Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7225: : Nanjia

"I... my name is Yong Qiu, it's... I'm a guest from Beidi Nanjia, I'm here to ask for help..." The average appearance of this horrendous world is not low, and the female fairy looks relatively ordinary, but The calm temper is quite outstanding, or as a young man, she might be the last to speak.

"Ask for help? Haha, didn't you find the right place for help? Don't we need help in Fenglan City at this moment?" I smiled, now maybe Fenglan City is still the mud bodhisattva crossing the river, how can I take care of other family affairs? ?

The immortals on the side couldn’t help but laugh. This embarrassed the woman named Yongqiu, but she still bit her head and said, “The Nanjia in Beidi is a small family, but the ancestors have passed down a set of land-level techniques. , So it has always been coveted by other families and sect forces, but because people of non-ethnic blood cannot cultivate, even if the family members are thinner than other families, they can still be retained, but this has also caused a lot of trouble. The matter is that the women of the clan are extremely worried by all forces. Once the clan girls are a little older, the threshold for proposers will be crossed, and even when they are young, they have been coerced and lured into marriage..."

"They want their offspring to be contaminated with some Nan family bloodline, so they can learn that set of ground-level techniques?" I asked curiously.

"That's the case, but this whole set of ground-level techniques is also not easy to learn. It doesn't look at the purity of the bloodline, nor does it look at the aptitude. It is almost randomly selected from the children who have that kind of bloodline. Come out, so every year, Beidi Nanjia will conduct a clan test for children in the clan, so that disciples who have a trace of the Nan clan inside and outside the clan come to the clan for the test... But this is not the point. The point is this time our Nan clan girl. , That is, my guard is a selected child. When I was young, he passed the test and practiced this set of land-level exercises. It stands to reason that the child with such conditions already has the ability to become the elder of the clan. , Even the condition of the sovereign, shouldn't marry other forces... after all, their offspring have a high probability of passing the bloodline test..." Yong Qiu sighed.

I nodded, knowing roughly what she was going to say, and said: "So your lady was forced to marry, and the other party's power is outrageous? So I sent you out for help? A coincidence and a search for the bandit team. Walking together, seeing that Fenglan City dared to resist the major sects, and even Wu Fengcheng didn't pay attention to it, so he put the goal of asking for help on our Tianyi?"

"This... is indeed the case, but it is not exactly what Dao Master Xia said. The goal of my request for help is actually the Sect Master of another sect. I wanted to convince the other party to persuade the elder of Zi Ruxuan to order him to give up. I begged to marry our lady, but it failed later, so I followed my friend, and the great elder who chased Zi Ruxuan all the way, was planning to ask him for help..." Yong Qiu said.

"Sorry, our Fenglan City is helpless now. You have seen it. Isn't this a lot of work? If anyone comes to us for help, then we don't have to rush to our main business, so we also invite a girl. Let's try my best first, maybe the great elder of Zi Ruxuan suddenly found out that he could help." I said lightly.

Yong Qiu sighed quietly, and could only put his hands over and said, "It's... disturbing Dao Master Xia, but Yong Qiu is still very grateful for the opportunity to speak, so don't pass it first..."

I nodded, and secretly said that the girl was very polite, and just as the other party was about to turn around, Nan Jin beside me suddenly stood up and asked loudly: "Wait, you are the waitress from the Nan family in Beidi. Nan surnames are rare, but what does it have to do with our Nan family?"

"Ah? Are you from the Nan family? I don't know what your name is?" Yong Qiu asked in surprise.

"My dad Nanzhi, my name is Nan Jin, I come from Yunmozhou, I don't know if I have contact with your Beidi Nanjia..." Nan Jin said.

"Nanzhi? The Nan family's bloodline test failed, and there are no children who joined other sects, but they definitely didn't go to Yunmozhou, so your Nan family and Beidi Nan family may be okay." Yong Qiu listened a little bit. Disappointed, I originally planned to pull the relationship with the Lanan family, but now it seems to be okay after listening.

"My dad said before that in the South of Yunmozhou, there are actually a lot of people who sacrificed blood to Muxianzhou, but most of the people who have connections have joined other sects to protect our South of Yunmozhou. Of course , And some of them are too old and disconnected. In the end, everything is untestable. I think that maybe your Nan family will be somewhat related to our Nan family..." Nan Jin said.

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