Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7232: : Incorporated

However, it is not realistic to earn advanced money from the Temple of Xianle. In fact, the most fundamental use is to promote the birth of herbs, and to allow super mythical beasts such as Xiao Tun to quickly cultivate and evolve. This requires rose medicine to operate, so Xianle Temple In the spare time that is not used by some people, it is necessary to ripen the herbs and let Xiao Tun advance to practice. It is also because the advancement is a fine work, and it cannot be accelerated too much, otherwise it will be ignored when laying the foundation. The foundation has led to the arrival of the bottleneck of later cultivation, and it will not be worth the loss if you stop at a certain cultivation level.

I can’t let my disciples follow my path step by step like a babysitter. Governing sects is a very complicated subject. Too much fineness and excessive intervention will lead to unpredictable bottlenecks in sects, like governing a big country like cooking a small one. Fresh, as long as the guidance is proper, the time left is right.

And in the process of refining the Temple of Xianle, Miss Zhilin and other senior executives successfully held the trade fair perfectly. I was right. Zhilin is very good at trading, and these businessmen lack hope. With so many resources that we only have, so on the whole, we have achieved a flat transaction, which is equivalent to hollowing out almost all the value that should be available.

After all, many top sects are under the scrutiny. These profiteers all know that there is a lack of a huge amount of Mu Jing, and they all have the idea of ​​running away from a wave of hot spots, but the result has brought us a balance. This means that it is already a very successful case.

And what makes me most gratified is that several of these profiteers actually joined Tianyi directly, not for other reasons. It is their idea to experience the Temple of Xianle at the price of a disciple, but it is not easy to become a disciple of Tianyi. Once you enter the Tao, It is impossible to withdraw easily, and they have to make some sacrifices.

As for those who left, in addition to the disciples of other sects, there are also some casual cultivators. They will definitely tell the other sects what Feng Lan City saw, and they will definitely make the world's immortal family rush to them in the future.

But this is all for the future. At the moment, Pinxu Pavilion’s Zou Yang and a few disciples have stepped up to redesign the power furnace, and the materials needed are also going to Qianshan City to purchase. I have also looked at the preliminary design plan. Once again, the level of sophistication is already very commendable. After all, it turned out to be abandoned by the top sects such as Wufeng City. Because the consumed materials and prices are calculated by astronomical figures, which sect can tilt such a huge resource like mine?

After all, this is the nest of my Tianyi. No matter how expensive it is, it must be accepted. After reading the design drawings, I also gave my own opinions and suggestions for improvement, as well as various advanced ideas and ideas. , All this made Zou Yang astonished, and I completely expressed it on the design drawing with my vision overnight.

Looking at the new scheme of the power furnace, although I feel that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the new materials, I simply pulled the rose medicine, focusing on the new material, and also imagined the energy of the power furnace to generate energy. The possibility of fusion, after this point was raised, the power furnace began to advance to the burning of even more terrifying materials.

"If you want such materials, you have to make various attempts. Give me time." Mei Yao didn't dare to ask for it. Although she was very good at rearranging matter, she had to match the burning energy similar to nuclear energy. It can't be done in a day or two, so after advancing in this way, I have to do other things.

Fengzhi, the great elder of Lin Dynasty Xianzong, was beyond words to express his satisfaction with this investigation of Fenglan City, and his admiration for me was even more so. The upper elder Kong Mu and others followed up, and only powerful envoys could reflect the style of Tianyi.

In addition, there is also the Nanjia of Beidi now with the advancement of Fenglan City, and the time is expected to catch up, so Yongqiu will stay in Fenglan City for the time being. After all, Nan Jin also needs to strengthen his cultivation base, so I can go to the south. Home is also useful.

All that was left was Li Cou. Several of his disciples came to greet him, but in the end, the old man didn’t rush to leave. He also spent a huge sum of money to let his close disciple experience a temple of Xianle. Quickly, the old man probably wanted to find a way to practice one or two free exercises with me, but he was a little too easy to say.

And because I am the spiritual root of heaven and earth, I also need to be cautious when advancing to the Divine Transformation Realm. It should be a good time to wait for a better time for the stable Yuan Ying, so the inclusion of Xian Lezong is on the agenda.

Hearing this news, Old Immortal Li Cou rushed to me in a hurry: "Old Immortal Li Cou's knowledge of Xianle Sect is almost like his own, so let me accompany Dao Master Xia to Xianle Sect. Thanks to Dao Xia for treating us as his own!"

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