Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7230: : Foundation

"Isn't it, will I have such a strong increase at that point? If I go all out, won't my cultivation base advance at a speed against the sky?" Nan Jin's eyes widened, feeling the fluctuations in his body's breath. Shocked.

Only oneself knows the speed of entry, so her expression is enough to explain the horror of this fairy music, but even if it is a surprise, I can't let the little girl get too excited and despise the practice, so I said: "Haste is not fast, although Xianlezuo is a good thing, but you have to know that cultivation is not just a matter of speed of entry."

"Ah? That's not the problem of entering the country? What is the problem? We have no shortage of advanced resources. You have paved the way for us. Let's just go forward. Besides, the exercises, what kind of medicine, we The least lacks it." Nan Jin said with a grin.

"How do you say it, but these are not the only factors that affect the advancement. Sometimes, proper experience will make the cultivation more solid, and the actual combat experience will be more. The batches are not much different from the puppets." Said with a smile.

"No, we also have discussions in private, and the martial arts field is also built. All floors are forged with peeping stones. No matter how you beat them, it won't be broken, I'm afraid it will break people." Nan Yan mumbled. road.

The little girl is clever, I can only open my hands and completely give up the persuasion, but after understanding the little girl's character, I watched the fairy music in my hand, and came up with new ideas.

Xianyuezuo is an artifact that accelerates the spiritual pulse. Its stability depends entirely on the state of the score accepted by the recipient. So this means that the player must have a good stable playing ability, and for the recipient to accept it. The state of the scale, that is to say, if the person who plays is in a mess, he plays the wrong scale slightly while maximizing the activation of the recipient's spiritual channel, and it does not rule out that it will harm the recipient.

And sometimes when you enter the stage of rushing, you suddenly switch a few scales or something, the problem may turn into confusion.

If you are playing for a familiar person and there is only one score, then the probability of making mistakes is of course low. But what if you experience hundreds of people and have thousands of tracks in your mind? This means that it is very likely that something went wrong while blowing. First, it slowed down the ripening time, and second, it is very easy to cause various big problems, because people are casual, and the things in their minds are not programmed things.

Another point is that in the long process of cultivation, playing celestial music for a long time is very energetic, and there is no guarantee that everything is correct after a long time.

Therefore, I immediately thought of using something like a computer program. Thinking of this, I immediately asked Nan Jin to recruit the rose medicine, and worked with her to study the relationship between the music scores corresponding to the spiritual veins. The next greet correspondence, and the optimal plan that was researched and identified together with the rose medicine, once the corresponding spiritual veins are paired, the entire spiritual vein music score will be formed.

Unsurprisingly, after passing through almost all acquaintances who practiced different spiritual roots, different exercises and mental methods within us for a few days and nights, we finally came up with a preliminary score comparison, although every scale sometimes It's not the best choice for this spirit pulse, but at least it is a very adaptable scale, at least in terms of synchronization rate, it is currently the best solution.

And with the comparison of this music score, what was left was a complicated process of programmatic representation. I immediately started brainstorming and calculated the extremely complex rune pattern, which matched the spiritual veins of those who entered the big formation. , Based on the other party's spiritual veins, converted the music score specifically corresponding to those who entered the big formation, and then used the instrument to run the fairy music to play this divine flute.

Once the magic flute is enabled to play music that is best for the recipient, the other party will naturally have no concerns about possible errors in performance, and also use Mu Jing as a driving force to perfectly solve the mechanized repetitive process of continuous performance. Of course, rely on the machine to start Xian music Playing music is very exhausting for Mu Jing, so of course the big array must adopt coin-operated methods.

If a disciple wants to use this fairy music array to practice, he must invest enough Mu Jing to start and run it, so that he can experience a hundred times more practice through the large array. As for where Mu Jing comes from, it’s easy, because Mu Jing It can be regarded as meritorious all the resources. If the disciples want to accelerate their cultivation, they must also bring benefits and contributions to the sect.

After spending several days, I finally used the gold furnace to forge a huge formation. The formation will be placed in the core area of ​​Fenglan City. I will name this high-level facility Xianle Temple. The disciples of one group can naturally grow up by relying on the temple, of course, they can also be loaned to the outer door, and the fee for using it has to be calculated separately.

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