Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7270: : Completed

Most of the problems among them are concentrated on the Dongfu. Most of the reason is that Fenglan City is a bit crowded. You must know that there were hundreds of people when they came from Yunmozhou. At that time, the palace owner of Fenglan City had already indicated that they could accept it. This number is at most, and now so many big and small sects have been forced to enter. Let alone the number of cave houses, if it is to build a tall building or something, it is enough to live from house to house, but that is the way of life of mortals.

The immortal family world lives very lonely. If it is too close, the aura is not enough, so no one will practice in the market, unless there is a secret room for the aura, but this requires the power of the earth veins, and Fenglan City is not. The existence of this thing is now tantamount to being in the Datongpu, relative to the mountain range of the Zongmen, which is often hundreds of miles away, the density of the Dongfu is far from the distance, of course, it is crowded.

No one wants to practice in such a place, so there are a lot of conflicts that have spawned, and there are a lot of conflicts. Therefore, it is not because of the affairs between the caves, or because of some chain reactions caused by the caves. Of course, there are also some infrastructure problems, such as merits. The issue of output.

As more and more immortal families join, earning merits is indispensable. Too much reliance on merits will disturb Qingxiu, so too much materialization also brings more competition, although it has been foreseen long ago, To be diversified, there must be a vast and safe area.

In addition, now the Muxianzhou Zongmen Alliance is besieged and not attacked. Fenglan City is like a tortoise shell. The disciples can’t get in or out. The basic tasks performed by Fenglan City immediately squeezed its head and was welcomed. This imbalance between internal and external has also caused the contradictions of all parties to become prominent.

If the flies outside cannot be completely resolved, Fenglan City is afraid that there will be major problems before Zhongyuanzhou.

After reviewing the problems left in everyone's heart, I was relieved to persuade them to go away temporarily.

But now I am also in deep thought. In addition to constructing the arrangement method of Yunmeng artifacts in my heart, I am also thinking about how to make the sky stable together.

The big array didn't stump me. The most indispensable thing in Fenglan City now is the material, so it didn't take long for everyone to see that several round big arrays were supporting them.

Everyone didn't know what this meant. It wasn't until I finished laying out the entire formation and then drew an overall map of Yunmeng Xianzong, and everyone suddenly understood what was going on.

This plan is called the Yunmeng Development Plan. There are six peaks in the entire Tibetan Mountain. In addition to the surrounding five peaks, the central peak also contains the main peak.

As an outer door, the highest realm is God becoming Dzogchen. Only when you enter this realm can you begin to practice in the Tibetan world of the inner sect. As for the water-storage land, it is only used for normal body tempering. After all, not everyone can afford immortals. Le Temple, and the ones that need Yuan Ying to temper the body cover all the disciples.

Although Tibetan Heaven and Earth is an Inner Sect, it hasn't been opened for the time being. After all, no one has surpassed the Divine Transformation Realm.

The Yunmeng Xianzong’s Tibetan Mountain occupies the most extensive area. After spreading out, the sky of the entire Fenglan City is only its entrance, so after passing through the clouds and fog of the sky, you can come to the Tibetan Mountain. The world designs on the upper and lower ends all come from the Heavenly Sword Fairy Gate.

Of course, before the opening, it is the most important thing to clean up the poison and collect the talents of the major sects that are still stuck in it. Together with all the core personnel, I have set many tasks for the development of the Tibetan Mountain.

Thousands of fine-tuned tasks quickly spread over the sect assembly hall, including those to catch stubborn criminals, persuade the disciples of the foreign sect, to take over the major areas, and to neutralize the poison and restore the Tibetan mountain.

The disciples have already understood the situation through the Yunmeng development plan, and have long been waiting excitedly for the opening of the Yunmeng gate, so according to their own abilities, they have received tasks that suit them. These tasks are repeated and unique. All are tailor-made for the development of Zongmen.

Of course, before opening the gate of Yunmeng, we must first solve the flies outside. After all, the gate of Yunmeng has just opened, and a large amount of energy needs to be temporarily pumped. At that time, Zhentian formation could not take care of covering the entire sect. The best way to prevent attacks is to solve the enemy in advance.

I don't know why the other party and I have a tacit understanding. After I set up the weird array, Wufeng City has begun to entangle all the sects outside our dock.

This time, hundreds of immortal boats gathered like a swarm of bees and did not disperse, as if an army was crushing the realm. Needless to say, the number of disciples must be several times higher than that of us.

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