Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7271: :flight

Each team riveted the power of the fleet, and various attacking babies took turns on the field, or light breakthrough, or physical impact, martial arts and spiritual skills hit Fenglan City in an instant.

The Zhentian Formation has been in a state of activation. The moment the attack reaches the light curtain, it disintegrates directly. No attack can break through the defense of Fenglan City, but it seems that the first wave of attacks has been expected to be invalid, and the alliance does not intend to give up. Many intensive attacks followed one after another, as if this time they had to break through the Zhentian Formation regardless of the cost.

I took a look at the formation of Zhentian Formation, and the energy dropped by two points from the full state. This attack was indeed very violent, so this terrifying force should not be underestimated. It can be said that Wufengcheng has a big face. , Actually gathered so many sects, and even disregarded the cost of consumption.

The death of Young City Lord, Wufeng City, must find the scene back. This time it is said that all the sects have gained a lot of benefits from the Wind City. Otherwise, who would be so desperate?

However, no one is willing to make concessions in the core interests, and Wufeng City didn't say a word about the decision after breaking through Fenglan City.

I can't always let the other party attack me. Appropriate counterattacks are also necessary. Of course, the enemy must also prevent sneak attacks from behind.

But my purpose is not limited to this. They are still quite difficult to deal with outside. They may have learned well. Now in order to prevent my previous corner attack, they have arranged strong people up and down, so that it will be convenient once If I make a corner attack, they will take advantage of it.

Therefore, the Zhentian Formation must not be moved, but if the enemy can think of it, I will naturally not use it again, so I am going to change the gameplay.

The Zhentian Formation can close a part of the area, at least it will be no problem to go out, so I opened the area above Fenglan City, and I flew out from the upper exit. This time I led dozens of elites in the **** change realm. Power, after flying out from above, immediately launched an attack on the alliance.

The unprepared alliance flanks have a chaotic rhythm, but the attack did not bring much effect. The elders of the wind city immediately ordered all the flanks to attack us. Although dozens of divine transformations are very strong, but the opponent's flanks have a lot of divine transformations. .

Seeing the densely packed boats and the fairy houses coming out, I led everyone back when the counterattack had just begun. The route of the retreat was to return to the original road. In addition to fleeing and counterattack, all of the enemy's flanks were all moths to the fire. The guidance to the top of Fenglan City.

"Everyone, speed up! They didn't dare to close the exit above! We staggered their positions!"

"Melee! Fight with them!"

"As long as they get into the melee, they won't dare to open the entrance above!"

"Li Ling is faint! This surname Xia is not that good!"

The melee is of course very dangerous, but as long as the God Transformation Infant does not die, there is still room for recovery, so the other party's fairy family bravely dragged us into the melee, seeing the flanks actually entangle us, this enlightened wind city Sure enough, the order of the wing has changed, and the other flank, together with the defending troops above, also began to tilt and attack, all coming towards us dozens of elites.

When I saw the situation was almost the same, I immediately announced the retreat. There are too many enemies, so it is impossible to win by myself. The opponent is now almost besieging us by five or six. Such a dangerous move, even if I am bold. Dare to take.

So from the beginning, he was running and fighting, and then almost fleeing in the back, which immediately excited the alliance.

"Follow them into Fenglan City! As many people as they can enter! As long as they enter, it is a massacre!"

"Kill them all!"

The warships rushed over one by one, almost reaching the limit, so even if we flee, they would definitely rush into Fenglan City.

At this moment, all the immortal families in Fenglan City all face fear, because now the sky above their heads is full of enemies, and if the Zhentian formation is turned on, the little friends outside will not be able to enter, and they will eventually be surrounded and wiped out. Therefore, no one is not nervous at the moment.

Once a breakthrough is made, the immortal family here will suffer, and the time for everyone to practice is still too short. Only the elite can stand a battle, and the other immortal families are equivalent to meat sheep. As soon as the hunter comes in, the result of being slaughtered is left.

No one knows why I am so aggressive, including a group of elites who just blindly follow me to assign tasks, after all, the feats in this battle are very impressive.

And just as we fled back, the next moment, a white light flashed in front of us, and everyone was surprised to find that they had come to a strange place.

Including the fleet of the alliance and the immortals, all of them are looking at this paradoxical world dumbfounded, and it is not Fenglan City at their feet!

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