Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7219: : Dissecting

Fenglan City is driving in a sea of ​​magic energy, and the energy filling is enough to offset these attacks. Of course, it is impossible to allow them to attack. The ability of the Zhentian Formation is only defense, and Fenglan City is not a tortoise shell. It is an extremely dangerous snapping turtle-level fortress. Once it enters the attack state, it is not so gentle.

"Haha, Dao Master Xia, you have seen it now. The light curtain will be destroyed at any time because the energy can't keep up. At that time, it's up to you to surrender or not!" Chi Chong sneered, and immediately continued to wave his hands and yelled: "Zhu The immortal's full attack requires not only spiritual skills and martial skills, but also the naval guns and magic weapons on the immortal ship. The young master does not believe that they can withstand the sky together! The young master is here to announce which one will go first. Open the light curtain of this town's sky formation, and reward them to choose a peeping stone magic weapon first!"

"Okay! Did you hear what Young City Lord said? Everyone blow me up!"

"Young City Lord, this town's Tianyuan looks vulnerable, why don't we break in and attack!?"

"Yeah! Taking advantage of everyone's opportunity to play the light curtain, we all rush in together!"

"This town's sky array is just bluffing, it's big, don't be afraid! We want to be the first to enter Fenglan City!"

Boom! Rumble!

In the next moment, the attack suddenly doubled, and the immortals were scrambling to get ahead in an impatient posture.

On our side, because the other party’s attacks were too dense and terrifying, not to mention missed shots, the mere momentum scared people enough. A group of disciples asked me carefully to see if they could be safe according to the weapon. The management regulations led to a glimpse of Yishi Shenbing to challenge.

I laughed secretly in my heart. It is estimated that even the connection battle will not be triggered in this situation.

Of course, seeing a group of disciples around me is a little bit thinking, I know that most of these disciples come from other sects, and their loyalty is not that high, so I just smiled and said: "Everyone is scared and understandable. Some of you are also. Seeing the elders of my own sect in the opposite camp, I am fair. If any of you wants to turn over, I will open an area to let you go out and join them."

Not to mention, Chi Chong said this to me at this time. It was very happy. He smiled and said: "This young master has already learned about it. This gangster kidnapped all the members of Fenglan City who participated in the sacrifice of blood. The immortal family of crossing, forcing them to join the sky together, this young city lord knows that many of you present have relatives and friends in their respective sects. From now on, if you are willing to abandon the secrets and return to the sects, this young master promises Everyone in the sect will not hesitate to accept it! So what else can you hesitate?"

Chi Chong originally thought that as soon as he said this, Tianyi's immortal family who originally belonged to their sect would immediately return to the embrace of the homeland, but who knows that this has been silent for a long time, and the disciples standing next to me had no reaction at all.

"What? Everyone didn't feel homesick?" I laughed.

The group of people whose minds were floating just now showed embarrassment. The most obvious one saw that everyone was looking at him and quickly came out to clarify: "The Taoist is joking. Tianyiyi is kinder than our parents. Not only did it give us Such good treatment, and fair merits to earn, compared to our days, what kind of top sects of Mu Xianzhou are such a shit! Not only do the superiors deprive us of rewards for our tasks, but occasionally give them a fight. Free helpers, even threats at every turn, we disciples and elders, in fact, are not well-known in the sect, and there are no back-stage friends. Now that we have come to Tianyi, we have only realized that Yunni is different! How can we be? Going back?!"

"Yes! Tianyi is so good. When we return from Yunmozhou, we don’t know how much our cultivation level has improved! If we return to the original sect, wouldn’t it be like forcing us to die? There is no subsidy, and the tasks are all. The higher-level distribution, the relationship is hard, naturally I don’t care, but our relationship is not good, a task may never come back! It’s not like the day we choose, which is better and worse at a glance!" The beauty also stood up and patted her **** to boast.

These two confessions immediately made Tianyi’s disciples resonate continuously, and they started a confession meeting in a rush, taking out all the good things they had encountered during this period, and this caused Chi Chong and a group of top sects in the distance. The elders of the door were dumbfounded, and they didn't know how to persuade them for a while, and even their attacks were completely unable to attract the attention of these surrender disciples.

Just because it seems that the attacks are intensive and the mask fluctuates constantly, but the actual damage is not at all.

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