Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7272: : Grim

"You guys! What did you do?!"

"Here...Where is this?"

"It's not Fenglan City!? Where is this?!"

A group of immortals were shocked beyond words, but I didn’t bother to pay attention to them, and went all the way towards the world below. Of course, the elites I led followed closely. They had more or less seen the map of Yunmeng Mountain, so At a glance, I can tell that this is the Yunmeng Wonderland, so the reaction is much faster than that of the Alliance Fairy Family, and all of them followed me to the world below.

Although there are several strong alliances among them, for me, this is an acceptable category, which has opened most of the fleet and the fairy family. Seeing that there are more fleets rushing into the sea of ​​clouds, I know that the immortal family and fleet outside of Fenglan City must have rushed in, after all, they thought they were entering Fenglan City.

But who would have thought that when I led the large troops out, I had already opened the entrance of the Tibetan Mountain in the Yunmeng Wonderland. When I went out, it was outside the Fenglan City, but when I came back, it was the Tibetan Mountain. Anyone can break into Fenglan City.

They thought they were clever, but they actually entered a ruin. They couldn't get out here, which meant they would be harassed by poisonous gas, but I could just wait for them to nuisance them.

I was put in my pocket, and I told you to kill or slash it. I took out the Star Sky Division and drew out a certain range of people directly, although by the way, I had seven or eight strong players in the alliance. , But now the situation has been reversed. We have dozens of elites to deal with their seven or eight strong.

So the people in Wufeng City outside were all stunned. Seeing that we beat up these seven or eight alliance powerhouses internally, they couldn’t fight back and couldn’t help. The key is the fleets in the sky and a group of elite immortals, representatives of the major sects. All were gone, and one after another, people who didn't know what happened were rushing into the clouds.

Of course, I can't let them enter the land of Tibetan mountains indefinitely, because if we accommodate more, they will also become a small force, and they will be scattered and explored inside, and I will slowly form a group to enter the hunter's head.

After all, a lot of them have entered, but if they want to come out, they will inevitably explore this Tibetan mountain place. Of course they gather and I can’t eat them. It’s much easier to disperse.

The immortal family without a head of dragons must be dizzy in the place where there is poisonous fog everywhere in the land of Tibetan mountains, and they can't save it outside.

After seeing the immortal house that was in the sky, I closed the entrance and activated the Zhentian Formation seamlessly. The next moment, it was like an electric mosquito swatter, a group of people still planning to break into Fenglan City. Both the ship and the Xianjia began to explode in the air.

Only one or two ships and seven or eight immortals escaped back. This bottomless pit became a power grid, better than a purgatory on earth. Watching this scene happen, the leader of Wufeng City estimated that he would vomit blood.

But even so, they still did not retreat. I led the elites to **** a few strong men who surrendered to the dock, which is only separated from the other side by a light curtain of the sky formation, and such a big thing happened. The Supreme Elder of Wufeng City couldn't sit still.

It is said that the elders at the upper level have mastered the core power of the entire Wufeng City. This time, they were very courageous. They took two assistants of the gods to reach the perfection and stood on the periphery of the light curtain.

"Junior, what did you do?" The old man has a grim face, it seems that he has been in power for many years, and the two middle-aged people behind him are not disciples, but they are also close people.

"It's nothing, just catch them, why?" I laughed.

"Hurry up and let them go! You are looking for death against our Wufeng City, and you dare to talk to us like this?!" One of the Xianjia suddenly pointed at me and cursed.

I smiled, and the Zhentian formation plate in my hand immediately swiped toward the front. The next moment, the two light curtains changed from a flat surface to a bend and extended toward the front, at a very fast speed.

The elder Taishang reacted extremely quickly and immediately backed away frantically. The wind-attribute footwork disappeared as soon as he slipped away. He also pulled away one of the female celestial beings, which is probably related to the household, but the clamoring middle-aged male celestial is not that way. Fortunately, but the gods have grown to a perfect cultivation base, racing against the large array of light curtains at such a position close to the dock, I can only say that they were too courageous before.


He only heard the sound of explosive body, and a pool of God-Transformed Infant’s blood stain exploded in the space, and the sound of inhaling air-conditioning was not only on the other side, but also on our side.

God's becoming Dzogchen can be regarded as a number of existence in Muxianzhou, but now it seems to be vulnerable.

The old man grabbed the beautiful-looking middle-aged fairy and appeared on the ship of Wufeng City. His mouth was shaking with anger, but he couldn't say a word.

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