Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7223: : Character

"Just look at what you have? If it's something you treat as a treasure, or something that you treat as a treasure, but it's not rare with me, don't take it out. We won't collect these treasures together." I laughed. Laughing, but seeing that the other person’s face didn’t feel embarrassing at all, I continued: “If it is a pill and alchemy treasure, things that can quickly improve cultivation, naturally we also want them. As for those things that are not needed now, We don’t accept it either."

The immortal family shook his head, and then said: "Fenglan City didn't build this town's sky formation before. I think this formation is terrifying. It is definitely not something that can be obtained normally, but it is so brand new. It’s new, so I judge that you might not have a master craftsman, but there must be some powerful craftsman masters. After all, the craftsmanship can be completed by map design, but it's definitely not possible without craftsman masters, right?"

"You have outstanding eyesight. The sky formation in this town was indeed built later. As for the map, it comes from the Peeping Mountain sect three thousand years ago." I secretly said that this guy has a lot of eyesight.

"Sure enough, since Dao Master Xia is so sincere, then I won't sell Guanzi. I don't actually have too many Mu Jing, but our Pinxu Pavilion has participated in the manufacturing of Fenglan City. For the structure of Fenglan City I understand very well that at the beginning of the construction of Fenglan City, Wufeng City used to customize design drafts with our Pinxu Pavilion, but unfortunately they were not built according to the method we originally envisioned. Instead, important parts were used with defective products. , So that Fenglan City has today’s predicament. This is why I felt that the Fenglan City that I designed might be dazzling because of this after I heard about Fenglan City, so I rushed here from Qianshan City in a hurry. It turned out to be the site of the fall of the young master of Wufeng City. Of course, the battle of the sect has nothing to do with our Pinxu Pavilion. Our Pinxu Pavilion only does its own business, so if Dao Xia can believe it, I can follow Dao Xia. All the materials are used to design the design drawings for the transformation of Fenglan City." The fifty-something Xianjia said earnestly.

Seeing the immortal family who was over half a hundred years old said that he was a designer, I couldn’t help looking at him in surprise. He was able to design a floating island to Yunmozhou. This was a great feat anyway, the other party’s reason. It is also very full. It is just to see the fall of the Fenglan City he designed. The designer will inevitably have enthusiasm. Whatever he designs, he will watch it reach the end anyway, so he came, but when he saw the Fenglan City Conversely, after finishing that one, he would of course feel that it should be more perfect, and then he recommended himself.

"Okay, since you are not here to do a transaction, you can come in now if you report your name. How many others are there?" I looked at the people behind him.

"In the Xianxu Pavilion of the Lower Grade, there are three Array Masters and Rune Masters from my Pinxu Pavilion. They also participated in the entire design. As for the remaining old immortal house, and this immortal... Yes." The fairy family looked at the old woman who was older than him.

The kind-eyed old woman didn’t wait for the other person to finish, and she stood up and said: “Old woman, I...cough cough...Old woman, I am just the lord of a small sect in Muxianzhou’s Yunyun sect. My surname is Le, called Leyou. He has been over 300 years old, coupled with long-term injuries and incurable years, the sect and the old woman are generally not in touch with the old woman now, and the wind and rain are precarious. This time, I came out of the mountains to visit my old friends. Zongmen took over our Xianle Sect, so that after the old lady wandered through the fairyland, the many immortal houses of the Zongmen would not be helpless, and it happened that an old friend who was invited by Fenglan City to come here would hunt and destroy the immortal blood crossing. The bandit thought that he would encounter all kinds of big sects. Unexpectedly, the good sects had never been seen. Instead, he saw the feat of Xia Daozhu who had few enemies before, but still did not hesitate to protect the female fairy around him. Old lady, I admire something in my heart, yearning for something, and seeing that Fenglan City has such a big formation, I wonder if I can come to Tuogumen? I beg Dao Master Xia to protect me from the weak of Xianlezong? If it is possible, the old lady will keep it in my hands. There is a treasure of the world, which can be given the right as a reward."

I looked at this old lady as if she was dead soon, and believed in my heart. Of course, it might be a spy, but since the other party has even said about the treasure of the world, it doesn’t seem like it is Fake, so I said: "Alright, please come in too. As for accepting the sect, of course I welcome it. After all, your disciple doesn't have any character when he wants to come, so you should love it like this, of course. , I know how I am, only Le Lao has seen it in person."

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