Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7224: : Planting grass

In addition to the old lady Leyou, there are two immortal families who are still staying. One of them introduced himself: "Lao Xian Licuo is a close friend of the master of Leyou. Mo Zhou seized the leader of the ship, and unfortunately, the old immortal was here, plus he wanted to introduce the masters of other sects to Sect Master Leyou, so he led a group of disciples and arrived in a small immortal boat, but he didn't expect it. The situation that has evolved to the present situation is really a mixed blessing. This time my big disciple Xianzhou is still driving around and avoiding, so for the time being I have nowhere to go. I wonder if I can follow Sect Master Leyou into the city?"

"Being responsible to my friends is where the faith lies. I have no reason to refuse this request. Please also come in with Sect Master Limin. When your big disciple comes, it will not be too late to leave." I laughed.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Li Min saluted and thanked him, but the old man looked at Feng Lan City with bright eyes, and he probably wanted to see it.

The sky formation in this town is forged by the Peeping Stone Crystal Mine. It is an existence that cannot be destroyed. Who can't watch it? You don't even have to look for a disciple to guard it. After all, there is no magic weapon, who has the ability to rub off a little powder? Of course, in order to increase employment opportunities and allow disciples to earn merit points, the task of guarding the front is still a perennial mission, usually one group per month, and both work and cultivation are not wrong. It is a very simple and safe mission. Of course, disciples Swarmed.


The remaining two almost unanimously, I scanned the two young girls, pointed to one of them and said, "You can talk first."

"Xie Xia Dao Master, Xia Xian Fengzhi, is the great elder of the Immortal Sect of Lin Dynasty, including me, we have seventy-four disciples of Xian Zong. Because of the remoteness, the operation of the sect is not easy, and because of the sea of ​​devil. At any time, because of the change of route, it will affect the harvest of the fairy grass resources of the sect. Therefore, there has been the idea of ​​relocating the sect. This time, at the order of the sect master, to find a place for cultivation, there are many fairy qi gathering places suitable for the operation of the sect. There are other sects occupying them, and they want to join other sects under their jurisdiction, but they are disgusted that my sect can only grow herbs. I have been wandering for several years. I have heard that this time the bandit, if it succeeds, the top sects The sect will use part of the income to reward the immortal door, so these days I joined the nearby as the name of Immortal Sect of the Lin Dynasty. Who would have imagined seeing Dao Master Xia’s vigorous vigor, and seeing the power of Fenglan City, I can’t get rid of it, so I dare to ask Xia Daozhu can we be included in the Immortal Sect of the Immortal Dynasty into the Heavenly One?" It's really not that much.

However, it is a rare herbivorous sect. I already like it a little bit in my heart. Of course, I still asked blankly: "Oh, a small sect of more than 70 people is still a sect that only has the technology of planting herbs. , Then why did you choose our Fenglan City? Herbs need to consume a lot of spiritual energy to grow. Our Fenglan City is not particularly outstanding in this aspect. I think other top immortal sects are more equipped with this strength?"

"Xia Daozhu’s words are in the interests of most sects. Even our Immortal Sect in the dynasty really consumes the aura of the sect’s territory. Otherwise, we won’t end up looking for the remote area of ​​the Demon Qi Sea. The concentration of the spiritual energy will be more arbitrary. Of course, because it is too random, there is a huge gap in the annual harvest. However, we have been used to the magic energy of Tongtian Mountain for hundreds of years after the establishment of the sect of Xianzong. In dealing with the sea, some interesting planting methods have been researched over the years. The reason for choosing Fenglan City is actually because Fenglan City flies in the sky and is the closest to the magic sea, so whether it is in the magic sea Flying on the edge, or flying close to the sky, will have the most suitable place for planting. That's why Fengzhi dares to ask Dao Master Xia at the risk." Fengzhi smiled politely, very amorous.

I nodded and said, "Alright, you should also come and investigate first. Although my **** is from Luomu Valley in Yunmozhou and is good at planting immortal grasses, it still needs to be cultivated for the cultivation of immortal grasses like Muxianzhou. It just so happens that you Lin Dynasty Xianzong are good at this, or there may be a hit-and-run place. Of course, my situation in Fenglan City is here. You plan to settle in my Fenglan City, but you also need to be aware of the dangers."

"Of course I am mentally prepared, and thank Dao Master Xia!" Fengzhi looked surprised, and seemed to be fascinated.

I looked at the last remaining young female fairy and asked, "Who is the name of Fellow Daoist? What's the matter?"

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