array, it was rejected by me. Not to mention that I cannot accept the defective product. Even if the Heavenly Sword Stone in this town does not need to be Peeping Stone, it is not so good. Refining is purely a waste of time, so the Zhentian Sword Stone project made by Guyishi continues to be retained.

The only thing left is to let Fenglan City continue to deepen. Although it is not guaranteed that there will be hidden mineral veins, to save time, you must get closer to the back mountain. Although the amount is not as good as the consumption of Fenglan City, whichever is less, it is the only option for Fenglan City to increase the consumption and go deep into the Demon Qi Sea.

So I finally made a final decision: "Investigate the areas where the devilish energy of the Kyuyi Mountain area is weak, and drive the Fenglan City to stay on it. I have to find the hidden veins of the Kyuyi Mountain by myself, and time will not work any longer."

"But our Fenglan City consumption will be multiplied, I am afraid that even a large formation will be difficult to hold." Sana knows Fenglan City best.

"I can't manage that much, try to compress the time as much as possible, the loss is unavoidable, even if the resources are exhausted." I did not hesitate to order Xia Da.

Fenglan City quickly moved towards the calculated route, and said to be advancing, in fact, it still has to wind along the sea of ​​demon energy brought by the tide. This is the horror of the sea of ​​demon energy. Qi broke through Fenglan City's original large array of devilish energy, so he pierced the balloon with a needle.

Sana carefully controlled the flight of Fenglan City with Yingyi. I didn’t have time to spare, and started to use the gold sac to build the earth burrowing dragon for burrowing. Of course, in order to build a large number of earth penetrating dragon bits, I made them smaller. In the end, it looks like a cone, which can be directly hung upside down on Fenglan City Float in a vertical manner. Under the island.

While advancing, more and more dragons were built. When they arrived at the designated location, dozens of them had been built, and they were arranged in the area below the floating island of Fenglan City.

At the same time, the first exploratory team also returned without success. When Kongmu looked at me with a frustrated face, the original embarrassment turned into frustration, and the sky with her went together. At this time, except for shaking his head. , I can't speak of the loss.

"The topography of the back mountain is complex. We searched for the suspicious size of the back mountain, and even explored it with a mine cart, but the veins were not discovered... These days, we have gone down dozens of times, but we can't find the ancient books. The so-called claw eyes of the Longluo Mountain Range, I don’t know if the legend is wrong, or the devilish energy has eroded thousands of years, and the entire Longluo Mountain Range has been diverted..." Kongmu said honestly, with a look of fear of being reprimanded by me. expression.

I smiled and said with relief: "Thanks for your hard work, it is not strange for the earth dragon to turn over for thousands of years, so the mineral veins may also be swallowed by the earth dragon to a deeper place, or it may be shifted to the record in the ancient books. The original address, so don’t blame yourself, I have already found another way, so let’s look at the Dao Master’s next."

"Ah? Rely on you?" Kongmu suddenly looked suspicious. She probably didn't believe that I could find it from the bottom of her heart. Maybe I can find it if I look for it? This is also the main reason for their late return.

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