Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7231: : Mingdong

Seeing that a temple was directly taken out of the gold furnace by me, and then placed next to Fenglan Temple, a large hall that was easily cleaned out. Everyone was astonished. They looked at the temple of Xianle, and there were even disciples who wanted it. I went in to find Miss Fairy, but as soon as I saw the huge cost that was calculated in a quarter of an hour based on the time, I was so scared that I couldn't speak.

In addition to choosing to consume the merits above, there are also those who use Mu Jing for consumption. The clearly marked price also makes all the disciples of Tianyi be speechless, discussing what it is.

I had already thought about the introduction, I immediately drew out a long sword, swiped a few times to get the introduction, and in order to test the situation of the Xianle Temple, I had to be a guinea pig first, so I paid for it. After entering the situation of my current Yuan Ying's cultivation level that has not yet reached the perfection in the late Yuan Ying period, I put in enough feats and walked into the big formation in full view.

The outside will show the user’s cultivation status, entry time, time limit for use, etc. This is of course approved for use by immortals. Herbs or animals are not within the scope of borrowing the temple, because this is an internally controlled resource. Only a few insiders are allowed to use it, and I will not tell others that there is such a function, otherwise it will only cause huge trouble.

After sitting down in the center of the large array made by Peeping Stone, the soothing flute sounded soon. Because of the redesign of the music score of Xianyuezuo, even my complex roots of heaven and earth, Xianyuezuo can I played it with ease, because I am afraid that there is no more complicated spiritual vein in the entire Liangyi Heaven and Earth, and the innate spiritual root of Mei Yao makes us who are very representative spiritual root immortals compile advanced programs. Base.

When I entered the celestial music, I quickly felt the accelerating flow of the veins. This music is almost comparable to the law of time. It is also one of the special laws of the two worlds. The title of artifact is not enough to call such a treasure.

The external cost does not include cultivation resources, so of course the introduction also mentions a hundred times the cultivation speed and the possible corresponding huge consumption. The harsh conditions prevent the entry of ordinary disciples. Of course, the lower the cultivation base, the speed of collecting enough resources. The sooner it will be, at least the time has made everyone feel that it is worth the money, especially for those who continue to improve their cultivation strength.

When I just came in, I already saw that the excitement of the old man Kong Lian could not be concealed. He possessed a huge amount of merit. It is estimated that the Guyishan Clan will have a qualitative change soon. Of course, they The senior management is already very powerful, and the improvement will certainly not be too great.

Moreover, the old man estimated that he would not spend the merit value indiscriminately. Otherwise, after so many years, how could he save such a wealth of wealth?

As time passed by, this monitoring array monitored the various indicators of my body’s spiritual veins, and even changed the speed and regularity of my performance with my emotions. It passed into my mind like light music. The body allows my cultivation speed to move forward with a hundred times the vitality.

Before long, Yuan Ying Dzogchen I breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the time used was less than half an hour. The speed of this hundred times is comparable to the training speed of several days. In fact, I and Dzogchen can’t be better. It's just one step away.

After leaving the big formation, looking at the reminder, my cultivation level at the moment has reached the Yuan Ying Great Perfection, and the disciples are already in a state of exhilarating and exclaiming, I know that this Xianle Temple will become Fenglan City punching practice in the future. To the ground.

There is nothing better than looking at my cultivation base and entering the realm. Everyone is vying to discuss the magic of this Xianle Temple. Of course, the principle is that they can't think of it even if they want to break their heads.

The Xianyang of Pinxu Pavilion and several of his disciples, Fengzhi, the great elder of Immortal Sect in the dynasty, Old Immortal Licou of Xianzong of Changle, and Keqing Yongqiu of Beidi Nanjia, were all shocked. I was shocked by the thunderous appearance of the Xianle Temple.

Of course, I was puzzled by the tenfold increase in the original price for the use of foreign clan, and I said that I couldn't afford it.

In fact, in terms of the consumption of Mu Jing required by the cultivation base and spiritual pulse drive, this price is indeed not very reasonable, but I am not a charity. Of course it is the cost price, but it is already an extra benefit if the external door does not prohibit the use. How can we maintain the daily maintenance and operation of this artifact without making a lot of money?

The fragrance of wine is not afraid of the deep alleys. I believe that with this terrifying effect, this Xianle Temple will definitely soon become famous in the world!

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