Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7289: : Input

This is similar to a stone such as Tianyuanbaoyu, but it is forged by people who want to pass on the practice. It is not difficult for me to unlock it, and it is precisely because of this that I am willing to go through this.

After defrauding the formation technique to obtain the most complete technique, I withdrew the unlocked spiritual veins and saw everyone looking at me with surprise, I smiled and said: "Okay, I have copied this set of exercises. , But if you want to cultivate it now, you really need to have the blood of the Nan family. After all, it has blood limits."

"That means that even the Nan family may not be able to learn the full set?" Nan Lin asked hurriedly, but he didn't doubt whether I really got the full set of exercises, because the momentum just now represented everything.

"It's not that, in fact, this set of exercises does have restrictions, but I can recompile it so that all immortals can practice. Of course, the master leads the door and the practice depends on individuals. It depends on how much you can practice. Qualifications and talents." I really want to recompile, at least remove the restriction on the Nan family bloodline, so that Tianyi's disciple will have one more choice.

"Even the exercise can be recompiled? Dao Master Xia is really powerful." Nan Lin looked admired.

Even Nan's exercises can be taken away, and it is even more determined that Nan Lin is determined to leave here. After he left, he immediately went to speed up the moving process, and we all walked around the mountains while waiting for the Blue Mountain Sect. The fairy family came to seek revenge.

Of course, there is also the issue of me recompiling Nanjia magical works.

Of course, Nan Jin and Lingzhao are also very interested in this set of exercises. After all, the added effect of the set of exercises is beyond doubt, and it is more powerful than the combination of exercises in bulk.

So when I proposed to start compiling the exercises, Nan Jin and Lingzhao did not bother, of course, in order to be able to learn from the actual abilities of the exercises and combine the methods of exercises obtained, someone still needs to cooperate to complete them. This person is the only Nanxue who has learned the full set of Nanjia exercises.

This time, Nanlin arranged us in a special courtyard for the Nanjia guests. Here you can see the whole picture of the Nanjia. Nanjin and Lingzhao live in the courtyard, and I live in the main attic.

At my invitation, Yong Qiu didn't come this time, also to help Nan Xue tidy up her belongings. Only Nan Xue sat in front of me with a stiff expression, a little unnatural.

"Don’t be too nervous, just like Nan Jin and Lingzhao. When you are with me, there will be no pressure. Don’t be affected by what I did in your hospital before. I will only deal with bad people. Just ask your heart. No shame, why be afraid of it?" I smiled gently.

"No...it's not like that! I don't think Xia Daozhu is fierce. In fact, what you did that day was me... I also thought about it many times... They were too **** good, they died well, and... and since that incident, the clan Many people in China are applauded! So how could I feel that the Taoist Lord is not good because of this?" Nanxue explained hurriedly, her expression slightly flustered.

"Isn't there? Haha, that seems to be a lone man and a widow living in the same room, making you feel shy?" I amused.

"Ah?! This... how could this happen? Daozhu Xia is upright! Even if you are alone in the same room, I think... I don't think there will be anything! Even others, I don't dare to think about it!" Nan Xue said anxiously again.

I laughed and said, "Do I look so upright? If so, there will be no girls willing to be with me in the future. The so-called men are not bad and women don't love me."

"No...no, no, it must be liked by many people. Daozhu Xia is such an excellent person, who is still so smart and anxious. He must be the best man in many people's minds..." Nan Xue hurriedly replied.

I saw her panicking, and couldn't help teasing her: "Including you?"

"Eh? Dao Master Xia... why do you ask?" Nan Xue was stunned, and Guazi's face suddenly became red.

I smiled and continued to tease her: "Did you know? To change the method of being determined by others, not only requires a reference object, but also an in-depth study of the object. Undressing and **** are all minimal, like The spiritual channel travels around the body, and it is important to investigate the spiritual channel changes brought about by the operation of some exercises, so it is not important that you say that you like me or hate me? If you hate me, when doing this , There is a lot of resistance in my heart, which leads to inaccuracy when collecting data, but on the contrary, is it possible to devote myself to it?"

When Nan Xue heard this, her face turned red. Of course, I didn't need to do this. I just wanted to see how the beauty of this college department would deal with this problem. Seeing her embarrassed, I couldn't help being a little amused.

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