Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7220: : Sword head

Seeing that the light curtain seems to be broken at any time, but it hasn't broken at all. After a long time like this, everyone will be numb. Even if some bold people directly hand out weapons in front of the light curtain, the weapons will be squeezed into powder in an instant!

The light curtain between the two Zhentian sword stones is constantly squeezed. Once foreign objects are sensed, they will explode continuously. Therefore, the large array itself does not actually have a light curtain, but squeezes the fine dust or other objects in the air. What kind of creatures, that's why the impurity effect that looks like a light curtain is produced!

This kind of invisible formation is also the most terrifying. The light curtain of the Zhentian formation seems to be only a thin layer, but in fact it is a continuous hedge between the two sword stones. Everyone who comes in will lose his life.

I took a look at the Zhentian formation plate. The energy has not been consumed a lot. Hundreds of immortals attacked together, and it took a long time to consume a difficult two percent of energy. It was also because they just stopped to rest and gave It's full.

If we continue to fight like this, it won’t break my Zhentian formation for a hundred years. Of course, the Fenglancheng small horse-drawn cart is a problem that needs to be solved urgently. If its energy is gone, I will be very passive, so after all We must scare them away and wait for opportunities to replenish them.

And now is the time to activate the attack capability.

However, the young master of Wufeng City, who did not perceive the danger, still had an expression of interest, waiting for the large array to disintegrate. While commanding the naval guns to attack Fenglan City, he also lined up dozens of immortal ships. This class, taking turns to rest and attack, he felt that only by working hard would he be able to wipe out the great formation completely, but he didn't know that death was about to fall on him.

"What in the pool..." I beckoned to the young City Master who was so busy.

"Chi Chong!" Chi Chong stared at me, and then said with a softened expression: "Why? Have you figured out that you want to go to this young master? You know that you will definitely not be able to hold the battle for long, instead of being so wasteful and wasteful, It should have been surrendered long ago, ah, yes, some things can be said first."

"Oh? What?" I saw that this guy felt good about himself, and couldn't help but smile to hear what he was going to say.

"You can surrender here, but if you want to save your life, I will ask for the waitresses next to you. They are this, that, and that..." Chi Chong pointed to Sana, Lingzhao, and Nan next to me. Jin and Zhilin's faces are naturally not artificial, which shows that they do not do this less often.

This guy is indeed very greedy, so angry that a group of women snorted softly.

"Brother one day! Give him a lesson!" Lingzhao said.

Nan Jin also hugged her hands and looked at it coldly. As for Miss Zhilin, she was much more generous, with a hint of evil in her smile, unmoved.

Let them test the big formation for so long, I will feel tired and crooked, and the data has been received a lot, so I don't need to continue to let them join forces, so I took out the Zhentian formation plate and planned to launch an attack.

The array shows the three-dimensional model of the large array at the moment, and Fenglan City is wrapped in the large array. Thirty-six Zhentian sword stones form a geometric plane to each other, forming a shape similar to a turtle shell. This is Defensive form, of course, if it adopts an attack form, its defense will correspondingly produce loopholes, so if you want to be foolproof, of course the defensive form is more secure.

"That's right, quickly shut down the big formation." Chi Chong finished with a sneer, looking to the left and right, and said: "Everyone, stop first, let our flagship enter and take over Fenglan City. There is no order for the rest, so we won't give it for the time being. Enter."

This Chi Chong is so overbearing, the other top sects suddenly yelled, but before they quarrel, I have slowly turned the Heavenly Sword Stone!

The angle at which the Zhentian Sword Stone can rotate is not large, but because of its huge cross section, and the distance and angle between the two, once the base is twisted a little, the attack area will be very different!

Just as the two burning sword faces slowly spread forward in infinitely extending triangles, the buttocks of the flying feather fairy ship of Wufeng City in front of them were scratched first, like a peacock spreading across the screen, this transparent triangle squeezed The pressure area is advancing rapidly in a wide area, and the immortal ship has not had time to react, and most of it disappeared in the blink of an eye!

As for the group of immortals standing at the stern of the ship, including Chi Chong, they didn’t even have time to react. They disappeared completely in the absolute squeeze of the triangle. Only layers of thick smoke rose in the sky, of course. , And the blood splashed everywhere at first.

The huge spaceship was squeezed and destroyed as a whole, spreading like the tip of a sword head, there were not too many traces left, and even the screams of Chi Chong hadn't even had time to make it.

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